Entrance exam

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We now see the twins standing in front of the gates of UA, they both have been training hard for this moment, Izumi was looking confident on passing as she had been revising for this moment for a whole year. On the other hand though...

Izuku pov: ok izuku, try and be confident, you have a quirk and your dad's quirk so this should be a breeze... RIGHT?

Izumi looked at her brother with a concerned look, the sister just sighed and give her brother a hug reinsuring that he will be able to do it. And get into UA.

The two started walking when izuku had just fallen but before he hit the ground he relished that he was floating, he looked over to his sister to see her quirk isn't activated. The green-haired boy heard another voice.

???: sorry about that, I just saw you fall and thought that I should help.

Izuku: um... well thanks uh?

Uraraka: names ochaco uraraka! How about you?

Izuku: iz..izuku midoriya

Uraraka: well I better get going good luck!

Izumi: new friend already brother?

Izuku: um well-

Bakugo: get out of the way Deku!

Bakugo came through and pushed deku away as he keeps going, Izumi was glaring daggers at bakugo.

Izumi: cmon let's go, we don't want to be late do we?


the twins walked up to the building and entered the examining room and were listening to president Mic explain the rules, Izumi was looking at her brother who started to fanboy over the fact that he seeing his uncle mic even though he saw him a million times before, this was to go on until a tall stiff boy asked a question about on why he didn't mention about the 4th robot until he pointed towards Izuku telling him if he doesn't stop muttering he should leave as it's distracting others, izuku apologized, while Izumi on the other hand just gave a glare at the stiff boy.

president mic explained about the 4th robot and explained that it doesn't give you any points so it's best to avoid it.

We now skip to izuku standing in front of gate A, while Izumi and bakugo were separated at other gates, Izumi at gate B and bakugo at gate C. Izuku was now trying to calm down his nerves as he was complete reck as he felt like fainting at that very moment.

Somewhere else~

In an observatory we see a couple of pro heroes but not only that the yaoyaorozu family as well are sitting next to all might and inko waiting for the new generation of heroes to come through the gate.

Nezu: well are you guys ready in seeing our new generation of coming up heroes

Midnight: I wonder what this year's batch is going to be like and what their quirk is, especially my niece and nephew.

Inko: well Kayama, they have been training like crazy.

All might pov: kids I believe In the two of you!

Back with izuku~

Izuku was trying to calm his nerves, but he noticed the same girl who stop him from falling so he thought about thanking her. He was about to walk over until he felt a strong grip on his shoulder, he looked backed and saw the same stiff boy from earlier.

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