chapter 6- the jealous bitch

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The picture on the side is Jezebel


Jenny's Pov

That was awesome! I can’t believe we did that. Dani’s face was priceless. I would give anything to see it again!

Oh wait, we got it on camera; we have to post that on the school website! What Jezebel still doing here? Everyone already left except Steve, Angela, Mikey, Dani, Devon, Kimmy and me. She’s not supposed to be here. Who is she waiting for?

Jezebel’s Pov

Where is Steve? Where is that cutie? I want to get to know him better, but he is hanging out with that bitch. He’s mine not hers, he belongs to me. I want him; we’re perfect for each other. I’m pretty and I’m a cheerleader, any guy’s dream girl, especially a rebel’s, like him. So, opposites attract, plus that bitch can’t be compared to the beauty of me.

Steve’s Pov

Angela was perfect at my side. Where she always should be.

Angela’s Pov

That was awesome. Steve and I made a perfect couple, not that I liked it. I need to get over him, but like he said can’t get out my head. Sigh, maybe I have to live with it. I do love him but I don’t know how to tell him that.

“Angela, wait!” I heard Steve shouting after me. Think of the devil and he will appear.

“Hey Steve,” I said coldly.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine.”

“You sure?”


“Steve! Over here!” I heard Jezebel shout, trying to be seductive, pulling him away from me. What does that slut want? Can’t she leave Steve alone? For the whole week, she and her clones have been hanging around Steve am my lockers, so she can try to flirt with him. Let me say that again try as in try her best to flirt with him. Can’t she see that he has no interest in her? He likes girls like me. Why would he say he loves me if he didn’t?

Wow, I can’t believe I admitted that.

Awe! Poor him, look how he’s being torture by that slut. He’s trying to get away from her but she’s holding his hand. He’s desperate, he just mouthed, ‘Help me.’ I can’t resist that sad face of his. He’s too cute.

“Hey Jez,” I said, walking up to them. She hates it when I call her that.

“Hey whore,” she snapped. She did not just call me that! I don’t jump from man to man like her. I’m offended.

“Oh, well thank you, slut,” I snapped back.

“Stevey poo, tell her to leave me alone,” she said in that annoying voice of hers. Steve looked shocked.

“Stevey poo, really Jez, that’s the best you can do?” I said, laughing. “Why don’t you just leave the boy alone? He doesn’t like you so stop flinging yourself onto him,” I said matter-of-factly. I find it hard not to laugh at Steve’s face

“I fling myself onto him? Look at you, always clinging on to him. He doesn’t like it. He’s mine and you can’t take him from me,” she snapped. Really, we’re here talking about him like if he’s not here and he is just standing there.

“He’s yours in your dreams, Jezes,” I snapped.

“Stay away from him or you’ll get hurt,” she said.

“Oh, it’s on, and just a fair warning; Steve will be following me like a lost puppy,” I said.

“Oh please, as if. Stevey poo, can we leave now? I’ve had enough of this bitch!” she cried.

Steve’s Pov

Arg! What does this bitch want? She has been harassing me for the whole week. She’s annoying. Now she called me her Stevey poo. Who does she think she is? There is only one girl for me and that’s Angela, not some slutty cheerleader. I will never fall for a girl like her. At least Angela stood up for me while I stand here like statue.

Then the bitch called me hers. I’m not hers, the only one person I would belong to and that is Angela, if she gives me a chance. Wait did Angela just called me a lost puppy, well I never. I do follow her around but that does not say I’m a lost puppy. Oh Angela, you always know when you defend those you love.

Jezebel’s Pov

How dare she come here and say that? I’m not a slut. I like my men, but I don’t sleep with all of them. I slept with a few, but only just like fifteen. That doesn’t classify me as a slut. I’ll show her, I’ll be Steve’s girlfriend not her. I deserve to win his heart. I will be the one he loves.

Angela’s Pov

I can’t believe I said that! I am crazy; I just got in a fight with the head cheerleader and challenge her to see who will be Steve’s girlfriend. There is only one problem. I already won and who can I tell. No one. The gang has this big master plan for us and if I tell them, they’ll  just get encourage and plan every detail of my love life. I’m dead!

The Following Week

After being harassed by Steve, Jenny, I, and basically everyone else, Dani came around, and we began celebrating the big prank. The weekend was fun other than being threatened by Jezebel. My life was ok. So now it’s Monday and everyone has been high fiving us all the ways to our lockers.


Oh yes, I love the taste of freedom. I hope you like this chapter and make sure to check my new book Rejected by My Idiotic Mate and I try to type chapter 7 tomorrow.

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