One for all revealed and arranged marriage

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After the whole confrontation thing that happened, izuku and momo were walking home, izuku still remember the stink eye Jiro gave him as she thought that he may be a pervert towards momo, even though he was the farthest of being a pervert

The two kids got to izuku home and entered, but something caught momo out of surprise, it was her parents there talking to izuku parents and Izumi.

They heard them and called them over, momo asked why her parents were here and well they told her it was two important things. Izuku went to the bathroom first and banged his hand up after the event that happened earlier.

AM: now everyone here I'm going to you guys the truth.

Izumi, momo, and her parents were confused, this was when all might bodies started to smoke up and a big pile of smoke came out. And there was all might,
This caught the four in shock, all might was Izumi/izuku's dad.

AM told them if they could keep it a secret, and momo's father stood up, "we can keep it a secret, as you have saved our lives countless times, so it's time we repay you toshi.

AM: thank you, Kyle. Now everyone comes outside real quick.

Everyone left the apartment and was now outside.

AM: ok izuku come here.

Izuku did as asked.

AM: now can you do this hand again and point your hand towards the tree.

Izuku did so and his arm started to change and fired a shot destroying the tree, but as his hand turned back, it was burnt pretty badly so inko came up and started using her quirk to wrap up izuku banged again.

Izumi: you have a quirk!

Everyone was just as shocked as Izumi, as izuku has been told that he was quirkless but he has one?!

Izuku: I'm just as shocked as you guys, I didn't even know I had this, dad how did you know?

AM: well I saw you run out towards momo when she was captured by the slime villain, I then saw you make a weird hand gesture and saw your hand transform into what that was, and shot out a green blast.

Inko: ok so we are going to take you back to the doctors and get them to see what quirk you have.

Izuku: I'm still shocked, that I had a quirk this whole time!

Izuku started to shed tears with momo walking to him, hugging him trying to comfort him while Izumi thought

Izumi:'I so ship them'

Kyle yaoyaorozu: Um, before we continue, sweetie, izuku, can we talk about something real quick.

The two mentioned walked over to Kyle and looked at him confused about what he wanted?

Kyle: ok momo, me and your mother, and izuku your parents have decided that we are going to put you two in an arranged marriage but we haven't made it official, so what do you say?

Momo pov: yes!!!

Momo: well I accept if only izuku, in on it as well.

Izuku: uh... I...I wouldn't mind, yeah let's do it!

Then izuku fainted from this.

Everyone just laughed at izuku as he was passed out from the blush!

Momo pov:

'I can't believe it, I'm going to marry izuku, I am so HAPPY!'

Hours later~

The midoriyas were now all eating at the dinner table when Am said-

AM: izuku, Izumi there's one more thing I have to tell you, I was quirkless.

The two kids choked on their food when their father just blurted this out of nowhere.

Both kids: WHAT!

Inko: yes, he's right kids and I think I know where this is going.

AM: my quirk was actually passed down onto me and now izuku it's is your turn to inherit my quirk!

The two kids were just shocked at this until izuku said

Izuku: why not Izumi, she more capable of having your quirk than me!?

Izumi: izuku, my quirk is a stronger version of mum's quirk and her quirk is powerful that even said it could rival dad's quirk, so just take it, plush I don't know if I could handle more than the quirk I have right now.

AM: so son what do you say, do you accept?

Izuku looked like his mum and sister and they assured him to do it.

Izuku: ok I'll do it.

AM: at a boy, I knew you would choose too!

AM said with a big smile, that it was time for the kids to go to their bed, as the parents want to find out about izuku quirk before he gets one for all.

The next day~

Izuku was just done Getting his test done and the doctor came-

New doctor: ok so your son has a quirk, and he had it since he was young, it's called jaeger, but before we continue do you remember what doctor you had?

AM: uh, yeah a doctor with goggles and a big mustache?

The new doctor froze for a second until he explained what happened, the doctor had been fired as he would steal kids' quirks, but even when he couldn't he would say they are quirkless, but he only do this with quirks that he thought might be useful, so he didn't steal Izumi quirk as he didn't see it useful for him. This made the parents and Izumi angry.

The doctor would go off and explain the quirk izuku had which made them happy to see how strong his quirk is but one thing was left out as the computer couldn't say anything about it.

Now we are back at the midoriya household and now midoriya is In front of his dad waiting for his dad to give him one for all.

AM: now son remember this is a secret we have to keep so I In trust you with this, and now!

"EAT THIS," ALL MIGHT said with a strand of hair in his hand.

Before the kids were just shocked by this statement.
And izuku just went and ate the strand of hair even though he felt like throwing up!

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