Part 17

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Crying silently into both of his palms, Jimin instantly pulled Seokjin into a hug while resting his head on his shoulder, his low sniffles bounced off Jin's ears as he pressed him firmer into the hug. Jin had just come clean a while ago and told him everything that had been going on, which he later found out was the sole reason for his abrupt absence from everyone's lives.

Sighing breathlessly, Jin uses his hand to gently rub over Jimin's back until his cries eventually turned into small hiccups, "Why are you crying Jimin? I didn't tell you so could cry along with me"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry" he apologized, his voice sounding muffled against Jin's shoulder as he spoke. Pulling away, Jimin adjusted his position on the bed while staring keenly at Jin. "How long have you known?" He asked, wiping his eyes with the hem of his sleeve.

Pushing himself up properly against the wooden frame of the bed, Jin reached for a pillow and placed it over his folded knees. "For a while now. At first, she wouldn't tell me anything, but my doctor gave her not much of a choice, as she threatened to tell me herself instead" he responded honestly.

Exhaling deeply, Jimin fixes his eyes on the ceiling above them, in order to prevent more tears from spilling, "fuck, I freaking hate my eyes" he exclaims in agony, while blinking repeatedly.

Jin couldn't help but chuckle at his behavior, a small smile creeping unto his face as he watched Jimin battle with his glands.

"Well, I'm glad atleast one of us is having fun" Jimin joked, before finally returning his attention back to Jin. "I am so sorry Seokjin, this is so damn hard for me to comprehend and I can only imagine just how on earth you've been coping with this information all these while, without the knowledge of anybody. I honestly do we wish I can do more than say just these shitty ass sorry's to you, so please do not hesitate to let me know how I can be of help to you at anytime, please Seokjin let me try helping you in the littlest ways I can"

Jin diligently nodded, before reaching out to grab Jimin's hand above the pillow. "Please stop crying, it's not like something terrible is happening to me anytime soon. I'm sorry I kept it hidden from you after finding out, I just wasn't ready to meet with anyone yet, neither was I ready to share this part of my life with anybody. So I'm deeply sorry for constantly ignoring your calls and texts, you must have been worried sick"

"Yes, oh yes i was, actually we all were. But, nobody knew exactly what to do, I mean we all were at loss of words especially when you began skipping school out of the blue. Although I'm more than thankful that i know now and I'll make sure to tell the others that you're doing okay"

Jin nodded and Jimin pulled him into a hug for the second time, "You're literally like the little brother i never had, I'm here for you Jin, I'll be right here whenever and however you need me. Don't you ever forget that okay?"

Jin smiled warmly, "I won't Jimin hyung"

"There you go again with the hyung", Jimin whined, as he pulled away from the hug to wipe his eyes for the nth time.

Just then, his cellphone blares off, indicating an incoming call from Hoseok. "Oh shit! We had a meeting scheduled for this afternoon and I'm part of the final year committee. How on earth could I forget, Hoseok is defo gonna kill me" he complained, while giving Jin the apologetic puppy eyes look.

Sensing what that meant in an instant, Jin waved his hands in the air, gesturing towards the door. "It's fine, you can go on, I don't want Hoseok hyung killing you either"

"You sure?" Jimin asks, inquisitively corking a brow at him.

"Of course! It's your graduation in a few months, you need to make all the necessary plans and preparations. So please go on ahead, send my regards to the guys and let them know I'm fine, and I'll possibly be in school starting next week, enough of the self pity party already, I'm sick of it"

Slinging his backpack over his shoulder, Jimin shots Jin a very disapproving look, "Yah, don't say that, it's definitely not a self pity party, you had all the right in the world to stay put and by yourself while figuring things out. It's very normal, so please stop saying degrading words concerning yourself okay?" He warned, admist the heart warming and encouraging words.

"Never again" Jin chided mischievously as Jimin exited his bedroom, waving him goodbye.

"How did you manage to climb up here with all of these?" Jin inquires, while helping to relieve Jungkook of the cans of beers and a huge box of pizza, which he then placed down on his vanity table.

"Phew! I'm Jeon Jungkook, nothing is ever too hard for me" he praised himself, wiping his hands dry on his black pair of jeans.

Jin instinctively rolled his eyes while shaking his head. Taking a seat on the edge of his bed he properly pulled his sleeping robe over his body, while watching Jungkook take a seat on the stool in front of him. "You're here again" he says, pointing out the obvious. "Doesn't it get tiring at some point?"

Jungkook snorted, opening the box of pizza, taking out a slice and swiftly handing it over to Jin. "I told you that I liked you right?"

Jin remained quiet, his unfaltering gaze fixed on Jungkook.

The silence didn't seem to both Jungkook, as he continued anyways, "Well, like I said before, I told you I like you Jin, maybe it's still so hard for you to believe me because I've been such an asshole to you in the past. But, I honestly do mean every word I say now, and I'm not taking any of it back. I also know there's something going with you recently, even though you've blatantly denied and refused to share to it with me. It's okay though, I know I'm not up the list of some of your favorite persons in the world, so I will obviously not be forcing words and answers out from you. But, I'm also not giving you any room to forget my proposal, now or whenever you deem fit, then you can give me an answer, I'm always here, ain't no going anywhere. Now go on and eat your pizza it's getting cold"

Jin was stunned to say the least, it's been over two weeks now and Jungkook have visited him almost everyday, sometimes just to remind him of his feelings for him, like tonight and other times just to stay up and provide him with some company.

"You're unbelievable" Jin finally says, scooting towards the middle of his bed where he then took the first bite of the pizza.

Jungkook hummed knowingly, and reached for a can of beer. "I hear that all the time, but as I said before, I'm Jeon Jungkook anyways so nothing short is expected" he joked, sending a wide grin Jin's way.

"I heard the finals are fast approaching, you're graduating anytime soon Jeon Jungkook, shouldn't you be more focused on your studies rather than constantly climbing up my window?"

Jungkook giggled amusingly and chugged down a good quantity of the liquid, before replying to Jin. "That is never a problem, I can conveniently juggle between climbing up your window and my books thank you. It's not an hassle and I'm not complaining. Moreover, I'm not so keen on graduating anyways"

"Really?" Jin asks with his stuffed mouth, corking a brow at him. "Why is that though? Isn't everybody glad to be graduating? It means you're stepping into a new phase of your life"

Jungkook thought for a short while, as if trying to  gather his thoughts and put his words together to the best of his ability. "Let's just say graduating means I'd finally have to face my mother and take interest in whatsoever she wants me to. So, don't blame me if I don't seem too enthusiastic about the whole thing"

Jin hummed in understanding and took the last bite of his pizza.

"You want more?"

"Yes please"

As Jungkook handed Jin another slice, he took a very long and meaningful look at him before saying, "I was so stupid to have made that video of you in the first place, I should have just asked you out like every other normal person would have"

Apparently so many of you are still very interested in reading this book, I'm so sorry it took me such a long time to come through with an update. I promise to do better from now on.

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