On A Date? Part Two

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Kuroo seemed excited about this, like a toddler who just got told he could have candy. While he paid, I looked around. Trampolines everywhere, what looked like a swing, some kind of obstacle course, and a free fall pit? I'm not entirely sure, but this place seemed marketed at kids and extreme parkourists. After he finished, he turned to me with a wide smile. "You have to sign this waiver. It basically says since this is a dangerous sport, they want no responsibility if you hurt yourself." he tsks. "Ah...fun corporate suits who don't want payouts...lovely..." I say, signing my name on the line. He turned the papers in, and in turn, got two pairs of socks with little rubber bits on the bottom? He showed me to a locker where he put my shoes and socks away after showing me how it's done. He also locked away his keys and wallet, and then turned me around and put my hair up without me having to ask. He smiled wide when I turned back around. "Beautiful, handsome, gorgeous...whatever you prefer, you are." he says honestly and I felt my face heat up. This guy...I swear. He led me up some stairs and we got our hands stamped before we were let in to do whatever.

 Kuroo seemed to want to start small, bouncing very lightly on a floor trampoline, offering me his hands. I slowly took them and he smiled that dorky grin. I looked away while bouncing, getting embarrassed again. After a bit, he let my hands go and then started bouncing all around, doing flips and tricks off the slanted trampolines. I just watched in amazement, sitting on a foam cube. It wasn't too long after Kuroo landed a flip that he got tackled into the foam pit faster than I could process. I blinked a bit then bounced over, looking into it. He was laughing, and a guy with white and black hair on his chest was laughing too. Kuroo must have noticed my slightly worried and possibly a bit jealous expression, because he said, "Ah! Y/N! This is Bokuto Kotaro! He's a good buddy of mine!" he explained as he climbed out of the pit. This 'Bokuto' looked up at me from the pit and it's like he just...stopped functioning. He was just staring. "I think he likes you." Kuroo teased and I felt my face heat up again. "Usually he only looks like that at food." Kuroo hmms, rubbing his chin before throwing a foam block at Bokuto. "Hey! Loverboy! Care to rejoin earth?" he teased loudly. Bokuto seemed to snap out of it as he shook his head trying to regain himself. "S-Sorry! You're j-just really pretty, Y/N!" He says and I felt my ears heat up. "Remember Bokuto, Y/N uses they/them pronouns!" Kuroo says, folding his arms. Bokuto's eyes seemed to light up. "Just like Akaashi?" he sounded like a happy toddler. "Yes, just like Akaashi." Kuroo rolled his eyes. "I'm guessing Akaashi is a friend of yours?" I asked and Bokuto nods. "He was on the same volleyball team as me when we were in high school." Kuroo watched, suspicious. "I see...Well..." I look around. Dodgeball. Bingo.

 "How bout you and Kuroo versus me in the dodgeball place over there?" I asked, tilting my head. Kuroo grinned wide. "You think you can beat us? We were volleyball players." Bokuto crossed his arms but smiled. "Oh...I don't think...I know." I smiled back, but a bit menacing. "Bring it on, then." Kuroo says and we go over there.

So we set up on both sides of the area, making sure each other had a similar number of foam dodgeballs. They wanted to give me more since they thought they had an advantage, but I too have secret skills that need no handicap. Soon we start and as soon as they tried to toss one at me, I bounced and flipped over it. Bokuto was immediately amazed. Which made him an easy target. I threw the ball mid-air and hit him straight in the gut. He even went 'oof'. He fell to his butt and Kuroo had a face like 'oh shit'. He returned his attention to me and I was already going for another ball. So he took the opportunity to throw the ball and I just matrixed it. Full back bend like an anime supervillain. He darted for another ball but as soon as his hand hit one, he got one in the rib. It knocked the air out of him. He sat after catching his breath. "What are you, some kinda dodgeball god or something?" He asked and I laughed a bit. "I played dodgeball on my school's team professionally before I moved. I also took 8 years of gymnastics, so...I'd like to think I'm pretty flexible." I say as I sat too. I could've sworn I heard Kuroo mutter something about seeing how flexible I really was, but I couldn't be sure. So I decided not to assume. "You're really good at this, Y/N." Bokuto smiled softly. "Ah, thank you. I haven't played in quite some time, but I suppose the knowledge always stays around." I nod softly and he seemed to agree. We all played around the entire place a bit longer, but it started to get late. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*🏐✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Thanks for driving me home, Kuroo." I pushed my now-down hair behind my ears. "It was really no problem. Besides, couldn't make sure you got home safe if I dropped you off at school, now could I?" He leaned on his car, his arms folded and a relaxed grin on his face. "I suppose not...even so, you didn't have to." I tilted my head slightly. "I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to." He smiled softly. I just blushed a bit and he stood properly and opened his arms. I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me protectively. "Today was really fun...and it got my mind off some things. Thank you." I say into his chest and he laughs softly. "You're more than welcome. I enjoyed today too. It's been a good while since I've done anything fun also." He says, petting my hair. I looked up at him and he stopped, smiling gently. It was now or never so... I stood proper and kissed him gently. He seemed to welcome this, as he set a hand on my face softly. We kissed for a little bit and I pulled back, still staying close. Before I could say anything, Kuroo opened his mouth. "Y/N, will you-" I stop him by kissing him again and he wraps his other arm around my waist. I suppose he figured he had his answer. We kissed for a while longer, even slowly getting into makeout territory, and neither of us wanted to pull away, but we both had to go. 

"I'll...see you soon...okay, Y/N?" Kuroo says softly as he tries to pull away. "Okay. I'm...holding you to it." I reply just as soft. He kissed my forehead and had to pull himself away. He got in his car and waved a bit before he drove away. I touched my lips gently. I go in, changing into pajamas and washing my face before flopping on my bed. I had been wondering about it all day, but I think it was time to...put my sexuality into action if you know what I mean. And I think I know exactly who I want to be my first...and it's not Kuroo.

Adventures in Volleyball [Haikyuu x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now