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God hovered over Adira's unconscious body after yanking the door of the cage off. Drops of blood trickled down the side of her cheek as a small, yet deep gash leaked fluid. God had latched on to her leg with his teeth and pulled a little too hard, accidentally sending her flying back until she smacked a tree. He was surprised she was still alive at that point, especially after treating her like a chew toy.

It was an innocent bite, according to him, caused in the heat of the moment. God attempted to lick the blood off as best as he could, but the flesh was proving to be too tempting. He had to stop, and let it dry on its own.  

Adira didn't wake up- even as he began working on her wound. He ripped her shirt with one swipe of his claw, wrapping the thin material around her leg securely just so the scent wouldn't bother him anymore. It was at that point once more where he had to wait for her to get back up, but waiting was proving to be too difficult. He crawled towards the sleeping beauty, running a nail down her neck until he slowly lifted it back up to her cut cheek. Without any thought, he pushed the tip of his finger into the damaged flesh until Adira woke with a gasp.

She breathed heavily, wincing in pain as she struggled to figure out where she was and why everything ached. It wasn't until she noticed God that she started to hyperventilate. With her weak arms, she tried to pull back, but the monster held her down by her good leg.

"Get off me!" Adira cursed fearfully, a hint of anger in her voice.

"Your leg is useless. You can't escape." God warned as she paused and examined what had become of her body. In a matter of seconds, she cried out in horror as she shielded her bra. God didn't even realize what she was so caught up on until her red face and visible tears gave him the feeling she was uncomfortable.

"G-give me my clothes back," Adira whispered shakily, until she noticed it was torn and wrapped around her leg. She blinked a couple times, glaring at the wound now that she had come to her senses. As if forgetting she was shirtless and in pain, she balled her hand up into a fist and attempted to swing at God.

"You monster! You promised to look for Mitch and Kevin and instead you tried to eat me?!" Adira was angry for putting her faith on an animal, and even more so that he had scared her so badly. God was unpredictable. It was foolish to believe he would actually be useful.

"I'm leaving and finding them myself." Adira cursed as she attempted to get back on her two feet.

God could just eat her then and there, he wondered. Maybe bite her head off and drink her blood. But then the fun was over?

No. It wasn't just that.

"I remember your little human companions," God's voice boomed, only he didn't mean to bring up his newly discovered memories so soon. Adira stopped what she was doing and her face became much more serious. The monster knew this was the only way she would stay.

"Those three were captured by my disciples. Did I ever tell you about those fanatics? They're the ones who brought me here. But that's a story for another time."

Adira gripped the soil beneath her fingers, seemingly on the verge of tears as God continued speaking on what little memory he had of the past. She didn't seem to want to hear the rest of what the beast had to say, for fear that more horrifying news would be thrown at her.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Adira whispered, tears trickling down her eyes at the thought of her boyfriend being held hostage by lunatics. "Where the fuck are they? Where is Mitch." God couldn't remember and didn't exactly want to. All he recalled was the taste of blood and screaming...endless screaming.

"You're taking me to those fucks who kidnapped him you hear me? Right now!" Adira forced herself to get up and didn't even bat an eye as her leg oozed more blood. She rested on a tree to adjust her bra and wipe her cheek, then marched forward.

"I haven't seen any of those people in a while." God responded, only to be cut off by Adira's vicious stare as she whirled back at him.

"You're lying." She hissed, no longer terrified by what he might do to her. God could sense it and despite it being disappointing before, he now seemed to welcome the change.

"Perhaps," God trotted up to her, watching the woman next to him with a hint of curiosity and admiration, "Aren't you afraid?"

Adira's hands shook, her legs trembled, and her breathing was heavy, but she knew at one point she had to confront her fears. Whether he was dead, injured, or captured by psychopaths who worshipped the freaky deer man next to her. She had to put on a brave front for the man she loved and try her best to find him no matter where he was.

Yes. She was afraid. But Mitch always told her doing something that felt scary meant you were doing something very brave.

"Lead me to them," Adira nodded reassuringly to herself, and looked up at her strange companion. God could tell there was no point in instilling her head with worries and doubts. She wasn't backing out. Besides, no matter the outcome he had to remember she would stay with him.

Though it was true he hadn't seen his disciples in a while, he recognized a few of them wandering around the forest every now and then- whether to hunt in his name and offer sacrifices or just spend time in his domain with unsuspecting family or friends. In fact, he could already pick up the scent of one of them. God sniffed the air as he pulled off his jacket, tossing it to the surprised woman beside him.

She slowly took it, unaware of why he was giving it to her as she stared at his exposed upper body. God was built well, but looking at his skin was like looking at a bottomless pit. Pitch black and radiating cold energy. Adira must have gotten lost in the darkness, because God lifted his claw up to his neck and sternly asked, "What are you staring at?"

"No, I wasn't," Adira felt uncomfortable and stupid as she pulled the jacket over her body. It was like a long robe, but it shielded her from the wind and covered her nakedness. She felt too uncomfortable to even mutter a thanks, but it wasn't like God deserved it. He chased her, bit her, lied to her...the last thing that he needed was to be praised for it. God didn't seem to be expecting anything, for he took the lead without another word. Adira followed after, pushing aside what had just happened to focus on more important things.

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