Part 15

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"All done now" Dr Su informs, gently pulling out the needle from Jin's veins, and providing him with soft cotton wool to place over the just injected area.

Ditching the used needle and gloves, Dr Su proceeded to thoroughly wash her hands underneath warm running water and patted it dry. Before picking up her notepad and pen where she then began scribbling down a few words.

"Were you thinking of skipping your appointment today Seokjin?" She asked, gesturing for the boy to climb down the examination bed and take a seat instead.

Jin swallowed, eyes fixed to the ground beneath his feets, "N-no" he mumbled underneath his breath.

Dr Su sighed, keeping a very keen gaze on him, "Seokjin, you do know we all have to co-operate and work together for your sake right?"

Jin, again nodded with no words.

"You can't give up hope when we the people around you still have so much, we are all in this together Seokjin, but we can only amount to a positive result if you dedicate yourself to helping us out as well, we are not__"

"How can I?" He whispers, voice barely audible due to how softly he spoke.

"Hmm? How can you do what Seokjin? Please talk to me" she pleaded sincerely.

Jin exhaled sharply, finally lifting up his gaze to the woman's face, "How can I possibly keep my hope alive when you nor my mother won't tell me anything nor the severity of my condition? I'm seventeen now, I'm not a baby anymore, why are you all hiding so much from me?" As he spoke, his eyes gradually began glistening with tears.

Noticing how sad the boy before her had gotten, Dr Su stood up abruptly, walking around her desk towards him. Pulling out a chair for herself, she brought it closer to him and sat down, rubbing over the width of his back soothingly.

"I'm sorry Seokjin, you know what? You're right, you're absolutely right, you're no longer a child so a lot of information should no longer be withheld from you. But, you must understand that it's in your mothers position to have that discussion with you foremost, before I or anybody can come in. Believe me, nothing in this world will make me happier than sharing everything that I know with you, so please don't cry Seokjin hmm? How about you talk with your mom first, then you can come to me and I'll willingly tell you all that I know alright buddy?"

Jin nodded his head, wiping away some droplets of tears that had stained his cheeks.

"Good, please stop crying, everything will be alright" She assured, allowing her fingers to continue rubbing over his back as a sign of reassurance.

Pulling the front door open with the last bit of his strength, Jin steps into the living room, where he catches a glimpse of his mother in the adjoined kitchen, maneuvering between setting the table and steering the boiling food.

"Hey baby" she sang happily, wiping her hands dry on her apron and beckoning for him to come closer, "you were out longer than expected, you must be so famished, i actually made your favorite, come sit while I dish you a plate"

But Jin didn't move an inch, his feets rooted in place as his eyes remained locked to the back of his mother's head. Noticing how there were no shuffling sounds of approaching footsteps, Mrs Kim eventually turns around to stare a very exhausted Jin in the eye.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" She asks, promptly walking towards him instead, "what happened? Did something happen with Dr Su? Did your appointment not go well?" She inquires, question after question rolling off her tongue insistently.

Jin only remained quite, his gaze on her not once faltering. This only increases Mrs Kim's worries, as she eventually took hold of both of his arms into hers.

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