Unexpected Surprises

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It had been a pretty busy week at school when it came down to it. I was beyond stressed and hiding that I had a boyfriend from Kags was proving to be a monumental task in itself considering Kuroo liked to show up at random times. This day was no different. I was walking to class from lunch and got pulled by my waist into a supply closet. I instinctively fought back, but it seemed they were expecting that as they wrapped their arms around me, pinning my arms to my chest.

"Get off me!" I yelled and the voice that came out was a familiar one. "Calm down, crazy ass. I'm not going to hurt you." was said and I looked back to find Kageyama staring at me. "Sorry..." I relax a bit and he lets me go. "Are you finally ready to talk?" he folded his arms across his chest. "I don't know what you mean." I tilted my head and he rolled his eyes. "Don't be dumb, Shin. Why does Kuroo keep showing up? He didn't even bother Hinata this much when he graduated." He looks at me sus, and I relent. "Fine. I'm dating him but I didn't want to tell you." I sigh and he raised an eyebrow. "Since when is it any of my business what you do with your life?" he asks and I mutter something* but shake my head. "What?" he asks and I leaned back. "Nothing, Toby." I say softly and he sighs and hugs me tight. "I just worry about you, ya know." He said softly as he wrapped my arms around him. He was only ever this soft around me and Hinata. And that was part of my problem.

"I know.." I whisper and he pulled back and ruffled my hair. "Now if he hurts you, I will kill him." he laughs a bit but I don't which makes him immediately stop. "Now I know something's wrong." he held my arms and I slowly looked at him, eyes watery. "Oh god....is...it that time of year again?" he asks and I nod, looking down and starting to sniffle. He held me tight to him once again and I sobbed into his chest. He just played with my hair, singing one of my favorite songs to me softly. We stayed like that a while until he carried an asleep me to the office and told them he was taking me home to make sure I was alright. 

*Kageyama POV* (This is rare, savor it.)

I set Shin in their bed and tuck some hair behind their ear before I cover them up. About this time a few years ago...they had a really bad incident that caused them to leave Japan for a while. They had to go get some help in another country. It's not really my place to talk about, but I'm the only person they've confided in about the issue. So, I feel like I need to really think about it to understand or at least get a slight inclination of how they feel. A couple of years ago, Shin and their parents got into a car wreck...multi-collision. Shin was the only one to make it. If losing your parents isn't bad enough, while Shin was in recovery...their doctor assaulted and took advantage of their weakness. Shin no longer felt safe so he was sent to South Korea for a few years to heal and just...get stronger. 

They were never one to accept help, but they always confided in me when they felt they had nowhere else to go. And I'll always be grateful they trusted me enough. Even now, with this issue still bothering them, they don't ask for help, thinking they can handle it by themselves. I'm not doubting they're strong, there's no question about that. But I personally don't think they should have to go through it alone. After all, what good are friends if they can't be there for you when you need them? I stared out the window, my arms crossed, and thought about the good times when we were kids and we used to run around until we got dizzy and climb trees for fun.

I kinda chuckled a bit when I remembered a promise we made when we were kids. We made the promise that if we weren't married by the time we were 22 we'd get married. Of course, I don't expect them to stick to it or even remember it, but it just reminded me of a time when things weren't complicated and we didn't hate ourselves. I sighed and cast a glance back at them. Still out like a baby.

I sat in their computer chair and spun a bit before picking up a picture of both of us. I smiled a bit to myself and set it back, leaning back in the chair. I closed my eyes for what felt like a few seconds when I felt someone sit on my lap. I opened my eyes and there was Shin.....with no shirt?! I of course freaked out and sat up pretty quickly but this didn't deter them. He watched me. "Kageyama...or do you prefer...Toby?" they purred. I stammered for an answer and instead spat out: "Wh-what are you doing? Aren't you dating Kuroo?" I say nervously and they take my hand gently, kissing it on the palm before setting it on their bare chest. It was warm...and scarred. They watched me as I slowly drug my hand down their chest. After I set my hand on their waist, they leaned down close to my ear. 

"Did you forget? I'm poly, Toby....and besides....isn't this better than just thinking about it?" they purred softly. I couldn't deny it, it was. I got nervous around them, though I did my best not to show it or my jealousy of Kuroo getting to kiss him and not me. I just nodded, face pink as they got close to my lips with their own. "Then take what you want, Toby." they whispered and I felt a sudden jolt and i...woke up?? Shin was standing beside me, in pajamas, a concerned look on their face.

"Are you okay?" they asked and I nodded quickly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Must've fallen asleep waiting on your slow ass to wake up." I tease and they roll their eyes and walk off to make tea. I peered down and yep. Definitely and unfortunately just a dream. Oh, how what I wanted was so close but yet so far...I sighed deeply. This was gonna be a fun weekend.....considering Karasuno and Shin were having a sleepover...Fuck.

*(They said: I just didn't want you to give up on me just yet.)

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