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Adira came to the conclusion that God was a deity of some sort, though she didn't want to believe in it. He mentioned once people gave him the name, but what type of people called that thing God? Whoever they were, Adira secretly hoped they never crossed paths.

"How long have you been here?" The woman asked as she trailed behind the mighty beast. He always moved faster than she did, and it was a struggle to keep up.

"A long time," Came the short response.

Adira stayed quiet after that, not knowing why she was even trying to communicate with something that basically took her life away.

Despite how he appeared on the outside, God was thrilled by how everything was turning out. He fantasized about which parts of the woman he would devour first. Perhaps her eyes? They were round and childlike, almost like a newborn- naive to the world and its sorrows. The thought of them popping into his mouth filled him with ecstasy until a loud cry erupted him from his sick thoughts.

The monster turned abruptly, confused by Adira's pale white face until he realized she had stumbled upon a grave. A human one, to be exact. Adira stepped away from the pile of bones and visible skull she had almost stepped on. Her heart raced at the sight of the clothes scattered around her.

"Oh my's a body!"

God didn't care but examined the remains anyways to amuse the horrified woman. Everything was still intact, preserved by nature and its elements. Adira clenched her hands over her chest as she stepped away from God, who noticed her withdrawal.

"Did you kill them?"

"No." God replied, annoyed by the human's speculation, "Not this one."

Adira was still afraid, but spoke her thoughts freely now that she had made a pact with the devil, "Why do you kill humans?"

God didn't seem to mind the question, and he lifted up the skull from its sockets, "You humans always have to interfere with everything and take what isn't yours." Adira didn't understand what he meant, but she didn't express her confusion. She rubbed her thumb against her hand, waiting for them to continue on their way, but God wasn't finished. He crushed the skull in his fist, dropping the remaining pieces on the floor, "That woman I ate deserved it. She thought she could smoke one final time before killing herself." Adira realized he was talking about Miriam.


"This forest belongs to me," God confronted her, sending the woman cowering, "Anything that threatens it, or its inhabitants, is dealt with." Adira didn't know what he meant at first, but after much thought it made sense- though it didn't make it right.

Miriam had died because there was a chance her cigarette could cause a forest fire.

Adira continued looking down until she was sure God was no longer in front of her. She followed after him, thinking about everything that had just occurred. He brutally murdered people who threatened the forest and animals...did that mean he hurt Mitch or his friends? They went inside for the purpose to hunt.

"God?" she asked carefully.


"Please tell me...did you hurt any of the men in the photo I showed you?"

God didn't respond, which made a cold sweat drip down Adira's forehead. She stopped moving, refusing to continue. God noticed and did the same, though he didn't turn to face her immediately. As still as a statue, he spoke in a bone chilling manner, "I don't recall eating them if that's what you meant." It was a half-truth. He did remember them from before, but truth be told food was food and God didn't remember every face he ripped off. He might've seen them a second time around and devoured them then. Who knew?

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