5. Let the dragon be burned

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Xilliorn knew there is something about this teacher. Knowing by his reaction to the words Xilliorn had spoken. He knows he has seen him before it is a kind of gut feeling he gets when he sees this teacher. Although it is not in this human form he had recognizes him but in his true form. That's why he wants Victoria to be protected he feels that he must protect her Drondioris is a shapeshifter and a powerful one. He is a dragon, Only a powerful dragon could perform this kind of magic. He is so one of the dragons that can change and thus live in the human world. He is surprised to find him here in a school. Normally they are known for making trouble and sowing fear in the world. But this one is different.

Later in the hallway, he hears Victoria speak to him in her soft voice, driving him out of his thoughts. He hears her scolding him by telling him, "to start acting more human and not like a maniac living in some world that doesn't exist." He doesn't know why she doesn't believe him, but she will find out the truth all he hopes is that when she found out he is not lying it wouldn't be on the hard way. All he knows is that danger lurks everywhere.

In their next lesson, he has to pay attention which doesn't really work out with all the thoughts still running through his head. He knew he had to talk to the teacher to find out what his intentions are here on earth. This hour in class made him mad with the desire to get away from this boring class of English that he had been learning years ago.

That day at school was a total waste. He couldn't focus because he was in class thinking and grinding in his head. He needed to know what that dragon was doing at school and maybe he could kill it when no one was looking. His first task was to distract Victoria so she couldn't get in the way of his plan. Even though Victoria knew something was about to happen he even got her so-called boyfriend to distract her which worked for a while but he would have to act fast.

Xilliorn enters the classroom of the professor who teaches art. He is sitting in front of the desk flipping through papers when Xilliorn approaches him when he hears his voice speaking to him,

"Guglimi barniti cuclimi."

The teacher aims his sights straight at Xilliorn and looks him in the eye, no longer as scared as he was this morning.

"You can understand me? I knew I was right! Prepare to die!" Shouted Xilliorn sure of his intention to kill him.

That's exactly what he was trying to do. He jumped over the desk causing the desk chair to slide backward and took the professor by the neck holding him up until he froze in his stance from someone coming in with that familiar voice calling out to him.

"XILLIORN! What do you think you're doing?" shouted Victoria as she moved closer and released Xilliorn's grip. Which caused the professor to fall back into the office chair with a thud. He cast one last glance toward the professor with the words sliding across his lips, "fatalios." Before the door slammed shut and the professor was back alone and could breathe easily.

Victoria looked angry as she walked out of the classroom behind him. Not much later she caught up and stopped him in his place so she could grab him and could stare angrily into his eyes before Xilliorn could express his displeasure to Victoria.

"Why did you come? I had him," said Xilliorn to Victoria who looked very cute as he continued to look at her with the red blushes on her cheeks though they were not from blushing but from anger and he needed to hear that now though he was even anything but happy with this situation. They began their journey back home through the forest which was very unpleasant with her screams and accusations that he had to hear all the time he had stayed with her. He couldn't even hear any of the surrounding sounds in the forest It was only her cries that echoed through the trees around them.

What did she expect? He is a warrior, the best of his kind everyone in his realm was afraid of him. This world only made him softer and he was tired of it. Every day he had to go to school and all that nagging from her, like all those stupid rules she forced on him. Xilliorn would like to find a way home, but how. Maybe he could do what he had planned before if he hadn't done that impulse action of strangling him. Could he still ask that dragon for help? A dragon he would like to kill and what if they were told he had made a deal with a dragon, he would rather die than ask a dragon for help.

"Are you listening, Xilliorn," Victoria asked to which he grunted answering "yes."

When she became silent in the middle of their walk, he paid extra attention to hearing the forest which was still very quiet as if it was afraid of something or someone. Every time they walked through the woods he felt danger lurking on them. Xilliorn didn't know how but it had to be something very bad that did set off his alarm bells.

"Did you hear that?" He asked Victoria who was now walking in silence angrily in front of him and not even looking back at him to listen to what he had to say.

Xilliorn pulled a sprint and took her in his arms while still hearing the sound echoing through the forest causing the hairs on his arms to stand up.

"Xilliorn you are acting foolish. There is nothing here," she said still trying to wriggle her warm body out of his embrace though he only tightened his grip around her body.

As the voice gets louder and gets closer Xilliorn, pushes Victoria into a bush before grabbing the beast coming at them from behind. When he looks at it the beast is just a small creature from his realm that he knows as a Colby.

"What are you doing here?" asked Xilliorn to the small creature that had now turned into a child. It may have seemed innocent but they can be very deceiving.

"Are you crazy! I could have broken something by falling into that bush and now you've grabbed a child!" Victoria stands before them with her hands on her hips and pulls the child that is the Cobly out of his arms, not realizing what she has done.

"Victoria he is not what it seems," He said to alert her to the little brat who smilingly glanced at Xilliorn. She doesn't know what harm that little creature can do.

"I've had it with you! First, you attack our professor and now you attack me and a child!" She exhaled with that creature still tight in her grip. Xilliorn cursed and muttered to herself as they arrived at her house with that creature still in her arms. She lowered herself down to talk to that creature who was acting like an innocent child who is acting sad to gain her trust. Which is a trick of this creature to fool her in order to attack.

"Did he hurt you? Where do you live?" Asks Victoria to the child who stares into her eyes and so begins to tell a made-up story about how he had lost his parents in the forest so as to be able to distract her from his true intentions.

Though she had to find it out in a hard way by not listening to Xilliorn's warnings.

The creature suddenly attacks her which Xilliorn had foreseen a mile ago but she didn't want to listen to at the time because she saw it as an innocent child who needed her help. nothing is as it seems now proves again.

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