6. The Colby

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"That hurts!" Screamed Victoria with her arm covered in blood, making her put her hand on it to stem the bleeding. That kid just bit me!

Xilliorn held that child, who now looked more like a beast, with long teeth and bright blue hair. Victoria could hardly believe her eyes when the creature showed its true nature. She was even more shocked that Xilliorn had warned her, and she just wouldn't listen.

"I told you," he said as he grabbed the creature by its neck and held it right in front of his eyes.

"What do you want? Why are you here?" He asked the small angry creature that was trapped between Xilliorn's large hands.

"Of course, you know the princess sent me." That was all he said before Xilliorn dropped it to the ground and stood on it as if it might not break under his foot.

"My answer is still no! Go and never come back," he said in a strong voice I had never heard from him before it scared me it was like a murderer or a criminal who would ask you for money.

When that creature was gone she was the only one left standing next to Xilliorn. He didn't say anything about it or rub it in he just went inside straight to his room.

Victoria had all these questions swirling around in her head. How could he even know? She didn't really know what to think about it and why his answer was still no, but to what?

She stepped into her room that is next to where Xilliorn sleeps. Where she can hear him cursing through the walls until suddenly she heard a loud bang on the wall. That made the picture frame with the picture of her father hanging above her nightstand fall to the floor. Victoria sat in front of the broken frame with tears in her eyes, screaming from the pain the glass must have felt before it fell to the floor and shattered.

Angry, she took a seat in the room next to hers with a cut on her finger, through which the glass of the picture frame she loved so much was broken. It was a frame she and her father had made.

"Couldn't you be normal for once! You crazy mad man," she said, pounding on his chest as he just looked at her in disbelief. Xilliorn certainly hadn't known how strong she was. He felt the bruises appear under his t-shirt on his chest, and that was only because of Victoria.

He took her between his arms, though Victoria fought against the feeling of falling on his chest and crying, which she couldn't. She lost the fight against it and let herself fall on his chest crying so that now his white t-shirt is stained from her tears making his chest visible underneath therefore she could look at his hard abs. With a jolt, she shot back into reality and took a step away from him.

"Victoria, I'm sorry I made you cry. I am so sick of continuing to hide who I really am," Xilliorn said as he took a step back towards her, almost pushing her against the door she had closed when she came in.

With a heavy breath, she took in the room. It smelled of Xilliorn masculine, spicy and there was a tension between them that she couldn't explain.

Xilliorn took another step towards her, which caused her to bump into the light wooden door, which felt hard and cold under her wrists, which she had pulled back towards her. She doesn't know what took hold of her, but not long after that moment, she was in Xilliorn's arms, kissing him.

He had her between his arms and even took her from the door between his arms while she had her legs entwined around his hips.

When her back touched the cold white sheets, she felt the soft cotton between her fingers and his kisses on her neck, his scent taking up even more in her nose.

Hearing her mother call that dinner was ready. Made them come out of this trance still hanging with his lips almost on hers. Breathing with his warm breath on her face, her jaws flaring with shame for what they have just done. She looked into his eyes, shocked and scared, as she ran to her room. Where she dropped the door in the lock and fell on the bed with her head on the pillow screaming and crying out from the betrayal she had just committed. She had never felt these feelings before. Even her boyfriend's kisses didn't make her feel what Xilliorn just did to her.

After her heart returns to its normal pace pounding in her chest. Stepping out of her room at exactly the same time as Xilliorn did, with both of them holding the doorknob, still looking at each other saying nothing as if they had lost their voices at the moment. Like everything was said at that moment, what was hidden inside them.

When they hear her mother's voice again screaming in the hallway, they run off and touch each other at the moment they want to take the first step on the stairs. She touches Xilliorn's hand causing her to pull her hand away quickly which made her lose her balance. Xilliorn quickly pulls her warm body against his hard chest, causing them to stare into each other's eyes again. She feels the warmth of his warm body going through her body, causing her to become confused and long for things she can't get or want to get.

When they finally sit at the dinner table, still with those flowers that always made her happy on the tablecloth, though today was not the case. Today was a day with all these new strange feelings for Xilliorn that frustrated her so much but also confused her. She just doesn't know if these feelings are what she wants them to be. She didn't even like him, she just wanted to help him get back to where he came from. Not only that, but she didn't know if the world he came from was real. Which made her quest to get him back home even more dangerous.

"Don't you like your food, dear?" Asked her mother as Victoria continued to poke at her chicken with the fork she had clamped between her fingers. Victoria awoke from her thoughts and ate her chicken with the tagliatelle and white sauce that her mother had made especially for her because it is her favorite dish.

As the staring contest continued between them during dinner, even her mother felt the tension increase between them. After this weird stare between them, she brought her plate to the dishwasher and put her hands on the counter with her face facing the marble countertop. Which had already been cleaned up by her mother, but Victoria didn't care and just stared ahead of her, thinking about him as she propped up the countertop with a rag yet again. And when she was thinking of the devil who is Xilliorn is he suddenly standing behind her breathing down her neck and whispering things in her ear. Things she didn't want to know or hear.

"I like you, Victoria. But you're just an annoying person."

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