Shadows in the Dark

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Adira narrowed her eyes, shaking her head furiously, "You're not smelling hard enough or you're lying. Don't even say I got the place wrong because this is where I slept last night." She pointed to an empty area next to the fire pit while God casually inspected an old bag lying to one side. He peaked inside then tossed it with little interest, "Nothing but rot here. You smell of death as well."

"I don't care what I smell like! They probably got scared and left and cleaned up their tracks or something..." Adira yanked Kevin's knife out and showed it to God, who stared at the item for ages, "Smell it and find them please!"

God plucked the knife from her small grasp and inspected it closely. He growled as he looked it over, then glanced back at Adira, "What did you say your friends names were?"

"Kevin and Conrad...that's Kevin's knife. Mitch gave it to him a while back." Adira felt horrible knowing that the one thing Kevin had of Mitch was gone from him. She had to hurry and find out where the two men were so she could give it back.

"Smells like death," God immediately tossed the knife back to the woman, "You reek of it also. I noticed it when you first came back to me."

Adira didn't know what God was talking about. She was at the point of giving up entirely and finding them on her own when he abruptly grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder. She was too caught off guard to speak for a moment, but managed to find her voice, "Excuse me!?"

"I smell something faint here. There are tracks belonging to something large. It's a singular individual, not two. Don't complain about me carrying you because your little legs won't make it far."

Adira stayed quiet, thinking about what Kevin had told her the night before, as well as her dream. She bit the inside of her cheek, picking away at the dead skin, "Hunting season...hey, I have something to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Kevin told me it's hunting season, but not for us. He's also said he's seen you from time to time. Maybe you've seen him around?"

God stepped over a large stream, wiggling his boot to get the excess water out. He readjusted Adira to a more comfortable position, sitting her on his shoulder now. She instinctively reached out for his horns to steady herself, fearful yet amazed at how he felt. He was cold, smooth, and radiated some unpleasant energy. Now that she got a closer look at his head she could tell it was thick and sturdy, like bone. The darkness of his skin did not change, however, and she could barely make out any features despite being so close.

"I would've known if I was being watched by a human." God responded, pretending to slip on something just so Adira would grab him tighter. "Hunting season? Well, I suppose it is. I'm an expert huntsman."

The blonde-haired woman said nothing as she watched their surroundings. Steady streams of light were now penetrating through trees and fog. Even the rain had subsided, leaving behind the smell of wet leaves. Had it not been for the events that had unfolded, Adira would have greatly enjoyed the view.

"Your people back at camp have marked you as missing. You've worried them all."

"Huh? Oh...I don't really care anymore. I have more important things to do."

God was pleased with her response, and the two stayed in silence as he quickly travelled over large distances. He was right, Adira thought, wherever they were headed would have worn her out completely had she been walking the entire time.

"Tell me about yourself, Adira," God suddenly said, causing the woman to raise her brows in surprise. Her name had never been spoken by him felt strange.

"Um...I don't know what to say? Why do you ask?"

"I'm curious."

"Okay," Adira glanced away from the beast and stared out into the greenery, watching a few birds pass by them with little chirps, "Well my favorite color is pink. I like to play video games and eat sushi. Happy?"

"You're very boring," God stated with dissatisfaction, "What scares you?"

"You do."

"I take it as a compliment."

Adira rolled her eyes, pushing one of his horns aside as it jabbed her cheek. "Oh yeah? I have a question for you now."

God lifted his head slightly as Adira rested her small hand on the top of his skull. She clicked her tongue in satisfaction once she came up with a proper question to ask the beast, "What in the living hell are you?"


Adira couldn't help but let out a weird, confused snort at how funny God sounded. It was only when she was reminded of everything in the past did she compose herself and wipe the grin off her lips.

"You heard me. You're not human, you look like a shadow person, you eat people, and you're freakishly tall...but you act like one of us. What are you?"

God was silent, causing Adira to think he was annoyed. It was only after he stopped walking and began muttering to himself did she realize something else was going on.

"Um. Forget I asked." She broke the awkward silence, only to be met with a very cold response, "I come from somewhere far away. I don't want to talk about it." Almost instantly, he grabbed Adira by the waist and plopped her back down on the floor, "You can walk from here."

The woman was grateful to be on the floor once again, though she felt off with the unusual exchange. Something had upset him, but there were other things to worry about at the moment. She continued trailing behind him for the remainder of their walk, only to run into his leg when he came to a sudden halt.

She didn't say a word, and glanced upwards to see what had grabbed God's attention. He seemed to be entranced by a certain sight before him, and it was only when she followed his gaze did she finally speak.

"Oh fuck."

Before them was what could only be described as a sea of bodies dangling from trees overhead. Their entrails were securely fastened on various branches, like ornaments carefully arranged on a Christmas tree.

"Well I suppose your little friend was right. It's definitely hunting season...only I'm not the only one participating."

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