Day 4

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I hug Tetsutetsu and Taishiro makes an almost feral sound from his seat. 
“You forged this friendship,” I tell him, rolling my eyes as I step away from Tetsu, glad that we’d made up. 
Blaming him for doing his job was unfair.. I could blame Taishiro for paying him to do it though. 
Taishiro reaches for me and pulls me into the seat beside him then buckles me in. “This is a nice change from being drugged and trafficked,”I tell him and hear Kiri’s absolutely manic laughter. 
Much to my surprise, Taishiro looks shamefaced and I kiss him quickly. 
“I’m sorry, for everything I put you through, dumpling.” 
I know he is, could feel it in the way he held me all of last night, the way he touched me this morning like he thought I was an illusion. 
“I know,” I tell him, cupping his cheek and stroking my thumb across his jaw. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
That seems to settle him and he sits back, taking my hand in his for takeoff. 


There’s something to be said about the spaciousness of private planes. I wake in a smallish, but comfortable bed, almost crushed against one of the walls by Taishiro sleeping at my back, his cock pressed hard against my spine. 
When I shift, he moves closer, pulling me against his chest as he nuzzles into the nape of my neck. 
“Where are you going, dumpling?” he asks, a roll of his hips making his intentions clear. 
I laugh softly and reach back, palming his cock through his slacks. “I was going to stretch my legs…”
“I can stretch them for you,” he says, his fingers teasing a sliver of skin revealed by my t-shirt where it rode up a little before slipping lower beneath the waistband of my tights. 
He strokes my slit through my panties, before circling my clit lightly and I inhale sharply. 
“You’ll have to be quiet for me,”he whispers against the shell of my ear, edging the material aside so we’re skin to skin. 
I bite my lip, knowing I’d rather parachute from this plane than have its occupants hear us. 
He nips my earlobe, before his lips trail down my neck. I swallow a low moan when he sucks my pulse point posessively, my throat throbbing with bruised intensity after he moves on to my shoulder. 
All the while, his fingers work between my thighs, my pussy twitching with each swirl of his fingers over my clit. 

“You’re being such a good girl,”he says softly before his teeth sink into my shoulder. “Don’t make a sound.”
Two fingers fill me as he cups my pussy, grinding the heel of his hand against my clit to the same steady, determined rhythm as the slow thrust between my thighs. 
A strangled moan asks me even as I try to tamp it down and he chuckles softly at my lack of self-control. 
My hips rock, pressing my pussy more firmly into his palm to chase the friction as I shove my face into a pillow to stifle my moans. 
His touch is unhurried, the scissoring of his fingers inside me deliberate as they stretch me open.    I moan his name beneath my breath, digging my nails into his forearm as my hips roll into his touch .
“Shhh... sweetheart,” he says as my pussy clenches, drenching his fingers with a flood of wetness. “If you make one more sound, I'm going to leave you like this. You want to spend the rest of the flight with a needy cunt?”
I shake my head almost frantically and nearly bite through my bottom lip to stop myself mewling when the pads of his fingers press up against my g-spot. My body jerks like I've touched a live wire and he huffs a laugh, his warm breath tickling my skin.
He grinds his cock against my back, his arms tightening around me, the thrust of his finger growing steadily harder and faster.
My body is restless and overheated, my movements increasingly restless as I struggle to feel but not make a peep. Panting, I try to get a hold on myself even as with each passing second, I spiral further out of control. 
As my mind goes blank, he stops, yanking his fingers out of me roughly. 
“I didn’t make a sound, Taishiro, I swear I didn’t,”I start arguing immediately and try to face him. 
He keeps my back to him and tugs my tights down just enough to bare my ass. “I know, dumpling… but if I don’t fuck you, I’m going to cum all over your back,”he says, kissing my temple as he fiddles with his zip. 
The hard length of his cock slips between my thighs, leaving a sticky trail of pre on my skin before he guides himself into me. He slaps a hand over my mouth just in time to catch a whimper in his palm. 
“Naughty girl, being so loud. Do you want to get caught? Is that it?”
My eyes roll back in my head as he pushes into me incrementally, drawing out the dull, aching sensation until he’s buried to the balls. 
For a moment he seems content just to hold me this way, every part of us locked together, our legs entwined, his arms around me. 
Nearly soundless except for soft, laboured breaths. 

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