Chapter 12

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It was time

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It was time. The night came and the fight was about to happen.

Robbie held up his rifle, ready to open fire. He walked around under the Ferris wheel, taking cover behind its poles and watching out for Castle to come in sight. "Come out, little brother! We all know that no matter how hard you try, I'm always the better one. You'll lose either way," Castle called out.

"I'm not your brother!" Robbie yelled back. He heard a thud behind him and he turned around quickly as Castle ran towards him and reached out for his rifle. He got yanked forward and he lost his grip on the rifle and Castle took the first punch at him. He dodged it, grabbed a hold of the rifle again and pushed it towards Castle as hard as he could. Castle stumbled backwards but quickly regained his balance. The rifle was now on the ground and neither of them let the other grab it.

Castle launched his foot into Robbie's chest, sending him backwards onto the street. He gave Robbie no time to rest, he ran at him and kicked him in the ribs again. Robbie stepped back, his hand on the side of his rib cage and the other hand pulled out a glock that he secured away in a holster under his belt. But Castle was wearing a vest and he knew shooting him in the chest won't do much good. So, he aimed it at his arm and pulled the trigger. Castle crumbled to the side, "FUCKING HELL," he yelled as blood dripped from his arm.

"I asked you to stop, Killian," Robbie said, "you had your chance and you were too foolish to take it."

After a moment of struggle, Castle held up his fists again, "I won't stop until you set fire to the roses on my grave," he threw another punch but Robbie blocked it, causing him to drop the gun. Then, Robbie grabbed his head between his two hands and hit it against his own head. Castle fell backwards on the ground. "There will be no roses on your grave," Robbie said. Castle threw himself at Robbie, both of them stumbling to the ground. Robbie laid on his back as Castle dug his knees into his ribs. He felt them breaking inside and he screamed. Castle had him pinned to the ground and tried to choke the life out of him.

Robbie reached his hand up and he pressed his thumb into Castle's left eye. Castle pulled away, moaning loudly in pain. Robbie took that moment as an advantage and he got up, grabbing Castle's head and he pushed him down. He was now on top of Castle and he bashed his head into the hard concrete beneath him over and over.

Then, a sudden blow to his head sent him falling down to the side. He felt blood dripped to his face. Castle had got a hold of the gun. Robbie quickly kicked it out of his hand and he crawled away to the same direction that the gun dropped, giving Castle no chance to take another hit on him. Castle covered his injured eye with his hand, his vision was blurry but he caught a glimpse of Robbie turning his back to pick up the gun.

Robbie felt a jolt of pain in his right side of the body. He grunted as he turned around. Castle was standing inches behind him, a sinister smile on his lips as blood dripped down from his left eye. His one hand gripped on Robbie's shoulder and the other held the knife that went inside Robbie. Although, the wound wasn't that deep.

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