Inko Meets Eri

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It has been a couple of hours since Eri's little freakout, and the little girl is still sleeping on izuku finding the warmth from his reactor comfortable, izuku was on his phone looking at some recent news on heroes.

"Wow besides what happened earlier, nothing interesting has happened," izuku said to himself until he heard the door open.

Izuku turned to see his mother, inko in her hero suit, and well, she looked annoyed.

"Oh... Hi mum..." izuku said nervously.

"Izuku..." inko said

Izuku smiled at her, and inko just slapped her hand in her face.

"I can't believe you are in the hospital again, you need to be careful next time, then again you most likely get that from your dad!" inko said

She looked back at izuku and saw the little girl sleeping on his chest.

"Honey, who is that?" inko asked

"Oh this is Eri and well I saved her earlier today from a villain, and well she only trusts me as of right now." izuku said

"Oh, wait did you use your quirk!" inko asked.

"Um... Well yes and no!" izuku replied.

Inko gives a confused look to izuku. She was going to ask what he meant the little girl started to wake up.

"Hmm, papa...what time is it..." eri asked while rubbing her eye.

*PAPA!* inko thought.

"Oh afternoon Eri, it is currently 6:27," izuku said

Eri turned her head when her eyes landed on inko, but instead of being confused she looked at her, then back to izuku and did this back and forth.

"Papa, why are there two of you but one like an older female version..." Eri said

"Oh well, Eri this is my mother!" Izuku said.

Eri looked at inko and gave her a small wave, while inko waved back.

"Eri can I ask you something, why do you call me papa?" izuku asks.

"Oh...well... It j...just um...well, I feel safe around you will protect me from every bad thing that might happen! I'm sorry if don..don't want to you that" Eri answered her eyes pricking with tears

Izuku looked at the horned girl with a sad look, he then looked at his mother who was also giving a sad look at the girl. Izuku knew what he should do.

"Eri can you look at me for a second?" izuku said

Eri looked up at the bush hair boy.

"I don't mind you calling me papa, I can try and be your papa!" izuku said smiling at the girl.

Eri eyes widen, as tears started to stream down her face! She then jumped and hugged midoriya as hard as she can, repeating "thank you"

Izuku just smiled and pat the girl's head slowly, trying to calm her down. Inko just looked at her son, smiling at him, until reality came crashing down, she just became a grandmother at a young age, she was only in her late 30s.

Inko then fell over due to shock.

"MUM!" izuku shouted.

A couple of hours later.

"So what did you mean by you did use your quirk but didn't at the same time?" inko asked her son after waking up

"Well, I should show you," izuku said making his mother more confused.

Izuku moved Eri as she was in front of his chest watching tv, but izuku did find it a wee bit difficult as Eri did hold on tight not wanting to move.

"Eri can you please move I need to show my mum something?" izuku asked

Eri was reluctant about it but decided to move off of her new father. Izuku turned his body to face his mother and what inko saw next surprised her.

Inko saw the nuclear reactor on izuku's chest.

"Is that..." inko asked

"A nuclear reactor...yes I have a nuclear reactor in my chest, this is what I meant by I did and didn't use my quirk when I met the villain that was hurting eri, my chest started to hurt as it felt like I was being hit by endeavours flames, but then out of nowhere it activated on its own and shot overhaul across the alleyway, that's what I meant!" izuku explained

"Well, isn't that dangerous because of the radiation that could be leaking out?" inko asked

"No... The doctors said that there is this protective seal that keeps it from leaking." izuku said

"That's good!" inko said relieved.

"Also I believe eri likes it, mainly for the warmth!" izuku said catching eri's attention. To which she nodded.


At UA, class 1-A are training their quirks for the sports festival, at the very moment Izumi was doing meditation as this was one of the best training methods for her quirk, as her quirk needs to have a clear mind or her power would get weaker. But there is one problem.

"SHUT IT!" shouted a pomeranian

This was bakugo katsuki and as you can guess he is really angry, well at a certain duo, those being mina ashido and denki kaminari.

The idiot duo were bugging bakugo making the ticking time bomb explode, and well this was making the espa twin annoyed.

*I swear to God, I'm going to make them go through multiple walls in a minute!* Izumi thought while veins started to pop out.

Izumi was then taken out of those thoughts when someone put a freezing can of juice on her cheek, which made her shriek.

She quickly went to see who the culprit was, and it was iida, who was with uraraka, momo, Jiro, Sato and Mineta.

"I thought you may have needed a drink as you look like you were about to explode!" iida said.

"Oh, um...thanks iida!" Izumi said

"May we sit with you?" uraraka asked.

"Uh sure" Izumi replied.

With that everyone sat next to Izumi as she opened her can of juice.

"Yagi hows midoriya, he's out of the hospital now right?" sato asked

"Yeah, he should be at home resting, but he's alright now, I hope" Izumi

"What do you mean you hope?" Jiro asked.

"That's because izuku has always been the one who would say he's fine even though he might be sick, he always puts others before himself!" momo answered.

"Momo right, izuku is very selfless, but that's one of his worse qualities that I hate!" Izumi said.

"Yeah as much as I do love him, he needs to grow some sort of backbone!" momo said

"But the doctors have said that he can come and watch the sports festival, which I'm happy with!"Izumi said.

Everyone was happy that izuku is fine right now.

*izuku I'm not going to let you go once I see you again* momo thought as she hasn't been able to hit his in over a month.


Izuku sneezed

"Bless you!" eri said

"Thank you" izuku replied

izuku jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now