Middle school

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So it has been 10 years since izuku was confirmed to be quirkless, but unlike most families finding out their child was quirkless, he stayed supportive of him as he was being trained by their father, with his sister being trained by their mother.

Izuku still didn't understand why he would have to train, but he thought it so he can become the first quirkless hero, but in reality, his father All might was training him for one for all. But even with all this training he was still shy and didn't defend himself in school as he didn't like to hurt others because he still see the good in them.

We go now to his school called Aldera Junior High, it was their third and final year until they go to a school of their choice most are going to try and go to a hero school, we now see izuku in his chair writing down about mt lady's debut that happened earlier that morning.

The class door opened and revealed the teacher as he has a handful of paper in his hand, he walks towards the front of the class and started to speak about their future, but at that moment he smirks and-


With that said, except for a certain 3 people, the whole class started to use their quirks.

Teacher: yes, you all have wonderful quirks, but it is forbidden to use them within school hours.

then one of the students Bakugo started speaking about how he is the only one going to get into UA boasting about his ego also saying quietly about how Izumi may also get into UA as he still has a crush on her.

Teacher: oh right, bakugo you are going to Ua aren't you, huh with your quirk you can get in, not only that even your wits are good so yeah, good luck on the UA exam.

The teacher was looking at the application when he noticed izuku and blunted out-

The teacher: oh yeah Izuku midoriya, you applied for UA too

That was when the whole class started to laugh except for one person who decided to release her quirk abilities but sent out a huge black aura, this made the whole class shut their mouths and stare at Izumi and what they saw scared them, even bakugo.

Izumi was releasing the black aura with an angry facial expression, as she stop everyone from laughing at her brother.

Izumi: alright, this is our last year so why don't you be decent people and stop, I have also had it with you all bulling my brother! Especially the fact that he may be trained to fight but his kind nature won't let him, so unless you want to die, stop it!

Izumi would always protect izuku, as them being blood-related she can sense where he is, but most of the time when she would go walk home, he would be bruised badly, even if he was bleeding badly. Izumi wishes she could stick to izuku side all day but he just tells her to hang out with her friends.

Izumi told her parents about this so many times, about how the school treating izuku and why he can't be homeschooled but her parents always said they can't, as they could never find a teacher who is willing to teach a quirkless boy and that they are always busy with work.

Now it was the end of the school day and The twin's mother, inko was going to investigate the school and have it shut down because they noticed that izuku was getting detention and even some suspensions for the past year for supposedly fighting students, they know their son wouldn't fight back and have decided to go undercover to investigate the school.

They were now walking towards the school and saw students leave the building.

Back with izuku~

Izuku was packing up, Izumi left, even though she was hiding behind the classroom door because she felt something horrible was going to happen.

Bakugo came up to the packing up izuku and took his notebook with his two lackeys behind him. Bakugo lackeys started to mock izuku for his love to become a hero even though he doesn't have a quirk. What the three don't know is Izumi listening to their conversation and was starting to get pi**ed.

Izumi's brother why don't you defend yourself

Izumi hears the door to her right open and she looked over and saw bakugo standing there about to give izuku some advice.

What she hears after made her blood boiled and made her start to hate her ex-crush (she had a crush on Bakugo) with passion, izuku was just told to commit suicide, which made Izumi come into the classroom to see her brother just standing there completely pale.

She used her quirk and pulled izuku over to her and give him the biggest hug he will ever get from her. This took izuku out of his trance as he returned the hug. He streamed out tears onto his sister's shoulder. While she comforted him.

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