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Another spideychelle story cuz why not!

This will be a bit similar to the soulmate story so if you're a fan of that you should like this.


Have you ever thought that your life is like a movie?

In this world life is literally a movie.

At birth you will assigned a role for a movie.
Now you do not know what the movie is so you better pray it's not a horror.

Now your role may change according on how the story goes like if a character dies or if someone moves away.

This is  just the case for the spider-man movie.

When Peter Parker was born he was just an extra like every other baby that was born.
You start to get your role when something significant to the plot happens.
And that did happen.
At the age of 15 (We're going by the movie people) His uncle died After he got bit by the radioactive spider and that was when he made his decision that would his life forever.

From that day on he became the protagonist in his movie.

and then a lot more happened.
He switched roles for a bit while he was fighting is Germany with Mr.Stark.
And he had a crush on a girl named liz.Short for Elizabeth.

Liz was just walking down the school halls one day when her role changed from being a supporting character to being the love interest.All of her friends were so exited for her and congratulate her.

She then figured out that peter was the main character,well she assumed he was the main character since he asked her to prom.And when he dad was arrested and she moved away that's when her role changed.

Another major change happened when thanos attacked and many roles were changed since then.
Tho peters role stayed the same after fighting thanos the same thing can't be said for the people around him.

A boy named brad had turned into the rival,Flash still stayed the same,Betty's role upgraded a little bit but the most change that happend was with Michelle Jones better know as MJ.

Some time before her field trip to Europe the principal gathered all the students to talk about the changes after the blip they discussed many different topics but the biggest one of all was the matter of the movie roles.

They showed the names of the people who's role has changed and suddenly MJ's name appeared on the screen. and under it was the role Love interest.

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