The classic field trip (Part 2)

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After what had just happened i can now expect Clint falling from the ceiling,possibly Sam using red wing to prank me and maybe a wild Bucky with a sniper filled with pranking bullets.Sometimes i hate living with them.

"What the fuck"

Fuck you Parker luck

"Hi Peter just want you to know that we're having takeout for dinner so what do you want"Mr.Rogers asked me.

Just pretend you can't hear him,you're not here,you're invisible.

Like uncle drax says if you don't move and stay so incredibly still you're invisible.

"Peter are you okay?"
"Dude!Captain America is talking to you!"Ned said nudging me excitingly

"Dude not the time! I'm trying to be invisible"I whispered yelled

"But we all can still see you"

"Damit Ned! Ugh uncle draxs being invisible method normally works"
"It never works Peter"Mr.Rogers said

"It worked when Uncle Bucky and Uncle Sam scared you and you spilled milk all over yourself."I argued back

"That was one time!and why do you call Bucky and Sam uncle but not me!"Mr.Rogers whined
"Cuz ur old enough to be my grandpa "
"Oooooh BUUUUUUUURN!"at that very moment peitro ran in.

"Underoos burn counter is now up to 54"Fridays voice came.

"For your information Bucky is older than me"
"Peter!that is not how you talk to an adult and ever more captain America!"Mrs.Susan said.
She's a teacher from another class.
"No no it's quite alright"Mr.Rogers said.

"Well um lets get on with the tour shall we?,First up we're going to the avengers museum section."
They walked into the museum Steve fallowing close behind they had 30 minutes in the museum so me a Ned just walk around talking about star wars with MJ walking next to us reading her book. Mr.Rogers went to his section of the museum to see what tony wrote about him.Yes tony wrote facts and funny stories about everyone of us and told them to put it in the museum.

And just as this day couldn't jet any worse here comes flash
"Hey Parker! How did you get captain America to talk to you huh? Did you pay him or something?How much did you have to sell to get that money huh? Do you sell all your food to bribe him? No wonder your so skinny and weak"and with that he punched me right in the gut. Of course it didn't hurt I mean flash is pretty weak and my super strength and all that but in order to stop him from going on to bully other kids I have to act like it hurts.

So I jumped backwards and hit a wall and closed my eyes shut groaning...I think I looks pretty believable considering how much flash was laughing

Someone get me an Oscar! Or like and Emmy or something!

But then again flash also isn't that smart as well.
Oh and that wall I hit just so happens to be my section of the museum and there were replicas of my suits on displays along with replicas of my web shooters
I admire the attention to detail this really looks like the real thing then I noticed something.
Facts about Spider-Man

He loves science
He can't cook
He likes scaring people by walking on the ceiling
He's short
He says Quack-son instead of croissant.
He's scared of spiders
He loves vine
He's taken (sorry ladies or men if that's what your into)

"Hahhahahah you your scared of spiders! Hahaha" Not so surprisingly that was MJ. Peter just groaned, another thing for MJ to make fun of peter with but he knows she does it to show affection.

"Quack son?"Ned said trying to remember how peter says croissants
"Let's just get back to the group times almost up"I said trying to avoid any further embarrassment from the long lists of Spider man has a six pack or anything of the sort.


I'm trying my best to update here

i'm in school all day and i have class on the weekends so updates are gonna be pretty slow
oh and yep there's gonna be a part 3 on the field trip.

sorry for the slow updates .

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