3. Carmens Point Of View

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The rest of the group had joined us at this point and had heard what I had said to Sammantha and everyone looked amused by the blush adorning my cheeks. We started making our way towards the station exit, Sammantha had her arm hooked around mine holding onto me like she thought I would disappear any second, as I noticed Antonio carrying my bags.

"I can take those if you like." I told him.

"Nah, you're alright baby sis! You're gunna need your hands free anyway because Sammantha has a surprise for you." He replied smirking.

"Firstly, I'm not a baby!" I said stubbornly as punched him playfully.

Technically, I was the baby of our family too as Antonio was born first, then three minutes later I graced the world with my awesome self.

"Secondly," I said looking towards Sammantha, "What surprise?"

Sammantha smirked at me before dangling a set of car keys from her fingers. I recognised the set of keys as the keys to my old car. But that was impossible as my car died six months ago.

"Those can't be the keys to Sally!?" I gasped, "There's just no way it could be."

Sammantha grabbed my hand, giggling, dragging me to the train station exit. I stopped shocked. There she was! My pride and joy. My car! My orange Subaru was back from car heaven!

"SEXY SALLY!" I exclaimed as I jumped onto the bonnet and hugged my car. Yes, I was aware that I looked crazy but, I loved my car. I had built her from scratch, she was the perfect car.

"You named your car Sexy Sally?" Sophie enquired, amused.

"No, Sammie named her Sexy because when she first saw her after I'd finished building her it was the first word that came out of her mouth. I named her Sally. Therefore she was christened 'Sexy Sally'." I laughed, "I can't believe you guys fixed her! You brought her back from the dead!"

"Actually, as much as I'd love to take credit for it, this car thing was all down to Sammantha." Antonio laughed.

I turned away from him and saw Sammantha blushing. I ran over to her, sweeping her into a hug.

"God I love you! Thank you so much!" I said looking into her eyes. 'Oh so you can say I love you to her but you can't tell her that you're IN love with her. Tsk!' The voice in my head said snidely as I ignored it.

"Why don't you take it for a spin Carmen?" Sophie suggested, smirking. "You could take Sammantha with you as a thank you." She finished with a subtle wink at me.

"Yeah! You go and we will go home with your family and get to know them better!" Sonja joined in, smirking too.

"Are you sure guys?" I asked as Sophie and Sonja nodded at me. "Is that okay with you guys?" I asked looking at mine and Sammantha's families. They nodded.

With that I opened the passenger door for Sammantha. Once she was in I slid over the bonnet to the drivers side. I waved at everybody once I was strapped in and, with a rev of my engine, I sped away.

I parked the car in an empty car park and we both climbed out, linking arms as we started walking towards a hill. It was our hill, we called it Sunset Hill because we always made a habit of watching the sun set every day from this hill when I was home from my duties.

We reached the top of the hill and sat down with our back against a tree. Sammantha linked her arm through mine and leaned her head on my shoulder while we looked out over the sea, listening to the relaxing sound of the waves crashing below us.

"So, you got promoted?" Sammantha asked softly as she ran her fingers over my arm.

"Yeah. Our old squad leader retired, so they promoted Sophie from second in command to squad leader, making her a Sergeant. And they promoted me as we needed a second in command." I replied quietly.

"Congratulations Lance Corporal." She replied softly, "Are Sonja and Sophie dating?"

"Y'know, I haven't got a clue what's going on with those two. They're always flirting with each other and kind of act like they're dating, but, as far as I'm aware they haven't started dating or even told each other how they really feel, so they're basically fuck buddies. Which is annoying as anyone can tell that they have some serious chemistry going on." I chuckled.

"I'm glad you're home Carmen." Sammantha said quietly as the sun started sinking below the horizon.

"Me too," I smiled, turning my head to look at her. "So, tell me what I've missed! Anything new with you?"

"Um, not really anything new. I've just been keeping busy working at the beach and the pub." She replied nervously.

"Just working? You've not been dating anyone? Hanging out with friends?" I asked intrigued.

"Nope, I just work at the beach during the day time and help out with the pub afterwards. And I surf with Antonio and Jay at the weekends when we're not working. You're the only friend I really wanna hang out with because the rest of them just want to go shopping and they don't surf."

"You're gunna run yourself into the ground working so much! No wonder you seem so tense." I sighed.

I shifted myself so I was sat behind her, raising my hands up, I placed them on her shoulders and started massaging them. She let out a sigh tilting her head forward as the massage relaxed her.

"So, you're telling me that no one has caught your eye these past four months?" I inquired, intrigued.

"I never said that no one had caught my eye, I'm just not dating." She replied letting out a small moan as I worked out a knot in her shoulder.

"So you have got your eye on someone? You know, you won't have a shot with him if you're working so much."

"She works just as much as I do, if not more." She grumpily replied.

"She?" I asked slightly surprised.

"What's with the surprised tone? You know I like girls." Sammantha chuckled as she leaned back into me, pulling my hands over her shoulder and holding them to her.

"Yeah, well, you've only ever dated boys. I mean you've never dated girls and you've never actually shown any interest in girls except from saying that you like girls. So, y'know, I got confused and just assumed that maybe you prefer boys." I chuckled.

"Well, you've never dated boys because you're openly a lesbian, but, you've never had an actual relationship with any girls or shown any real interest in any recently! You had what? A couple of one night stands with girls at parties before you joined the Army and that's it. Unless you have a secret special someone that you met out there?" She asked looking up at me.

"I don't get much of a chance to meet any girls out there because I'm basically staring at the same five faces everyday! Three of them are boys! And the two girls are basically like family. Plus, I've had my heart set on someone for a while, can't really see myself with anyone different." I replied looking down at her.

"Come on, we better get to the pub, I'm sure you're tired from travelling." Sammantha mumbled as she got up and started making her way down the hill.

She walked with a defeated posture, head down and shoulders slumped. I jogged to catch up to her and walked beside her in silence. I could tell something was troubling her and it hurt me that she wasn't opening up to me about it.

The Army Girl (lesbian) completedWhere stories live. Discover now