A Closer Connection

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The beast paced the entrance of the camp once night had fallen. His eyes stayed glued to the cabin where Adira was currently in, alert for any sign of movement. So far, none.

Throughout the day he had been watching her through the eyes of birds. He noticed everyone back at camp had become much more alert since she returned. The one older woman who reeked of suspicion didn't seem to eat whatever Adira explained to them. But it all worked out. She stayed in her room for the day, not bothering to walk out for food or water.

The blonde woman who had seen him before wasn't anywhere to be found, which was fine with the monster. He would've had to kill them all then and there if word of his existence got out.

Movement from up ahead made the beast raise his head in attention. He watched the familiar woman creep out of her cabin, checking her wrist before shutting the door behind her.

Adira sighed to herself as she cautiously glanced around, carefully making her way out of the camp. With all the strength she could muster, she gripped the knife in her pocket as tightly as she could. It was obvious to the monster she wasn't aware of his presence just yet, but he stayed put, standing out in the open so she could see him in all his glory.

The monster's chest heaved up and down rapidly as he examined the woman- the way she walked, the strands of hair brushing against her cheek... She was a delicious meal ready to be devoured, only he refused to consume the flesh. At least for now.

Adira jumped slightly when she noticed the dark, familiar outline of her terrifying stalker under the moon light. She felt all types of horrible emotions rushing through her, but held fast to her newfound determination. With a shaky voice, she shoved her hand in her pocket where her weapon lay, "Okay. I'm here. Now please...give me it. It's all I have left of him."

The monster slipped his hand into his pocket, pulling out the locket she so desperately wanted. He didn't outright give it to the woman, and instead laid it flat on his hand. He stretched his arm towards the human, eyes widening in anticipation. He wanted to see if she would come closer and try to snatch it.

Adira knew this was too easy, but even so she slowly stepped towards the large claw. With a shaky hand, she hovered it over his...only to find it gone before she could grab it.

"N-no..." Adira noticed the being once again dangling it over her head like some kind of game. No matter how many times she jumped, she just couldn't reach the locket. Fear turned to tears of frustration, but the other seemingly enjoyed the struggle. His excitement and amusement was clearly visible as he stepped back, causing the woman to trail after him as he dragged her further into his forest.

Adira had enough. She grabbed the knife she had concealed and brandished it before her like a sword. She made sure the black figure saw it, but it didn't seem to frighten him in the least. "Give it to me," Adira threatened, angrily stepping forward as more tears trickled down her cheeks, "You sick...thing. Give it to me!"

He didn't seem to like the insult and straightened up. Adira choked on her words as she accidentally dropped her knife, caught off guard by how quickly the mood changed.

The wind pushed against her roughly as she fell on her knees, pressing her hands together in prayer, "Please God. Please please..."

"That's pointless," came a rather cold, whispery, inhuman response.

Adira's jaw fell open as soon as her head shot up. She looked at the silent figure in front of her as he held out the locket and dropped it into her open palms. She stared at the item in her hands for a few seconds, before opening her mouth once more, "Did you just say something? Uhm..." A second ago she was trying to stab him and now she only wanted to know if he had spoken.

"I-I...I'm-," Words couldn't come out no matter how hard she tried to form them.

Her strange companion didn't seem amused by all this, and walked off without her. Now it was her turn to chase him down, questioning him repeatedly until he stopped and whirled around. He cornered her against a tree. Adira stood her ground this time, knowing for whatever reason he wouldn't hurt her. She looked defiantly into his eyes, until all seriousness escaped. Instead, she stared at the ground both fearfully and awkwardly.

Adira was about to slide away until a sharp finger lifted up her chin, making eye contact with the beast once more. She felt paralyzed with fear until he handed her a phone- her phone. Adira took it without a word, straightening up once the voice she heard before came from the being himself.

"Tomorrow." Was all he said, and Adira gave an unsure nod. Perhaps, she thought as she stared at the locket in her hand, the monster might be of use...

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