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so we start outside of an average-looking apartment, we go inside the apartment and see 4 people getting ready, the first one we see is a tall lanky skeleton looking person who is called toshinori yagi or otherwise known as the number 1 hero all might, and you might be thinking, why aren't they living in a mansion since he the number 1 hero well it's so villains don't come and try to hurt his family.

we also see a skinny female with green-haired tied into a ponytail and this so call person is inko Midoirya or otherwise known as the number 5 hero teleki.

now the last 2 were two little kids that are 4 years old, one named Izumi and the other called izuku, Izumi and izuku are twins but not identical as Izumi has blonde hair while izuku has his canon green hair.

the family was getting ready to go to the doctor to see what quirk the children will get and let's say that the kids being excited is an understatement.

Izumi: I can't wait to see what quirk we get!

Izuku: same!

AM: look at those two, really excited.

inko: yeah!

The family were ready and got into their car, AM was driving while speaking to his wife, and the kids were talking about what quirk they thought they might get, a couple of minutes went by and they finally got there, the family of 4 went into the doctors, inko signing some papers with AM sitting next to the kids while on the phone to his agency.

an hour goes by

doctor: can I have the yagi's, please?

AM: come on kids!

the family walked into the doctor's room and took a seat, the doctor got 2 needles and asked each of the kids to show their arms so they could get a blood sample to examine what quirk they might get. the doctor left to see what quirks they have.

the doctor came back in with a clipboard.

the doctor: ok who wants to go first?

Izumi immediately put her arm up before izuku could move.

the doctor: ok! well, your quirk is called esper telekinesis, basically unlike normal telekinesis, if you train your quirk you could lift a small building but you will get extreme head each if you use it for too long.

Inko: that's great darling I bet you can become a strong hero!

Izumi: whoa, that's a great quirk!

Izuku: that's so cool Izumi! what's my quirk?

the doctor froze for a second before coming back to reality

the doctor: I'm sorry kid, it's best to give up!

izuku after hearing this, he felt his whole world freeze, AM and inko looked at the doctor mad as he didn't show any sympathy for their son being said to be quirkless. Izumi looked at her brother with a sad look. she then turned to the doctor.

Izumi: uh sir, what do you mean by that?

the doctor: well your brother here has something called quirkless and well he doesn't have a quirk so he can't become a hero!

Izumi's eyes widen as she turned to look at her brother, izuku was pale and Izumi was saddened about her brother and hugged him. after this the family got up and left the doctor's offices

The doctor watched the family that have just left, he then turned to make a call to someone.

The doctor: sir, yes there is another one with that quirk

???: well tell me what it has.

the family got home and izuku still in his pale state went into his room not saying anything to his family. AM told inko and Izumi to give izuku some time so he could calm down.

an hour later

AM was in front of izuku room, inko was making lunch while Izumi was in her room testing her quirk.

AM: izuku! Can I come in?

silence came from the room, AM decided to enter and see izuku sitting on his chair at his laptop watching one of his father's videos mainly it was when his father made his debut but what he heard next shattered his heart.

Izuku: y...you see..see that dad, he..n..never loses his smile, y..you thin...think I can become an h..hero like All Mi. Might?

AM: Izuku...

All might walked over to izuku and hugged him trying to comfort him, after having his whole world crumble about becoming a hero.

AM *izuku I want you to be my successor but I will need to train you for one for all*

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