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So lets just pretend that no one has been to the museum before ok?

Ans this also will contain abit of winterwidow nothing major just some flirting.


So tony was scrolling on instagram and he saw someone post about going to visit the museum with the exhibit about steve and then a brain wave hit him.

"Friday!get every one a ticket to whatever museum that has the captain america exhibit"

"Ofcourse boss"

oh this was going to be a fun day.

So after finally herding everyone into his limo and going to peters school to pretty much kidnap him they were fianlly on their way to that museum.

soon before they arrived with much struggle he managed to put blindfolds of steve and barnes and now there the avengers were standing infront of the museum doors.

"Why do be and bucky have to be blind folded?"steve asked while bruce was turning him to face the museum.

"It's a surprise...duh!"tony said walking up the stair to the doors while the others tried to guide the supersoldiers up the steps...key word 'tried'

Steve wasn't doing that bad only triping a couple times while Bucky on the other hand was like a drunk person tripping on almost every step (courtesy of sam) and walking left a right like a mad man(again courtesy of sam) he even fell flat on his face.

Everyone with a 20 meter radius was watching,taking pictures,videos etc. those pictures will soon later be found on the internet with the caption of 'The avengers and one random kid trying to lead 2 blindfolded supersoldiers up the stairs'

Once they were finally in the museum they went to the captain America exhibit
"Uh why are we here?"asked Nat
"You'll see"
"Alright stand right there and take of your blind folds in 3,2,1,take them off!"

"...What is the meaning of this"asked steve

"It's a museum about you so I decided the we should have a little team bonding time and make fun of you"tony said

"That doesn't sound-"

"WOOOOOOOOOW! LOOK AT THAT!"Peter pointed running towards the screen where they showed the amazing tranformation "YOU GREW LIKE  2 FEET!"

"hahah lordy that was you steve?hahah!"Tony exclaimed

"Yea yea get your laughs out now"

"A simbol to the nation,A hero to the world,The story of captain america is one of honnor bravery and sacrifice"

"Hey I didn't know they had motorcycles back then"Natasha said admiring the motorcycle on display.

"IS that Barnes?"They heard

They turned around and indeed there was Buckys face along with all the information that they had on him

"Hold on I want to face time shuri...HEY SHURI! look at this!"Peter sad fliping his phone so that shuri can see 40s Buckys face...seriously what's the point of the flip camera function.



"ooh you were cute"they heard natasha say.

Clint spun around so quickly his neck could have snapped of

"Were?"Bucky questioned and clint whirlled around in his direction

"OKay maybe you still are but now you're more hot that cute"

Clint spun around looking shocked at what natasha just said

"so you think i'm hot?"Clint looked at bucky with a murderous look on his face


"Okay that's enough flirting between you two move along barnes move along"Clint said shooing bucky away and giving him the slit to the neck and threatening to shoot and arrow strait throught his heart if he even thought of dating Natasha.

"Wow you look bad back then too"you can probably guess who said that






"Well i don't see the defference"

"NO fighting!Bucky Sam appologise now"Steve said

"BUt he started it"Bucky whined

Steve raised an eyebrow

"fiNE SoRrY"

steve looked at sam 


"Good now since we're here let's look at-"Steve got cut of by "LOOK AT THAT!THE OUTFITS LOOK AMAZING!"that was ofcourse peter"THAT JACKET LOOKS SO BADASS!"that was shuri over the phone.


"HELL YEA IT WAS BADASS!"that was surprisingly bucky






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