chapter 8- the relationship

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Well this wonderful cover on the side was made by friend classyR. You should really check her out.


Tiffani’s Pov

We were all here at our usual spot waiting for Devon and Kimmy to arrive. Jenny said that Steve and Angela couldn’t make it. Jenny was all giddy and giggly when she mentions both of them. Finally the twins arrived so Jenny could tell us what the heck is going on.

Dani’s Pov

I knew that something was going on. With the way Jenny was acting, I know it had something to do with Steve and Angela. But I don’t know how Jezebel comes into it. I just have to wait and see.

Jenny’s Pov

Finally, I can tell them.

“You guys have to promise to keep this to yourselves,” I said.

“Just tell us!” Mikey whined.

“Steve kissed Angela,” I blurted out.

“What?!” they all shouted.

“You guys can’t be much louder,” I said sarcastically.

“Sorry,” they mumbled.

“You guys know that Jezebel likes Steve, right?”

“Yeah,” Dani said.

“I think that Angela and Jezebel are having this competition to see who will end up with Steve,” I stated.

They started to laugh. What so funny? It’s the only reason why she told me not let Jezebel hear this.

“You guys just make sure not to let Jezebel hear this!” I cried.

“Fine,” they said.

Dani’s Pov

I knew it, just by the smile on Steve’s face. I knew that something was up. I feel sorry for Angela with Jezebel all over her case. That can’t be easy.

Angela’s Pov

I followed Steve to our lockers and appear behind him.

"Hey, Steve.”

“Angel, you scared me there for a second.”

“Sorry, so why didn’t you answer me when I called you?”

“That was you? I didn’t recognize you.” I rolled my eyes, of course he saw me. Unless he’s blind; we were only a few away from each other.

“Steve, you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Steve, you’re lying to me. Why?”

“No reason.”

“Steve, you are still lying. Are you hiding something from me?”

“No, I’m not. Why would I lie to you?”

“I don’t know; you’re acting weird, that’s why I asked.”

“Oh well, um, thanks for asking, I guess.”

“No problem. See you in class.” I said, replacing my books and heading to class.

What is he hiding?

Steve’s Pov

That was a close call. I didn’t mean to ignore her and give her vague answers. I was just thinking about how to ask her out. I’ll be scared to death if she says no. That will just break my heart. I was brought out of my thoughts by an annoying voice.

“Oh, Stevey poo!”

I should have known.

“What do you want?”

“I just wanted to ask if you want to eat lunch with me today.”

“And why would I do that?”

"Well because you’re my boyfriend, silly!”

This girl is not serious. Since when was I dating her? That fantasy of us being together is getting to her head, literally. This is has gotten too far.

“Jezebel, I’m not your boyfriend.”


“I don’t want to be your boyfriend.”

“But Stevey poo…”

“Stop calling me that. I don’t love you Jezebel.”

“But why? We’re perfect for each other.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t feel the same way.”

“Is it because of her?”


“That bitch who is always around you.”

“If you are talking about Angela, she’s not a bitch. The only one that’s a bitch around here is you.”

“Stevey poo, you don’t mean it, do you?”

I shot her a glare. She ran away crying.

Finally, she’s gone. She’s annoying; I’ve never shown interest in her. So where she got that idea from, I don’t know.

Time to head to class.


Finally lunch time, I’m starving. All during class, I’ve been thinking about how I can ask Angela out. To say the least, I wasn’t paying attention in class again.

I’ve decided to ask Angela if she want to be my girlfriend during lunch time. Now that time comes, I’m nervous. Well it is now or never.

I saw Angela going to the cafeteria. Well here is my chance to make my move.

“Angela, can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure, Steve. What’s up?”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure. What is it?”

I closed my eyes and breathe. Just ask her, you won’t even know her answer until you ask. I open my eyes and asked.

“Angela, will you be my girlfriend?”

Her eyes widen when I asked. I thought she was going to laugh at me. Although we confessed our feelings for each other maybe we should be friends before we go further in our relationship.

“What did you ask me?”

“I asked if you would be my girlfriend.”

“Yes!” she shouted, jumping into my arms. I caught her just in time.

“One more thing, Angel; would you go on a date with me Wednesday night?”

“Sure. I can’t believe you actually asked me to be your girlfriend. I’m so happy, I’m speechless!”

“And you’re talking now,” I chuckled.

She hit me on my head, that just made me laugh louder. She pouted, she looked so cute. I can’t believe I was that nervous.

Angela’s Pov

I can’t believe he asked me to be his girlfriend and to go on a date with him. This is a dream come true. I have to tell the others. I wonder what phase this is in their plan.


Here you go. Hope you enjoy, sorry you have to wait for an update. I'm not going to update any time soon. So sorry. Plz vote, comment and fan.

Can I have atleast 20 votes and 40 comments. I will really appreciate it.


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