Chapter 4: Watch It.

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Y/N Woke Up In His Room With A Massive Hangover, His Head Was Killing Him. He Got Up And Rubbed His Head. 'What The Hell Happened Yesterday?' He Thought. He Instantly Remembered Everything, Or At Least, The Main Details Of It. "Oh Shit" He Said Out loud. He Went Downstairs Fast, Almost Falling Down The Stairs, He Went Over To The Kitchen Counter, And Grabbed The Advil, He Looked Over At The Fridge, A Note Was Left There. He Grabbed It And It Read: "Hey, You We're Hammered Last Night So I Decided To Let You Sleep, I'm Gonna Tell The Teachers You Aren't Gonna Come Today, But All Means If You Wanna Show Up, Sure" - Steve. He Smiled At The Note, And Took A Couple Advil. He Went Over And Checked The Clock, It Was Only Half Way Threw The School Day, If He Got His Dusty Car Outta The Garage And Clean It Up, He Could Make It Before The School Day Ends. Or He Could Just Clean Up His Car And Go For A Drive, He Liked The Second Option. He Laughed And Grabbed His Keys To His Car, Which Haven't Been Touched Since He First Got It From His Father. He Smirked And Went Outside, Opening The Garage To Reveal A Nice Dusty Red, {At The Moment} Ferrari 288 GTO. He Unlocked The Car And Got In, Honestly He Didn't Know Why He Hadn't Touched It Much, It Might've Been Since It Was From His Father...But Honestly It Was Such A Nice Car. He Put His Key's In And Heard The Engine Start, He Smirked And Put His Seatbelt On. He Switched Gears And Drove Off To The Nearest Car Wash...

{After He Cleaned His Car}
He Looked At The Now Shiny Red Car. 'This Is What Im Talking About' He Thought. He Got In, Turning The Car Back On, Putting His Seatbelt On, And Switching Gears Again. He Backed Out And Than Drove Off. Turning On The Radio, Making Sure It Wasn't Too Loud. He Rolled The Windows Down, Feeling The Fresh Air, He Smiled. He Drove Around Hawkins, Honestly Having Nothing Better To Do, 'Maybe i Could Get Some Food' He Thought. He Shrugged Continuing Driving, He Looked At The Time, 'Or I Could Meet Up With Steve And We Could Do Something' He Thought With A Smile, He Drove Towards Hawkins Highschool...

After What Felt Like Forever He Saw His Brother Walk Towards His Car, Which Y/N Was Parked Beside. Steve Looked At Him, A Little Bit Of Shock In His Look, "God You Haven't Took Out That Car In A While, Yet It Looks So Nice Still" Steve Said, Unlocking His Car. "You Have Any Plans?" Y/N Asked, Looking Over At Him. "Thought Maybe We Could Go Out And Do Something? A Little Brotherly Bonding" Y/N Smiled. He Saw Steve Nod, "Sure, Also, Tomorrow, Be Careful At School, Everyone's Talking About Last Night. So Y'know Try To Not Punch Someone Out If They Say Something You Don't Like" Steve Said, Getting Into His Car, Rolling The Window Down And Looking At Y/N. "How's About We Go Bowling?" Steve Asked. Y/N Instantly Got Excited, "Hell Yeah" He Responded, Steve Nodded, "Alright, I'll Meet You There, I Gotta Grab Some Cash From Home" Steve Said, Starting His Car Up. Y/N Nodded And Watched Him Drive Off, He Smiled. He Saw Billy And Looked Away, Hopping He Wouldn't Notice It Was Him, He Didn't Want Billy Teasing Him About Yesterday, 'Also I Flat Out Called Tommy.H And Him A Bunch Of Random Shit, Oh Fuck-" He Thought, His Grip On The Steering Wheel Tightened. 'Also Called Him Hot' He Thought His Face Starting To Warm Up. He Turned His Car On And Looked Back At Billy, They Both Made Eye Contact, Y/N Changed Gears And Drove Off Before Billy Could Walk Over To His Car. He Continued To Drive Towards The Bowling Alley....

