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les goooooo IM BACK BITCHE-



Wimblr woke up at 2:40, he went to go check on the quackers. he got up from his bed and rubbed his eyes, and opended his door and walked to the ducs room, when he got there he opened his door. he saw that he was playing with fundy. his happy expression from "hApPy" changed to upset quickly. he walked over to the duckling desk and shutted off his computer.

"Babe!.. what the hell..." the quackers said as he pouted, and looked away from wimblr, with an upset expression on his face, you can see it veryyyy clearly.

"Dident i tell you that i dident like fundy very much?.." wimblr said as he grabbed the ducs chin and forced him to look up at him, with an angry expression on his face.

"U-Uhm... i-i forgot i promise!.." the duc said as he looked into wimblrs eyes, he got a bit worried as he looked at wimblrs expression.. wimblr looked upset as he looked into the ducks eyes,

"Sure you did, whore." he said as he picked him up (d u c . ) and setted him on the bed, he walked to the dresser as he pulled out 3 things, a collar, chains and ropes.

"W-Wilbur?..." the duc said as he watched him get the stuff out of the dresser and closed it, he watched as wimblr just walked back to the bed, he got the ropes, and layed the duc down onto the bed. he untied the rope as he smirked at Quackity. he grabbed  the ducs hands as he tied them, then tied the ducs feet together. he smirked at him once again as he used the extra ropes to tie him to the bed, wimblr grabbed the collar as he lifted the ducs chin up, and wrapped the collar around his neck, and then clicked it together as it made a "sNaP" sound. he grabbed the chain as he attached it to the collar, he went back to the dresser and pulled out: 2 vibraters, 'CoK rInG' and a blindfold, and a 'gAg' he smirked as he closed the dresser, and walked back to the bed. he put the blindfold on the duc, and  tied ze 'GaG' to his mouth, so he couldent speak, wimblr took off  quackers shorts and boxers, he took off his shirt as he looked in awe, 

"Look at my little slut~  so fucking helpless." wimblr said as he picked up the vibraters, he placed one on the ducs 'cOk' (GOD THAT WAS CRINGE TO WRITE BHABAHBAHA) and placed the second one on his wings, (YES HIS WINGS ARE VER SENSITIVE SO YUR BHABAHABHAH) he sMirKeD as he turned on them, the duc just did porngraphic moans.

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