Day 5

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Guten tag! 
This isn’t in the initial list of TWs so here I am, playing safety police and smutting responsibly, letting y’all know that there be dubcon ahead 👀 also, some blood play 
{but so little it’s probably not worth mentioning… like one mention really}, definite coercion and manipulation too.
aaaaaand a little degradation. 

~ yiyi 
“Can we come back here for lunch?” I ask Tetsu as we pass Yoyogi Park on the way to the university. 
He gazes briefly at the trees before nodding. “Sounds good to me,” he says with a grin. “Just don’t tell Himari I ate someone else’s omurice. She’s small and terrifying.”
I laugh at his mock-shudder. “Your secret’s safe with me.”
We drive in comfortable silence until we reach the campus administration building and he follows me inside, papers in his hands too. 
“I thought the student persona was just for top secret spy missions,” I tease and he laughs uncomfortably, making alarm bells ring. “Tetsu… you don’t have to sign up with me.”
He doesn’t respond to me, choosing to converse in rapid Japanese with the administrator. I can barely keep up but catch Taishiro’s name and see recognition cross the young man’s face before he hastily accepts and stamps my admission forms. 
I can’t hide my startled expression and Tetsu smirks. “There’s nothing Fatgum wouldn’t do for you,” he says and hands his own forms over for stamping. 

“You really didn’t have to enrol with me,” I tell him as we walk to the car and he studiously ignores the statement like he did earlier. “Tetsu… I’m serious. Unless you have a secret passion for Japanese literature, I don’t need babysitting anymore. Taishiro’s made sure it’s safe.”
He takes a breath like he’s readying himself to say something before thinking better of it as he gets into the car. 
I hurry in as well and turn to face him as he stares blankly ahead. 
“Can you just go with it?” he asks and my heart sinks. 
“What are you hiding from me?” 
“I’m not hiding anything,”he says, driving back towards the park. 
“Let me rephrase that… what has Taishiro told you to hide from me?”
“Drop it, please. Let’s just go have lunch and celebrate you going back to school.”
“Tesu, if you don’t tell me what the hell is going on, we can go to lunch and I’ll disembowel you using my chopsticks. Now fucking spill.”

The drive home is tense, my stomach roiling too much to even contemplate food. Tetsu talks quietly and I can barely focus on his words as my mind races. 
Taishiro means more to me than I do to him. 
Then why had he come?
I shove any hopeful thought into a mental box. 
He came because he was selfish, because he needed to be in control of everything and everyone who orbited him. 
“You know he cares about you,” Tetsu says like he can read my mind and I snort. 
“Don’t,” I tell him. “Don’t make excuses for him, please.” I bite my bottom lip anxiously. “All he does is deceive and all I do is let him. He doesn’t care about me, Tetsu… he cares about controlling me.”
“You don’t really believe that,” he says, bringing the car to a stop.
“I don’t know what else to believe.” 

“Y/n!” he calls behind me as I almost eject myself from the car and race towards the house. “Will you slow down, please, you can’t just storm in there and c-”
“I can and I will. Watch me,” I retort, heading straight for Taishiro’s office. This son of a bitch, this absolutely lying, manipulative motherfucker.
When I burst into the office, Tetsu is hot on my heels, his voice of reason a distant buzz in my ears, drowned out by my anger. 
“Dumpling, get everything done this morning?” Taishiro asks without looking up from his laptop. 
Slamming my hands onto his desk, I grab his attention before bringing us eye level with each other. 
“Is there anything you want to tell me?” I ask softly and he glances fleetingly at Tetsu who’s trying to make himself as small as possible in my peripheral vision. “Don’t look at him, he can’t help you lie your way out of this.”
His gaze swings back to me before he averts his eyes again. 
“I can’t fucking believe you. Do you think I’m some kind of… do you think I’m a fucking yoyo?!” I demand. “You throw me away and then promise me that if I come back things will be normal and here we are again, Fat.”
“He won’t touch you,” he says, still not looking at me. 
“Yeah? Why is Tetsu following me like a shadow again? Can I take the train to classes on Monday?”
“No!” He stands and towers above me and where a few months ago this would have intimidated me, there was no way I’d back down now. “I can’t take that risk,” he continues and anger roils through me, my chest heating with rage. 
“YOU?!!” I nearly scream. “You can’t take the risk?”
“I can’t risk you,” he clarifies and I scoff. 
“You could have stayed the fuck away from me.”
He flinches and I can’t quell my anger. He had dragged me halfway across the world on a lie. When he doesn’t respond, I can feel my blood start to boil and leave, slamming the door and stomping upstairs. 

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