The classic field trip

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This is your average field trip to avengers compound so don't expect too much

and I am writing this based of what my field trips are like .

And everyone is alive since I want this to be a happy one shot!


"And don't forget kids! please try and come to school at least 30 minutes before the bus comes to pick us up!"Shouted the teacher before the kids rush out of class.

Peter looked down and his feet while walking to the door to wait for happy to pick him up

Peter and his class were having a field trip to avengers compound tomorrow and well everyone was exited...except for peter.

He had just moved in to live at the compound 6 months ago ever since may had got a new job that required her to travel a lot so mr.Stark suggested that he moved into the compound so that he a continue to learn at mid town high and not be away from his friends...Well that's what mr.Stark claimed.Everyone knows that he didn't want to peter to leave.

The avengers are family to him he calls mr.Stark Dad ever since he accidentally said that while sleep talking and now mr.stark never responds to anything else.

he called the rest of the avengers aunt and uncle.

except for wanda since she was closer to his age and he thought of him as a sister.

and of course pietro as a brother.

and he was sure that every single one of them were going to embarrass him tomorrow and no point on keeping it a secret or faking sick since they probably planed all of this.

just as he was about to walk out the door his spidey senses went off and he got punched in the gut

"Worried about the field trip penis?Now all your lies are going to get exposed and everyone will hate you!"said flash shoving him against a wall

"I told you already like a hundred times that i'm not lying!"

"Talking back now eh? well your gonna regret that! but I'll let you go for now since your life is going to be hell tomorrow"and with that flash punched him in the nose a ran away laughing.

Then he heard Running and someone helping him up

"I'm sooo sososososososososososososososososo sorry for taking so long in the toilet and not defending you!"said ned

"It's ok ned"

They smiled and walked out side chatting about the field trip tomorrow well more like ned rambling on about to exited he is and peter just saying 'mhm' along with everything utill happy showed up.

he bid ned good bye and walk of into the black audi

"hey kid how was school? and what happend to your nose?"asked happy

"School was good and I-i uh walked into a wall"


~(-=-)~ <---- This is sam and sam is sponsoring this time skip

when they arrived at the compound peter went through the front doors saying a quick hello to the receptionist and going through the security gate friday greeting him. and quickly runs to the living quarters and into his room.

he quickly finished his homework and went on patrol he came back took a quick shower and decided to lay down and take a nap. just as he was about to close his eyes vision came through the wall.

"dinner is ready" he said casually and floated through the wall into the next room peter heard a scream and a very angry sam shouting a vision

it pays to have spidey sense

mini time skip <3

so while eating dinner everyone had smug looks

"soooo паучок exited for your field trip tomorrow?"


"Oh come on pete we promise to not embarrass you too much"said tony

"yea whatever i'm going to bed"


the bus ride to the compound wasn't the worst flash only said a couple of mean things before MJ told him to shut up. Hopefully flash shuts up during this trip or he'll probably get killed.

and now the class is currently standing in aw in front of the not that newly built avengers compound.

I mean it is a amazing sight.

we went in and the teacher went to the receptionist to get our badges.

"Hi my name is holy and i'll be your guide for today,now listen closely for your name as i pass out your badges."

eventually everyone except for me got their badge and a nosy student decided to point it out.

"Miss! he didn't get a badge!"

"oh peter! didn't know you were in this tour! well you see peter is Mr.Stark's personally intern and assistant so he doesn't need one"

"Now please show your badge at all times our head of sercurity is very strict,

Here at avengers compound we have different sercurity levels as you can see my badge is not the same color as yours.White badges such as yours are for visitors and tour groups, Yellow badges are for the press,Green badges are for the gardeners and janitors,light blue are for the interns,Turquoise like mine are for resceptionists and tour guides,Purple are for the low level workers,Navy blue are for the high level workers,Black are for the avengers and their family and there are 3 people who don't need badges which are ofcouse Tony start and Pepper potts and your classmate Peter"

I saw flash give me a death stare

"Now will all of you follow me and scan your cards and let the sercurity guard check you and your belongings, as you scan your card FRIDAY Mr.stark's AI will say your name and your sercurity level out loud so don't be scared"

with that holy scanned her card as a demonstration

"Holy Ashlyn Martin,Level 5 worker,tourguide"

Flash of course pushed himself to the front of the line to scan his card

"Eugene Flash Thompson,Level 1, tour group"

Everyone else went and the same thing happened Neds turn came and Friday said
"Edward Ned Leeds,Level 1,tour group,Welcome Ned! I see Peter has finally got mr.stark to let you visit!"

"Woah,t-thanks miss ai ceiling lady"Ned said in aw that Friday just talked to him
"Please call me Friday"

Finally it was Peters turn he walk through and Friday said
"Hi Peter! I have alerted Mr.Stark and the Avengers of your arrival! Also Clint,Sam and Bucky told me to to play this voice message for you
'Hey Pete!"Clint's recorded voice was loud and clear through the speakers 'We're gonna embarrass you so bad today that you'd want to crawl back into your room and dig a hole in there so you can die!' 'Yea!but no spoilers for what we're about to do' Sams voice said 'We're gonna embarrass you until your face is redder than sams underwear!'that was definitely Bucky
'Dude!don't go telling people about my underwear!'
'Well that's for telling the others about my dating life!'
'Get back here you little piece of shit!'
There were now sounds of Bucky and Sam fighting and the recording stoped.

Well we're of to a great start.
Again I need to make a part 2 for this sorry

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