Day 6

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“Not going to talk to me?” he asks as I fight back another wave of anxiety that makes my insides shake. “Dumpling?”
His arms wrap around me from behind as he rests his chin on my shoulder. 
“You know I can’t fix what I don’t know is broken." 
“Nothing’s wrong,” I say as I shrug him off and continue trying to tame my wayward hair. 
It’s true. Nothing’s wrong, at least nothing I can pinpoint. All I know is that I’m filled with an all-encompassing sense of dread that may or may not have something to do with him. 
He takes the brush from me and puts it down on the vanity before turning me to face him. When he brings us face to face and looks at me from beneath his thick lashes, my chest squeezes tight. 

“You still want to leave?” he asks, barely masking the insecurity in his voice and I shake my head. “Help me out here, dumpling. If it's what you want, I'll help you pack, send you anywhere in the world you want to go, despite what I said last night…" he takes a shuddering breath before continuing, "if it's what's best for you; go." 
I bury my face against his chest. "Don't go out today," I mumble before he forces my gaze back to his. "Let Kirishima go in your place." 
His eyes search my face as he strokes my cheek. "What are you afraid of?" 
I shrug, unable to put words to it. "Something isn't right." 
He kisses me, his lips lingering softly and reassuring against mine. "The only thing wrong is that I'm not inside you right now." 

I laugh weakly at his attempt to defuse my mood and he pulls me closer, nuzzling my throat. 
"I'll be home before you know it." He bites gently and my breath hitches, my nails digging into his back. His teeth scrape down my jugular, making my pulse quicken. "Should I give you something to look forward to?" 
He smirks when he notices my already flushed cheeks when I nod. 
"I love how responsive you are," he murmurs, sliding a hand beneath my tank top. "Always so ready for me, always so eager for my cock…" 
His palm engulfs my breast and he studies my reaction while I try to discern whether my jitters are caused by his touch or the nervous tension I can't seem to shake. 

"Stop thinking." He kisses me again, swallowing my surprised gasp when he pinches my nipple then tugs gently. 
I swear I can feel those tugs between my thighs too, making my pussy ache.
"You can't keep distracting me with sex," I chide against his lips only to have him ignore me and grab my ass to pick me up. 
"Can't I?" he challenges as he carries me to the bedroom. "Are you going to stop me? Do you even want to stop me?" 
He sits on the edge of the bed and I straddle his lap as he kneads my ass. 
"I asked a question, dumpling," he reminds me. "Do you…" he kisses my neck, "want me…" he bites and slides my panties down, "to stop?" 
"No." I push him to his back and kick my panties off. 
He grins up at me, running his fingertips from my calves up to my hips. 

"You're feisty this morning." His breath hitches when I grind against his cock as it hardens beneath me. He bucks his hips, pressing himself more firmly against me, his invitation blatant. 
Leaning down, I nip his jaw playfully then trail kisses down his throat, licking a tattooed swirl on my way down. 
"What are you doing, dumpling?" He asks, running his fingers through my hair when I reach his chest. 
I glance up at him and smirk slightly. "Having breakfast?" 
He chuckles and props himself up on an elbow, watching as I explore his pecs, tracing the muscles with my fingertips. 
Lightly, I drag my nails across one of his nipples, gauging his reaction then repeat the action, watching the way his body tenses slightly. 
“Are you going to eat or do you plan on playing with your food?”

I pull away but his fingers tighten in my hair and pull me back to his chest, silently encouraging me to continue. I lead with my tongue, dragging it across his nipple and feel his abs flex beneath my palm. 
He exhales softly, his head falling back  as my hand trails lower to cup his cock. “Is this why you’re so impatient?” I tease, feeling pre soak the front of his pants. “Who’s messy now, Taishi?”
“Shut up and put it in your mouth,” he urges, guiding my head down his body until I nuzzle his crotch through the fabric. 
“Ask me nicely…”I lick just above the waistband and feel his muscles jump and twitch beneath my tongue 
“Now, girl,” he demands, tugging my hair hard enough to make me gasp. 
I narrow my eyes at him then nip at his balls through his sweats, making him release me. “Yoú’re going to ask me nicely, Taishiro.” 
Restlessy, his hips buck in a silent attempt to urge me but I want his words. Just this once I want to make him as weak for me as I am for him.
“Ask me,” I whisper and press a kiss to his pubic bone, inching the waistband of his sweats down with my lips. 

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