Deep in the Forest

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Adira sat on a log next to a creek, fumbling with her broken necklace. She had wandered off, not knowing or caring where she was headed to. It was only when she was blocked off by water did she decide to give her sore feet a rest.

The pool was gentle, inviting, and turned out to be a calming place for Adira to get away from her pain. She breathed in deeply, eyes fluttering shut as she soaked in the bright rays of sun. It felt good, along with the wind on her skin.

Of course, good things never last, and the split second she opened her eyes she was once again reminded of everything. Sadness turned to anxiety as she collapsed on the floor, resting her back on the log she had sat on. With her knees brought up to her chest, she cradled herself into a little ball as she stared at the water in front of her.

Would she do it here? End it all and slip into the waters that flowed down below? She wondered if she would see Mitch in the afterlife. Was he waiting for her?

Adira inhaled deeply, sitting up as she began to make her way down the creek. The flowing water bled into a large lake that glistened like glass. It was beautiful, Adira thought, and a place she knew she would be comfortable spending her last moments in.

Quietly, she unzipped her pants and pulled them down. It'd be just like swimming, she reassured herself, tiptoeing towards the edge of the waters. The second she made contact with her big toe, she flinched and nearly second guessed what she was about to do.

The water was much too cold for comfort. If anything, she would have to do it all quickly.

"This is the only way," Adira silently agreed with herself, reattempting to enter her doom. She  barely made it knee deep before something large and heavy started to break the twigs around her. She stopped, thinking for a moment it might be a bear until another individual came into mind.

"Get the fuck away from me, God," she spat, glaring around to see if she caught sight of the big horned being. To her annoyance he didn't come out. Even so, she felt like she was being watched. Adira grew self-conscious and dipped herself further into the water until she was neck deep.

It was colder than she imagined, and much much deeper. She could barely keep herself afloat as she started to stray further into the lake.

There was no turning back at this point. She squeezed her eyes shut as she envisioned Mitch under the waves, inviting her to her death. It was the only thing that kept her calm as she sank down.

The sensation of descending was calming at first. She opened her eyes and saw nothing but the sun warped above her along with strands of green plants that gently grazed her skin. Peacefulness, however, soon turned to horror as her lungs began to beg for air. She tried not to think of it, telling herself she could just push herself upwards and breathe again...but when her feet felt nothing underneath she began to regret her actions.

Adira's eyes flew open as her hands flayed around her wildly. She unintentionally gasped and swallowed a large amount of water, a horrible burning sensation going up her nose and down her throat. The woman was now more than terrified of dying, and no thought could comfort her at that moment. She was just about to give up and swallow even more water until something rough took a hold of her.

It yanked her up out of the murky depths of the lake and pulled her up to the heavens. She gasped loudly, coughing uncontrollably as she attempted to wipe her hair from her eyes.

Grunting could be heard from whoever had rescued her as they dragged her back to the shore and let her recover under the sun's warm rays of light. Adira breathed heavily, trying to grasp what had just happened before she realized there was someone else beside her.

She crawled away from a rather thin, dirty looking man. The man raised his hands, letting her know she was safe. "You're okay," he spoke in a low voice, "I noticed you waking into the water and didn't come back up. It looked like you needed help." Adira swallowed hesitantly, eyeing her pants and other items along with Mitch's necklace.

"I... didn't need help," she lied, still unsure whether she should move. The man didn't seem to buy that, and he pulled off an old backpack, rummaging inside for a few items. He yanked out a shirt and some men's shorts, along with a towel that was ripped but still useable. Turning away, the man walked forwards after gently tossing the items at her feet. He didn't continue looking at her as he spoke, but Adira slowly took the clothes and towel. She examined them, then the back of the man's head as a slow realization creeped upon her.

"You don't recognize me, do you?" He almost whispered, still facing away from the woman he had rescued. Adira had finished putting her clothes on and slowly approached the man. She circled around to the front, now able to get a better look at him. When their eyes met, shock fell upon her.

He gave a small smile and waved gently as tears filled his eyes. Adira brought a hand up to her lips in shock.

"'re alive?"

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