Part 6

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"I'm not even joking hyung"

Jungkook whined into his cell phone to his step brother who lived in the states "she really did say she will send me to come live with you"

The other guy chuckled amusingly "On the bright side, what's so wrong in coming over here anyways?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes even though his brother couldn't really see him "Yoongi hyung stop, you know how boring it gets over there, and moreover my entire life is here, I love it here"

"You're still young Kook ah, when you eventually grow up to an extent, unavoidable responsibilities would become the order of you day. And moreover if you're really thinking of pursuing your art career, over here would be a pretty good place to start don't you think?" Yoongi said with all seriousness

"I doubt that woman would ever let me be what I want to become actually, Yah hyung you're so lucky we don't have the same mother, your mom is the coolest, I totally envy you"

"Too bad we couldn't say quite the same concerning our father"

They both laughed into the phone simultaneously before Yoongi eventually changed the topic

"So" he began "whose the lucky girl taking my brothers attention away from me? Because I can swear that if not for what your mom did to you today, you sure as hell wouldn't have called me"

And he was being totally honest, Jungkook wasn't the type who easily kept contact with people except when there was an obvious problem beyond his control. Yoongi knew this to a certain extent since they were practically kids.

Jungkook chortled "Really hyung? C'mon there's absolutely nobody" he answers rather flatly

"I don't believe you one bit,so there's really nobody you like? at all?"

Jungkook hummed in confirmation before responding "Nope, nobody"

The school cafeteria was buzzing with students during break hours, some were busy queuing up for food, some gathering in small discussion groups and others causing pure chaos as usual. At the corner of the cafeteria closest to the window, Jimin sat alongside Hoseok and Namjoon who were both busy arguing about the features of a video game that launched the previous week

"Can you both just shut it? Let's have our lunch in peace goddamnit!" he retorted when the argument had gotten way too loud

Hoseok giggled "you're just pained because you don't know about the game and so can't join in the conversation"

Shots fired! causing Namjoon to burst out laughing at the side eye Jimin gave Hoseok

"You're just plain stupid" he fired back

Hoseok only rolled his eyes sticking his tongue out at him

"Oh it's Jin" Namjoon exclaimed pointing towards the direction of the cafeteria door

Jimin's eyes lit up immediately waving his hands in the air to gain his attention, when Jin finally looked in their direction he smiled with a small polite bow walking towards the group he'd somehow grown pretty close with. They were all very nice to him and never made him feel lesser than them or unwanted even if he was the youngest in the group.

"Oh hi pretty Jinnie!" Hoseok chided scooting over to creat space for him but Jimin was quick to hold Jin by the arm hauling him towards his side instead

"Leave him alone, he's my friend not yours"

"Oh c'mon he is friends with all of us right Jinnie?" Hoseok asked with a pout to which Jin nodded causing him to smile wide

Jimin ignored him turning his attention to the boy beside him "How are you? How was your sunday? Did you do anything fun__"

"Did you get laid?" Hoseok butted in abruptly with a sheepish grin on his face

Jimin gave him the disgusting look "eww are you crazy? He's only seventeen why would he be getting laid"

"I'm only asking c'mon"

"Not everyone is like you! Right Jin?"

Jimin asks returning his attention to Jin who had suddenly become quiet with all the pair of eyes glued on him. He let out a very nervous laugh while rubbing the back of his neck continuously

"Yes" he eventually said "you're right Jimin hyung"

"See? I told y'all" He smiled brightly

Hoseok huffed out a breath "Don't take it to heart Jinnie, I was only messing with you" he said with a wink

Jin nodded "I-it's okay" he brushed it off waving his hand in front of his face

They resumed eating but stopped again when they saw Jin taking out a brown wrap from inside his back pack

"That's your lunch?" It was Namjoon asking to which Jin nodded

"Oh you don't eat the cafeteria food?" Asked Hoseok

Jin shook his head "No I don't, I prefer home cooked meals, my mom also thinks it's w-way better" he answered

"Is there any reason in particular why you don't eat here? I've actually been meaning to ask you because all the time we've experienced recess together you're always with your own food"

"C'mon Jiminie the food here sucks, if I had my way I would also bring home cooked meal every single day or better still, but takeouts" Hoseok added countering Jimin's point

Jin exhaled "well there's that and then there's also my very troubled ass who's allergic to a whole lot of things, so it's always better to avoid the unforeseen and just eat things I actually know"

They all nodded in agreement as if they truly did understand and see things from Jin's point of view.

"You're right about that" Namjoon eventually concluded.

They shared small talks and small laughs inbetween their meals until the murmurs coming from the students only got too loud to ignore

"What is it this time?" Namjoon asks trying to look in the direction of the other murmuring students

"Who else? If not the number one bully and player in the entire school? Always creating a scene at every given chance" Jimin added with an obvious eye roll

"Oh!" Hoseok exclaimed clapping both hands together "It's hottie Jungkook"

Jimin made a face like he was about to puke "Stop calling him that!" he yelled

"Whatever" his shoulder slumped "he's with that girl, I've never seen a more perfect pair, what's her name again?" he scratched the back of his head as if attempting to remember "oh!" He clapped "Yuna, her name is Yuna, guys are they actually dating?" he asked to which nobody cared to reply

All the while Jin's eyes were glued on Jungkook, taking in the sight of him possessively squeezing her waist and littering her pink cheeks with butterfly kisses and his heart somehow tightened in pain.

Jimin's eyes were also glued on Jin's face not missing the obvious change in his body demeanor as he took clear notice of his sad and dilated eyes.

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