Soulmates(Spideychelle) Part 2

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There was a thud and everyone looked the bad guy leader was unconscious on the floor and Iron man with what looks like a taser attachment on his arm.

All of the bad guys were now being handcuffed by the police.

Ok.Back to the current dilemma.

I'm a superhero's soulmate.
This is really starting to sound like one of those cliche romance novels.

Oh and I have just realized that he's still holding me.
"Um can you uh loosen the grip,Your gonna leave a bruise"what a great way to start a conversation Michelle.

"Oh um o-of course I mean yea s-sure um well uh this is awkward"He let go of my shoulder.

"Um well good for you kid you found your soulmate now are you hurt in anyway shape of form even mentally"Iron man said his suit deforming around him

"Y-yea I'm good a little shocked but good,no need to go full on dad mode"

Dad? Tony Stark has a kid?ooooh that's why he would have 1,500,000 dollars and give it to his kid so casually.
And that must also be why he came he did say that Spider-Man never asked him for money so it would be strange to ask for that much money at once.
So he must have did some tech stuff and located Spider-Man.

That would also explain the phone and Karen must be like some Ai or something.

Things are finally making sense!

"Well um I need to go now so wanna come with?"Tony Stark said.
"Y-yea sure"Spider-Man said.
Tony Stark suited up and flew back out side hovering for a bit waiting for Spider-Man to put on his gloves again.
"Send me the cost for all the damage I'll cover it here's my assistants number"Iron man said handed a piece of paper to one of the cops then he took of Spider-Man following close behind.

"OMG!MJ!"a screaming Betty came running towards me engulfing me in a suffocating hug
"Can't b-breath"
"Oh sorry,that was so scary and Spider-Man is your soulmate!omg that is so cool!"
With the mention of me being Spider-Mans soulmate the class started to swarm me with questions.
Well except for Ned he's looking like he just saw a ghost...wait. where's Peter?

Peters POV
Oh god,oh my god!
Holy shit!
Michelle Jones Watson!
She's my soulmate! I mean that would explain the soulmate mark.

Black dahlia like the murderer.

I was currently laying on my bed replaying the what had just happened in my head.

I've had a crush on MJ for a while now,She just so low key and down to earth,and she very wise like an owl.
She has her witty remarks and comments that always make me laugh.
She knows her rights and knows that she's boss.
And she's also very pretty.

A knock came from my door and Wanda came in.
"Sooo who's MJ?"
"Hey! Your lucky you didn't say that out loud now tell me,Who's MJ?"
"Oh,she's just this girl at my school we're in the same class and stuff you know"I said
"Just a girl? Oh she's definitely more than just a're crushing on her haaaaard!"Wanda said leaning on my wall.
"Ok maybe I have a tiny crush on her"
Wanda raised an eyebrow
"Okay fine I like her.. a lot,And I just found out that she's my soulmate and I don't know what to do!"
"Well just go talk to her at school tomorrow"
"That's the problem!When we found out we were soulmates I was dressed as Spider-Man! And I don't know what she thinks of Spider-Man! She could hate me! And if she does like Spider-Man then she'd be disappointed that it me! She'd probably expect someone like the The rock or Chris Pine maybe even Zac Efron! Not plain old Peter Parker. besides there's the whole secret identity thing."
"Don't be silly! I'm sure she likes you! I mean you are a super hero and I'm sure she likes you as Peter Parker as well! And your now just plain old Peter Parker! You are the funniest,nicest and most charming person I know and if she doesn't see that she'll have me and the others to deal with!"Wanda said.

"But what about my secret identity thing?"

"I'm sure she can keep a secret,But maybe hang out with her for a while first as Spider-Man so that she can warm up to you and get to know you more"

"Thanks Wanda"I thanked her and gave her a hug
"And if you need advice on flirting you can always ask the others well maybe not tony since he was quite the player back then and probably tell you to do something big,Steve wouldn't be much help either...Sam also needs help...Oh!I heard Bucky was quite the ladies man back in the 40s maybe you can ask him for help"Wanda said
"I'll be sure to keep it in mind"peter said walking of to start making his plan.
Y'all gonna hate me for this but i kinda need to make a part 3


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