Chapter 11

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How can I put this into words?

Laura... she. Well, she was a babe again. My jaw hung open as I LEERED at her in confusion and she only smiled nervously back, touching my chin and shutting my mouth closed again.

"L-L-Laura!" I squeaked, in utter surprise. More like disbelief than anything, "You're... YOU'RE HOT AGAIN!"

"Remind me why I agreed to date you again," She said with a teasing voice and I only rubbed my eyes with my hands, looking at her again and asking.

"H-How...? W-why...?"

"Presentation," Is all she replied with, and walked a few steps out of her cottage to the sunlight of day, "It makes a big difference."

"But, I thought you didn't like being beautiful?" I asked on confused and she only sighed, turning to see me again and answering.

"I don't mind looking beautiful... I just don't like being fawned over."

"I," I uttered, rubbing my head as my brain was so sore from all the thinking and analysing it was doing, "...okay?"

Laura only smirked at me, and dipped her hand into mine. I froze at her touch. This was the first time someone had held my hand.

And it, it felt nice...

"C'mon," She said to me and the two of us, we began to stroll through the village hand in hand, "Let's do something nice."

"Yeah," I agreed nervously. Her hand was so soft and her face so pretty... did this mean, that she was my girlfriend now? That she liked me enough to become all beautified again.

I saw Laura glance her eyes at me nervously and when I caught her gaze, I smiled wide, her doing the same.

"Honestly," She said to me in a low voice, "I'm not used to being out and about... I'm usually looking after my grandma."

My eyebrows raised at this bit of information and I stopped walking, pulling her back.

"Then," I said bravely, with a kind wide smile, "Let's do that."

"Are you serious?" She asked, but her eyes lit up at my statement, "You really don't mind not being the centre of attention?"

I laughed at this as I squeezed her hand tighter and said with a cheerful disposition, "Me? The centre of attention? I do believe that title goes to my cousin Isabella."

Laura laughed as well, and when she saw my supportive gaze, she gulped and slowly nodded her head, the two of us turning back in the direction of her cottage.

Just as I was about to enter in after her, I felt a pair of eyes burning into my back and I turned around in instinct to see who it was.

I saw her then, Isabella, as she watched from our house in the distance. Her face looked sad, but also hopeful and I waved at her softly from so far away. She smiled weakly, before waving in return and giving me a small nod.

Telling me with no words, everything will be okay.

I knew it would. I closed my eyes, took a deep exhale out and entered the cottage.

I watched as Laura and her mother tried to take care of Paulina, their ailing elder. I sat down and just examined the scene.

They had to help her dress, cook her meals, even to direct her to the right room. It was sad in a way because THIS was Laura's life. But when I looked into her face, I saw only love and happiness. Happy she was doing the right thing.

After an hour went by, and Paulina had been directed to her room for a nap, I saw Laura's mother approach me quietly. She gazed into my eyes and I only looked back into hers.

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