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Today, on a new episode of Yiyi bites off more than they can chew… I present *this* half-cocked idea

🤔 my inner sadist said to just leave it coz we all know ima be two chapters in, get distracted by a new 2D 🍆 and then start a whole new unhealthy obsession…
… speaking of 👀 I have this unholy idea for Sukuna but it's unhinged and I'd have to drive everyone to therapy afterward …
I'll bring snacks tho 🍪🍪🍪 trauma cookies

anyhoo, to the fine print! 


A few instances of hard dom/claiming themes 

Some exhibitionism 

Cum play/cum holding 

Size play

Nothing overly untoward tbh coz I honestly think he'd snap your spine 💥respectfully💥

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