Starting Anew

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(To preface, you're Non-Binary, use they/them pronouns, and your physical appearance is 5'9, average build, shoulder length black hair, and you have hetochromia, so one blue eye, one brown)

I groaned as I looked in the mirror. Another new school, but at least I was starting early in senior year this time. I pulled my bangs back into a little bun on the back of my head and brushed the rest of my hair.

I got dressed in the uniform since there was one, even though I hated being confined to the likes of a tie. I always felt like they were trying to choke me. But regardless, I grabbed my bag and started the 10 minute walk to Karasuno high school.

I did have one friend there already, a kid by the name of Tobio Kageyama. We weren't really super close, but he did know things about me most people didn't. I tried to ignore that thought as I walked, putting in headphones.

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I stepped into the school, eyes already peering in my direction. I had a typical name...or at some. I felt insecure walking down the halls until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped about three feet and refrained from yelling. Then I saw him behind me.

"Kageyama, you bitch, you know you can't creep up on me like that!" I breathe heavy and he just laughs. "Sorry, Y/N. It was just too easy. You get scared like a little baby.." he teased. "I'll show you a little baby when I punt you across the soccer field..." i mutter, opening my locker. "Aw come on...don't be mad. It's your first day. Lighten up. Hey, how about this. I'll introduce you to my friends at lunch  Maybe you'll ease up then." he says genuinely.

I looked at him, eyes narrowed. "The only way you ease up is Hi-" i start and he covers my mouth. "Do NOT say that right now." he uncovered my mouth and i shut my locker. "It's the truth." i looked at him and he looked away. "Yes, but I'm not out. So don't get any funny ideas, Y/N." he shoved his hands in his pockets. "I'm gonna be late for class." I say, shoving past him and walking off.

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I was almost relieved when lunchtime came. I was starving and I wanted to get away from all the 'introduce yourself to the class' type teachers. I made my way to the cafeteria. After getting lost on the way there about four times, I sighed defeatedly.

"Need some help?" I heard behind me. I turned around to see a blonde man in a track jacket and headband looking at me. The infamous Coach Ukai. "Yeah....I'm Y/N. I'm new and looking for the cafeteria." i held my bag a bit close. "Ah...You're Kageyama's friend. He mentioned any case...follow me, I'll get you there." he says and led me to a smaller room than i was expecting. "Most kids get their lunch then go eat outside in the warmer months. In the colder months, they spread out into the halls to eat with friends." he explained and I nodded. "Thank you." I bowed a bit and went in line. I shifted uncomfortably as people around me spoke japanese and whispered. I knew I didn't fit in and I felt like they knew it too. Which just made me more insecure.

I eventually got my food and stepped outside, fully prepared to eat by myself until I saw Kageyama's lanky ass by a tree with a group of three others. I slowly made my way over because he stared me down until I moved.

I sat on the grass as his friends eyed me. "Guys, this is my friend Y/N. They're Non-Binary, so please don't misgender them or I'll break your knees." Kags said. "That is so cool!!! Do you use they/them pronouns?!" the short ginger one asked. "That's Shoyo Hinata." Kags said and I nodded at Hinata. "Yes, I do."

"Welcome to our school, Y/N! I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi! Your eyes are super cool by the way!" the green haired one with freckles waved happily. "Hello Yamaguchi. And thank you." I touched my face gently. Nobody really mentioned me at least.

"Tsukishima Kei." the lanky blonde with glasses says. That's all he says, mostly because Kageyama death glared him.
"HEYYYYY KARASUNO NERDS." was heard loudly and Tsukishima groans. I looked at there was a average height guy with spiky black hair and golden eyes.

"Hi Kuroo!" Hinata stood and 'Kuroo'  threw his arm around Hinata's shoulders which earned a slight scowl from Kags. "Who's the newbie?" Kuroo asked. "That's Y/N. They're Non-Binary!" Hinata exclaimed. "I see....say, Y/N. I get your pronouns and all....but...what's your sexuality?" He says slyly and i choke on my drink while Kags stood fast. "Don't start with that bullshit, Kuroo! Leave them alone!" he fussed and Yamaguchi and Hinata look a bit surprised at Kageyama. They've never seen him like this.

"It's just a question, Kageyama, calm down." Tsukishima said bluntly. "Why you tall twerp..." Kags clenched his fist. I was still a bit stunned, but I managed to speak. "I...I'm pansexual and Polygamous." I managed out and everyone looked at me, a bit surprised. "Really?" Kuroo asked and I nodded. "Then let me be the first to ask you on a date before any of these losers can." he says and i seem shocked. "Hey! We're not losers! Remember who keeps beating Nekoma!" Hinata pouts. "So whattya say, Y/N?" Kuroo asks, ignoring Hinata.

"....well...alright. I need to learn my way around anyway." I say soft and Kuroo grins wide. "Great! I'll meet you here on Saturday and pick you up." he says and i nod once, tucking my hair behind my ear. We joked around a bit for the rest of lunch until Kuroo had to leave, and besides for Tsukishima, I felt...welcome. It was a feeling I hadn't had for a long time. And I liked it.

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