chapter 1- the new school year

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Angela’s Pov

The first two years of high school were the greatest. Now I am a junior in high school.

The funniest thing is we were acquaintances then, now we’re friends. The coolest guy in school, Steve Miller and I are friends. He is going the same school as me, I wonder if our friendship will survive.

I stood by my locker, trying to open it. All of a sudden, he stood right next to me.

“Oh, hi Steve. Can I help you with something?”

“Yeah, you can. You kind of in my way, this is my locker right here.” Awkward silence.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t know. So we’re locker buddies now.”

“Yeah, I guess we are. What do you have first period?”


“Me too. We can walk to class together. Just let me get my books.” When he finished grabbing his things, we walked down to homeroom together. Everyone was staring at us, as we were a couple.

We’re just friends, I doubt he would want to be dating me. He’s a gentleman, and very determined, hilarious and smart. I’m stubborn and jokey, no similarities.

As we walk though, I wonder if we would make a good couple. We started to walk and talk, I made him laugh, and he made me laugh. It was like that all the way to homeroom.

I never realize that I like his company so much. It was destiny.

But if those girls see us together, I will never get peace on that subject. So I started to ease away from him, but when I move, he moves. It is like he doesn’t want me to leave.

Maybe he did like my company. NOT!

He was just being friendly. A girl like me can’t go out with a guy like him. We live in two different universes. When we reached homeroom I took a seat in the second row and he sits right next to me, asking if I mind. I told him no.

Because it was the first day of school, we had no work to do so we talked for that whole period non-stop. We actually had a lot in common. We both like the same music, games and actors. But I can’t figure out who acts the best in what movie. That was the longest argument I ever had with a person.

Then the bell rang and I was kind of disappointed. But we got to continue our conversation when we went back to our lockers to change books. We had to separate then, because I had History and he had Geography. We were nearly inseparable.

History was boring; I guess it was because Steve wasn’t there. I haven’t seen Daniella, Jennifer, Mike and Tiffani for the day, either.

Daniella Jonas is a wanna be. She says that she has the same blood as the Jonas Brothers, as if. She has brown hair, blue eyes and has an average height of five feet and seven inches.

Jennifer Sims, a.k.a. Jenny, is sweet, kind and helpful but kind of has anger issues. She’s medium height, has black hair and brown eyes.

Mike Smith is short, commensive and has a thing for blood. He is not exactly a vampire, he’s just watched so much vampire movies he believes he’s one.

And Tiffani Jacob is tall, green eyes and blonde hair. Some people believe with a description like that, she can sing but she can’t.

After History

“Hey,” said a familiar voice.

“Hey yourself.”

“How was History?”

“Boring! What about Geography?”

“Ok, but it would have been more interesting if you were there.”

“I have it, but not ‘til later today.”


“There you are we been looking all over for you!’ Tiffani, Dani, Mikey and Jenny shout in unison.

“Hey guys, I had Homeroom and History.”

“Oh my God, Steve Miller’s locker is right next to yours! So lucky!” one of the girls shouted.

“Hi! I’m right here, you know,’ Steve said, feeling left out, ‘Anyway, see you around Angel (short for Angela).”

“Bye, Steve.”

‘How can Steve, of all of people have a locker right next to yours?” Dani asked with excitement in her eyes.

“It just happened. Anyway, we had Homeroom together and he sat right next to me. And we talked for about thirty-five minutes non-stop. And another thing is we have a lot in common, and I mean a lot,” I said.

“Homeroom seriously? It was just two years ago you two became friends. And now you’re locker buddies! It’s like you have this class and he has this. But both of you can squeeze in five minutes of conversation-” Tiffani said, babbling on.

“T, T! Stop. Breathe. What is wrong with being locker buddies?’ I asked, ‘That’s what the school assigned us, so just go with the flow.”

“Go with the flow, are you crazy? You can’t just go with the flow!”  Jenny shouted, ‘This is beyond the expectation of you two becoming a couple!”

Dani calmly said, ‘You didn’t even wait for us to start the ‘Master Plan’.’’

“What ‘Master Plan’?’’ I asked curiously.

Mikey said with boredom, “The ‘Master Plan’ to get you, Angela Juliet Jones, to go out with Steve Miguel Miller.”

“You guys, I can take care of my life and my love life. I don’t need any intrusion from any of you,” I said plainly. I can see why Mikey was bored. This is totally a break in to my heart.

“So, are you going to tell me the famous ‘Master Plan’ now?” I asked.

“No! It’s a surprise,” they said in unison.


“Because you’ll ruin it,” they said.

“Fine, I have to get to Math now, anyway. See you at lunch,” I said, getting my books.

On my way to class, as I entered my class I saw him with an empty seat next to him.

Oh my gosh. You can do this A. He is just one guy.

As I took the seat next to him, he turns, smiles and says, “I didn’t know you had this class, if you told me, I would have waited for you.”

It was déjà vu. How many times had this happened to me, about a million at least.

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