2. Sammanthas Point Of View

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After getting off the phone to Carmen earlier I have been a bag of nerves and excitement. I couldn't wait to see my best friend again, I felt so lost without her that all I've done these past four months is either work at the beach or work at the pub. I had to keep myself busy so I wasn't constantly thinking about whether Carmen would be coming back to us alive.

I was sat with Fatima, Antonio, Jay and my mum, waiting for Lucas and Carmen's train to turn up as it was running about thirty minutes late. Carmen had told me earlier over the phone that two of their friends were coming with them to celebrate her birthday with us. I didn't care much about that. All I wanted was to see Carmen again, I wanted my best friend by my side where she was safe.

Part of me wanted to tell her that I was in love with her, but, she had never even shown any sign of interest romantically towards me. Mind you she hadn't shown any romantic interest in anyone for years, even the ones that basically threw themselves at her offering themselves up like a piece of meat.

"Argh! Mum! Why aren't they here yet?!" I asked, frustrated by the delay. I Jumped up from the seat and started pacing.

"Lucas has just sent a text saying they're pulling into the station now." Fatima said calmly, placing a hand on my shoulder to stop my pacing.

At that moment I noticed a train pulling to a stop. Everyone started wandering down the platform eagerly while I lagged behind a bit. Loads people got off the train but we easily spotted the four people we were waiting for. They were walking through the station in their Army uniform.

Lucas noticed the group first and dropped his bags as he ran towards his mum, sweeping her into a hug. I stayed behind the group, not wanting to disturb Carmen during her family reunion. I noticed two blonde girls that must've been Sonja and Sophie, with their arms wrapped around each other and couldn't prevent the slight jealousy bubbling up, wishing it was me and Carmen like that.

Carmen approached her family and hugged them, still carrying her own bags and dropping Lucas' bags at his feet, I overheard Lucas telling everyone that Carmen had got a promotion and everyone congratulated her.

She didn't seem to be focussing on what everyone was saying to her as she was looking over everyone's shoulders, her eyes searching until they met mine. My heart fluttered, I couldn't help but grin at her as she instantly dropped her bags and jogged towards me.

I ran at her and jumped into her arms and she caught me, laughing, as I wrapped my legs around her waist. She has gotten stronger over these last few months as she was supporting my weight effortlessly. I buried my head into her neck taking a deep breath of her intoxicating scent and all my emotions burst out of me.

"God, I've missed you so fucking much." I managed to choke out between my tears and sobs.

She pulled away from me and placed me back on my feet, concern evident over her features, her hands raising up to gently cup my face and wipe my tears away with her thumbs.

"Why are you crying Sammie?" She asked softly.

"I've missed you! And you've been gone for what seems like forever! And I just really fucking missed you!" I spoke through my tears as a slight blush crept up onto my cheeks, "And you're only back for a month and I want to spend as much time with you as possible before you leave again but I've got work too and ... God... Who am I kidding?! Your friends are here with you and you probably want to spend some time with them while you're not in the middle of a war zone."

"I've missed your incessant rambling." She chuckled, "I've missed you too and of course I want to spend time with you, Lucas can entertain Sophie and Sonja at some times because I want you all to myself!" She pulled me into another hug and I relaxed slightly, noticing that everyone had now joined us where we were stood.

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