The Aftermath

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(WARNING: This chapter is pretty graphic/sexual. If not prepared, please skip!)

The next morning, I awoke to Kageyama very sleepily leaving little kisses on my neck. I slowly started to turn red. "T-t-toby..." I whimpered and he paused, slowly picking his head up to look at me. "Yes, my love?" He whispered, eyes watching me. The nickname was new. But I suppose since I shot down the one yesterday, this was his new alternative. "W-what are you d-doing? What t-time is it?" I swallowed. "In reality...6:24. In my terms...time to love and appreciate you the way I should have a long time ago." He mms and goes back to kissing my neck, leaving little love bites along his way. I covered my mouth impulsively. Of course it felt good. But they were still asleep in the other room.

It's not like I've been waiting for Toby to take me- I mean what? I know what happened to me was horrible. Trust me, I don't forget and I think about it more often than I'd like. But...I can't let it stop me from living. I know, easier said than done. But right here...right now...Toby wasn't hurting me, and I know he had no intention of going farther than I was comfortable with. If I told him to stop, he would. I have no doubts about that.

He peered at me to see if I was okay. I just cast a glance down at him, trying to steady my breathing. He just started grinning. Dear lord, he was about to make me hate/love him, wasn't he?

He slowly came up and kissed me gently, holding the bottom of my face with his hand, to where his fingers lingered on my face

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He slowly came up and kissed me gently, holding the bottom of my face with his hand, to where his fingers lingered on my face. He progressively got rougher. I managed to keep up, and slowly moved my hand to the bottom of his shirt. He didn't make a move to stop me, and I slowly slid my hand under it and up his chest. He pulled back to pull his shirt off, which I was not expecting. However, I was expecting the body underneath it. A toned, fit body, but pale from never playing outdoors. He looked at me watching him and without words, looked at my shirt and back at me.

I nodded softly and he carefully slid it off before running his hands over all my faded scars. I watched him. "They don't hurt anymore." I whisper. "Good." He says and starts kissing each one gently. I bit my lip and leaned my head back. If I was this touch deprived that kisses made me lose my mind...what would happen when...SHIN! NO!

He pulled off my chest slowly and pulled me onto his lap after sitting. He played with my hair for a bit then kissed me again. He held my face with both hands and I let my arms relax around his neck. When he proceeded to get rougher with the kiss, he slid a hand to my hair and yanked it. This got a yelp from me, which gave him the perfect opportunity to almost shove his tongue down my throat. That, however, got a very pleased sound from me. He seemed to like this and I could feel his tongue exploring everywhere inside my mouth.

I slid my hands up under his arms so they were on his back as we made out. I could feel him get a boner, and it made me blush immensely. He pulled off, chuckling. "Getting nervous about a boner, love? You know you can help with that...right?" He purred low and I swallowed. I didn't know how. But I was curious. "Let me guess...never done it?" he asked gently, not at all being condescending. I shook my head and he heh a bit. "Well...may you" he asked a bit odd. I nodded, mostly for curiosity reasons.

He laid me back and slowly pulled down my pajama pants. I normally had a lot of gender dysphoria when I looked at myself but Toby has always helped with that. And he's doing it again now as he peppers my thigh with kisses, whispering praises. I bit a pillow, blushing more. I about choked when he said: "You're such a good boy, Shin..." 

He slowly started pulling down my boxers and I didn't peek. But dear god. I felt his mouth enclose my d*ck and then he proceeded to give me what I was later informed was a 'blowjob'. And no. Not the drink. I shoved my face so far into my pillow that I thought only I could hear myself. But apparently, it was loud enough for Kageyama to proceed to go faster and faster until I c*mmed. He slowly pulled back, a bit on the corner of his mouth. He looked like he was debating for a bit till he spat a bit in his shirt then pretty much gave me the ahego face before spitting the rest. I was beet red and unsure how to process anything, but I felt better than I ever had.

"You don't have to do it with your mouth..." he breathed heavily. "You can do it with your hand if you want..." he pushed his hair back and watched me. I thought about things I'd read about online or in books and I really couldn't decide what would be the better option. But I had a few ideas. None of which could be put into effect today...except...

I cautiously crawled over to him, sitting in his lap once again and kissing him pretty roughly. He obviously kissed back, and we fought for dominance with our tongues. I slid my hand down into his pants and curiously tried to put a finger...somewhere. He obviously was not expecting this as he pulled back, hella flustered, covering his mouth. I was not expecting little Kageyama Tobio to be into this, but then again, he is gay if he likes me. 

"Shin, please." he quietly begged as I moved it in and out and he tried to suppress his sounds. "Do you not like it, love?" I purred, using his own nickname against him. "I....I..." he meeps as I go pretty deep. I slowly added another and tried to go as far as I could. And before long, I heard a not-so-suppressed moan. I blinked a bit, not having expected it, but keep going. He set his head on my shoulder and breathily moaned every time it hit the spot. Soon enough, he did c*m and he did so all over me, but I just wiped it off with my discarded shirt. "I don't know how you can do this to me, Shin." he whispers, laying back down after we cleaned up a bit. I just shrugged and held him close. "I could literally ask you the same thing." I muttered as we fell back asleep.


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