{Next Day}
Y/N And Steve Both Pulled Into Parking Spots Infront Of Hawkins High. He Sighed And Got Out Of His Car, He Really Didn't Want To Come, But Steve Had Forced Him. He Took His Keys Out, And Opened The Door, Getting Out And Walking Towards To Entrance, Locking His Car. The Two Walked Into The School, Y/N Sighed When He Saw That Everyone Was Looking At Him, Word Have Got Around Fast. He Was Getting Death Glares From Some, Dirty Glares From Others (Mostly Girls), And Some That Looked Like They Were About To Punch Him. He Walked Past Them, Going Straight To The Washroom, He Leaned On The Wall, Closing His Eyes, And Clenching His Fists. 'God I Hate Hawkins Sometimes' He Thought. He Heard The Bathroom Door Open, He Opened His Eye's And Saw Billy Staring At Him. "Great" He Muttered As Billy Walked Towards Him, "What Do You Want" Y/N Said, Standing Up Straight. He Saw Billy Smirk Y/N Rolled His Eyes, "So We Gonna Talk About The Halloween Party?" Billy Said, Looking At Him. "Nothing Happened-" Y/N Said Annoyed, Going To Walk Off, He Felt Billy's Hand On His Chest, And Push Him Back Against The Wall. Y/N Looked At Him, Hate Blazing Inside Of Him, "Why So Angry, Your The One That Called Me Hot" Billy Said, His Smirk Not Leaving His Annoying Face. Y/N Looked Away, Feeling His Face Start To Burn Up. "I Was Drunk." Y/N Simply Replied, Refusing To Make Eye Contact With Him. "I Didn't Know What I Was Saying" He Continued, "So Just Cause I Might've Called You Hot, Doesn't Mean I Meant It." He Finished, Still Looking Away. He Heard Billy Chuckle, His Hand Still Holding Him To The Wall, Billy Moved In Front Of Y/N, Grabbing His Chin And Forcing Him To Look At Billy. He Tried To Push Him Off But Couldn't, He Watched As Billy Got Closer To His Neck, He Felt His Face Start To Burn More, He Looked Down p Him In Shock As He Felt His Breathing On His Neck, He Managed To Grab Billy's Jacket And Shoved Him Off, Feeling His Face Still Hot As Hell, He Gripped Billy's Jacket Hard In His Hands And Shoved Him To The Ground. He Looked Down At Billy Who Was Staring Up At Him. "Looks Like You Got Some Fire In Ya After All, Huh Harrington" Billy Was Smirking Still. Y/N Punched Him, "Shut The Hell Up." Y/N Said, The Anger And Hate Still Burning Inside Him. Billy Looked At Him, Licking The Blood Off Of His Lips, He Got Up, And Slammed Y/N Against The Wall, Pinning Him, Their Faces Close Together. "Why So Aggressive? We Both Now Know Your Thoughts On Me" He Smirked, Y/N Looked Away, He Knew His Face Was A Bright Red. "As I Said Hargrove-" Y/N Looked At Him And Was Cut Off By Billy Shushing Him With His Finger, Y/N Looked At Him, Anger Rising. He Smirked And Got Off Of Him, Walking Outta The Rest Room, Y/N Waited A Few Before He Left As Well, Heading To His Class, He Was Stopped By Tommy.H, The Last Person Other Than Billy That He Wanted To Deal With Today. "Harrington, I Wanna Have A Nice Little Chat About What Happened At The Party" He Saw Tommy Smirk, And He Rolled His Eyes. "If You're Wanting To Fight, One Im Not In The Mood, Two I've Already Beat You Not Just Once, But Twice Already. Oh And Three, You're Nothing But A Follower, And Im Still At The Top Here, For Your Information. So How's About, You Go Run Off To Billy Hide Behind Him, And Leave Me Alone. Or It's Gonna Be, I Beat The Shit Out Of You, You Than Go Run And Hide Behind Billy, Complain To Him About Me, Than I Have To Deal With Hargrove As Well." Y/N Said, Letting The Anger Show In His Voice As He Got Close To Tommy.H His Voice Threatening And Low. He Felt Tommy Grab His Shirt And Punch Him In The Stomach, Y/N Groaned A Little, But Kicked His Legs Out From Underneath Tommy And Kick Him Hard In The Stomach, He Watched As Tommy.H Curled Into A Ball Of Pain And Y/N Walked Off, Tommy.H Got Up, Y/N Knew Exactly Where He Was Going. To Billy. And That Means He's Gonna Have To Deal With Billy Again. 'Fun. can't wait' he Thought Sarcasticly And Finally Walked To His Class, Sitting down, And Sighing....

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