Body in the Cave

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Everything was destroyed, ripped to shreds. Gun, phone, ammo- missing. What was left was ruined clothes and a broken tent, scattered all around the forest floor.

Adira felt anger as she bent down to pick what clothes were still okay to use. She paused when she grabbed her bag, finger running over large claw marks.

"A bear got to your things." Jane commented without another thought. She held a rifle of her own, gripping on to it tightly as she looked around. "Take what you can use so we can head back. Everybody is ready to go on the daily search."

"Ah yes...sorry," Adira muttered, furrowing her brows together, "It just doesn't make sense. Why would a bear take my gun and phone?"

"Wild animals take what they want and discard it far off. Must be in a ditch by now. No point in searching for it."

Yet another worry to eat away at her. She held on to a few shirts and pants, and thanked Jane for helping her search for her items. Now they would head back and join the rest of the group to search for their missing loved ones.

By the time they got back, everyone was set and ready to go. Jane was right, there were six people in total. Two men and four women, each with their own heartbreaking stories. Jane introduced herself to the others she had not seen, but nothing was really formal. Everyone didn't seem to eager to be there, in fact they wished they weren't there at all. Who could blame them? No one wanted to be caught in the middle of the forest searching for their families and living in heart ache.

Adira quickly dropped off her clothes in her room and reunited with the group. The man from the fire pit yesterday was speaking, holding a worn out map in front of him. Jane told her his name was Jax. He was the leader in a way, as the camp belonged to his father.

"Alright everyone. You two head down by the creek. We didn't search the west side. You other two go down with them but focus south. And the rest of us are going to walk back into the forest. Jane will lead us to what she believes is a cave. Make sure you have extra batteries everyone."

They disbanded quickly without a word. Adira could feel the quiet depression leaking from each one and it caused her to become saddened as well.

"Hi. My names Devon," a blue eyed girl burst her thoughts as she outstretched a hand towards Adira. She jumped a little in surprise but offered her hand as well, "Oh. Adira."

"I saw you coming in last night. Was going to head out and say hi but, well, no energy." Devon joked, a sad smile on her face. Adira and her joined along with the rest of their group, heading into another side of the forest she hadn't been into.

"Who are you looking for?" Devon asked, fumbling with the straps of her small backpack.

"My boyfriend and his friends. They went missing while out hunting..." she choked up a bit, covering it with a cough, "What about you?"

"My sister," Devon replied a little quietly, "She was out drunk with her boyfriend...well, ex boyfriend. They were playing hide and seek and he never found her. He's moved on now."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Adira responded, looking down at the floor.

"Yeah. I thought he did something to her too. But she called the next day. I never understood what that voicemail said. Maybe you can?"

Adira didn't feel comfortable listening to peoples personal things, but she figured it would be a nice gesture. They trailed behind the group and Devon pulled out her phone. She tapped a few buttons and held the cell to Adira's ear. What she thought would be a woman speaking was actually much worse.

In the voicemail, Devons sister was panting heavily, sobbing. Her voice was cracking however, and barely audible. Just as Adira felt she could faintly make a word out, the voicemail ended. She didn't know what to say as Devon placed the phone back in her bag.

"I know she may not be-...I'm hoping to at least find out what happened to her." Devon's baggy eyes glistened with tears and she didn't speak another word.

They all walked for about half an hour until Jax stopped everyone, speaking to Jane in hushed tones for a moment before pointing ahead at a large wall of rock. Jane walked forward leading the group to an area covered in vines. It didn't seem like it had been disturbed in a while, but the fact that there were old dead vines on the ground gave everyone the idea that at one point someone had been there.

Jane ripped the plants off with a spare knife she had and unveiled a hole big enough for someone to walk into. All present peered into the dark cave, shining their flashlights at the morbid, cold entrance. Spiders crawled away at the intrusion, leaving behind a curtain of webs.

Jax was the first to step into the hole, followed by another member of the group.

"It seems to go pretty far. We'll go in a bit then head out if nothing shows up. Javier, keep your eyes on the floor. Don't want to miss anything." Jax stated, asking the rest of the woman to keep watch.

Adira sat herself on the floor, next to Devon and another woman. They were all quiet, looking around and secretly hoping no bad news would come from the cave. Adira prayed for it as well.

Time passed but no later than 10 minutes the two men came out. Both faces were sheer white as Jax hurried to Jane and whispered in her ear. Everyone knew something was amiss.

They began to crowd around the leader. Adira stayed put as she nervously chewed the inside of her mouth. Jax ignored the questions and instead spoke over everyone. He inhaled sharply, nodding to Javier who went back inside. This time he had his bag with him.

"Um. There's definitely bones in well as fabric." Jax almost whispered. He had to stop to try and calm a woman who had suddenly burst into tears. "Now, now. We don't know who it is. We still have to hold on to hope."

Adira was nervous this time as well. She started to join them, anticipation killing her until Javier came out. He tenderly held on to a ripped item of clothing. It was the sleeve of a striped shirt, stained with what could only be old blood.

He held it out for everyone to see and for a moment the world itself stopped turning. Adira unintentionally pushed her way past a woman, and suddenly all eyes were on her.

She didn't know if anyone asked her anything, but she took the fabric into her shaking hands.

The picture Mitch had last sent her gave it away. The three men in one frame together, smiling at the last photo to ever be produced of them. They all had unzipped camo jackets, but she remembered what they were wearing underneath. One had a checkered shirt, the other had a navy blue one....and the last one had an orange, striped shirt identical to the one in her hand.

Adira accidentally dropped it, clutching her hand over her mouth as she began to sob. Devon held on to her, crying as well, and the rest of the group became silent.

It belonged to Conrad. Mitch's best friend since birth. And he was dead.

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