Chapter 21 - Jillian

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I've noticed a change in Patricks behavior lately.

Ever since he ran into Ellen that day at the supermarket he's started to act like he did back in his days on the show.

He's talking to me less, going out on errands more and in all general being more secretive about everything. Like he's hiding something from me.

I've been trying to shake away the thoughts and doubts in my mind for weeks but I can't take it anymore, I'm going crazy!

He's up to something, and I'm convinced that Ellen Pompeo is involved in that "something."

I can't ask him about it because he'll get annoyed at me and brush it off like he always does.

I have to take action into my own hands and find out what's going on.


"Bye Jill!" he shouts from the hallway.

I quickly rush to the door. "Where are you going?"

"Oh. I'm just gonna go buy some.. eh.. cleaning supplies."

"Cleaning supplies?"


"Since when do you buy cleaning supplies?" I scoff.

"Since I saw that my office was dirty and we were out of stuff to clean it with! God why do I always have to defend myself about everything?"

He was annoyed again.

"My question exactly! Why do you feel the need to defend yourself all the time? What's going on?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Nothing Jill. I'll be back in an hour." He went out the door and closed it behind him.

I let out a sigh as well.

"Cleaning his office my ass.." I mumbled to myself.

Then I got an idea.

I headed towards his home office. He keeps most of his stuff in there except for his clothes.

If I wanna find out what he's hiding that's probably where I should look.

I walked into the room. There was a small coffee stain on his desk, other than that I couldn't see what he meant by "dirty."

And we have a freaking maid for crying out loud!

I started looking around his desk, opening drawers to see if I could find anything but there were only pencils, blank papers, some books, and a couple of old recites. Nothing weird whatsoever, almost boring.

I went to the bookshelf. There he kept boxes and folders marked with individual categories such as "Talula", "Racing", "Greys", "Movies." I opened them all but found nothing.

I sighed.

Maybe I was wrong after all? Maybe this was all in my head?

I put the lid back on the racing-box and was about to put it back in its place when I spotted something white further in on the shelf. Something that was usually hidden behind the box I was currently holding.

I placed the box down on the floor and reached for the white thing in the back. I took it out and held it in my hands.

It was an envelope. A small, white envelope that was a bit stuffed with something inside. I felt on it with my hands.

Yep. Definitely photographs.

I suddenly got a weird feeling in my stomach and I doubted if I wanted to open it.

But I decided to do it anyways and sent a tiny prayer that it would only consist of our wedding photos or baby photos of Talula and the boys.

I slowly opened it and took out the content. I gasped at the sight and dropped everything to the floor. I stared wide-eyed at the photos laid beneath my feet.

"No fucking way."

There she was.

The famous Ellen Pompeo.

Naked and gorgeous.

I wanted so badly to look away from the nudes my husband had taken of a woman that wasn't me.

But I couldn't. Instead I kneeled down to the floor.

There were about fifteen different developed photographs. They were all taken of a younger Ellen, standing naked in a bedroom.

I couldn't quite make out the bedroom at first but then I thought about the trailer they used to share and it immediately clicked for me.

How could I be so stupid to actually believe him when he told me they almost never slept there  together? And that when they did, she would take the bed and he the couch.

Sure the couch Patrick yeah I can clearly see that..

I looked at each individual photo.

It felt absurd but I couldn't help but stare at her body.

She was laying down on the bed smiling up at the camera. Her hair was sprawled out on the pillow underneath her head. Her breast were round, perky and perfect. Her nipples were hard.

Hard for him I guess.

I sighed as I looked through them all. He had captured pictures of her in different positions and angles. Some were more dirty than others - with her legs spread out and her biting one of her fingers.

But most of them were soft and more innocent. Sure, she was posing for the camera, but she did it so naturally.

All of the photos consisted of Ellen except for the last two ones. Patrick had turned the camera around so it was facing them both as he laid with his head on her chest. They were both looking softly into the camera.

They looked peaceful.

The last one was a close-up. He still had the camera turned towards them but he had moved further up her body to her face so he could capture them in a kiss.

Their eyes were closed and their lips were on each others while they were both smiling like idiots.

I could also make out Patricks hand, placed on her right breast, gently squeezing it.

People who didn't know these two would just have thought this was an intimate photo session between a guy and his girlfriend.

They looked in love.

A single tear fell from my eye and splashed down on Patricks hair.

I quickly wiped it away and placed the photos back in the envelope. I once again took his racing-box up from the floor and placed it back on the shelf.

I walked out of the room but brought the photos along with me.

Patrick and I needed to talk for real this time.


I wrote this in March haha but I couldn't hold it in any longer. I actually feel kind of bad for Jill, it must have hurt, but did she really think they weren't doing it in that trailer..?? I know they did.🤭😳 What do you think is going to happen now..?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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