Chapter 11

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I sat in the makeup-trailer getting my hair and makeup done. I was talking to some of the crew members when my phone rang and interrupted our conversation.

"Sorry I'm just gonna take this." I told them and picked up the call without checking the caller.

"Ellen." I simply said.

I heard a chuckle followed my a manly voice I knew all too well.

"Well hello there, Ellen was it? It's your friend Patrick Dempsey calling."

I giggled at his silliness. "Sorry, I didn't check the screen when I answered." I said. He chuckled again. "It's fine, hey do you have a minute to talk or are you busy?" he asked.

"Umm, yeah sure.. just hold on a sec." I said as I stood up from the chair and pointed at my phone to tell the makeup artist I had to take this call. "One minute." I mouthed to her and she simply nodded. I smiled and exited the trailer, closing the door behind me.

"Ok now I can talk, what's up? Is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah no, everything's fine! It's just been a couple of weeks since I last saw you. I wanted to check in and see how you're doing."

I smiled at his thoughtfulness. I had missed hearing his voice.

"Yeah I know.. Sorry I haven't called you or anything, Iv'e been really busy with work."

I lied. Iv'e had lots of free time lately. In reality I had just been avoiding him. I had recently realized that I still felt something for him and it had been freaking me out completely.

I've done my best to not see or call him but he was texting me a lot and I often got caught in the moment and texted him back.

"I completely understand El. I enjoy our late night texting sessions though." he said. I could almost hear him smirk through the phone.

"Yeah?" I said and couldn't help smirking back, even though he couldn't see it.

"Yeah, and um.. I was actually calling to see if you had any plans this Saturday?"

I didn't have any plans and I actually wanted to see what he had in mind. Screw the fear.

"No plans yet, why?" I asked softly.

"Jill's taking the kids to New York for a couple of days and I've got a race on Monday so I can't come with.. Anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to come for dinner?"

I felt my pulse quicken. The idea of eating dinner in Patrick's house sounded nice but it still made me nervous. It was clearly just going to be the two of us, including some sort of alcohol and being the lightweight that I am could end up in me doing something stupid.

But maybe that was just my fear talking? I mean come on I've stayed away from the man for over 5 years, I must have some self-control right?

"That sounds nice." I answered with honesty.

"So you're in?"
I could hear him smile.

"I'm totally in. When will they leave?"

Oh Ellen that sounded so wrong..

"They leave Saturday morning, back on Wednesday I believe."

"Oh okay."

"This is gonna be great, I've bought this new red-wine that a friend recommended, it's delicious! I think you'll really like it."

"Have you planned this whole dinner before you even knew if I was gonna say yes?" I giggled.

"I knew you were going to say yes, you would never miss out on an opportunity to hang out with me."

I giggled again.
"Oh you're too full of yourself Paddy."

"And you love it.."

Ok that was definitely him flirting.

"Mhmm, if you say so.."

He laughed and then said,
"Hey I have to go now but I'll see you Saturday! Oh, does 7 o'clock work for you?"

"Sounds good. See you then Pat!"

"Bye El."



I sat in my car outside of Patrick's house. I had retouched my hair in the mirror for about a million times already. I felt nervous again but I knew I didn't have to be. This was just a relaxed friendly dinner.

Although was it really a coincidence that his wife and kids were out of town the same night he wanted me to come over?

Yes of course it was Ellen! Why? It's not like he's trying to start an affair with you again, that would just be stupid! He's over you and you should be over him too!

"Yeah but well clearly I'm not!" I yelled out loud and put my hands in my face.

I let out a deep sigh. "Ellen you're starting to become mental screaming alone in your car like this, just get out already.." I mumbled to myself.

I grabbed my purse and stepped out. I locked the car and headed towards his door. I was wearing a blue satin top with thin straps. It showed a bit of cleavage and to make it look like I didn't chose it on purpose, I wore a loose black cardigan over it. I also wore my favorite black dress pants that shaped my ass perfectly.

Ok fine.. I picked them out on purpose, but a woman was allowed to look good if she wanted to! It wasn't like I was trying to get laid! Not that I would complain if- ELLEN LESS THINKING MORE WALKING!!

I shook my irrational thoughts away and focused on the sound of my low-heeled shoes clicking as I walked the last few steps up to Patrick's door.

I didn't want to spend any more time thinking about my doubts so I just took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell. Footsteps came closer to me from the inside.


He opened the door smiling but before he had the chance to say something his eyes started scanning my body, taking in my appearance.

His smile was still there but he was looking at me like he was staring at a undiscovered or colorful creature from the wild.

"Wow." he almost whispered.

He didn't even have to speak the exact words, his eyes told me everything. I felt beautiful.

"You're the one to talk.." I smiled brightly at him and I wasn't lying. He looked extremely handsome. Dark jeans that hung on to his hips perfectly and a navy blue button-up shirt.

God his hair! He must have been styling it for about a good 2 hours or so, it looked amazing..

Wait. He did that for me?

"Come on in, I want to show you around!" he said and moved out of the doorway.

If I thought I had seen his dreamy smile before I was so wrong. Right now he looked like the happiest man alive as I stood in his home. I guess I had to start showing him how happy I was to be here too.

We hugged and I swear I felt him smell my hair..

"I've missed you." he said. "I've missed you too." I smiled softly.

I had obviously been to his house before but he told me earlier that they've completely redone the place. I absolutely loved it. I was very interested in architecture and interior design.

He gave me a full tour of the place. It took a while due to the amount of rooms but also because of all of the questions I kept asking. He didn't seem to mind though.

We smiled, talked and laughed and when we were done we both decided it was time to actually eat something.

Didn't proofread this one, just wanted to get it out 'cause I'm trying to finish the next chapter that I'll post tomorrow.
And u really don't wanna miss that one if u know what I'm saying..😏😏

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