9. Carmen's Point Of View.

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I had finished in my shower and got dressed in some dark blue skinny jeans, a blue vest top and a white and blue plaid shirt. I pulled a black Ed Hardy beanie onto my head and slipped my feet into my blue and black DC skate shoes.

I was nervous about going downstairs and seeing everyone because Sammantha would want me to talk and I knew telling her the truth was going to be the right thing to do, but, it would end up hurting her. She also wasn't the only one that had been lied to, I was lying to everyone. And now was the time to come clean.

I picked up two envelopes and left my room, making my way down to the pub. I saw everyone gathered around a table, all laughing and having a good time. I approached them all, giving them a tight lipped smile, as I placed one envelope in front of Lucas and one in front of my mum before moving back behind the bar, pouring myself a pint of lager and staying stood there, watching their reactions.

I knew they were all going to be angry once they had read what was inside the envelopes. Mum, Antonio and Sammantha would be angry over the will and life insurance copies that were in one envelope, because it would show them that the next mission could be more dangerous than our last ones and they would figure out we lied to them.

Lucas, Sophie and Sonja were going to be angry because I had extended my tour in Afghanistan. Instead of being away for four months like all of us were meant to be, I had signed up for more time and would be gone for an extra two months minimum. That particular news was going to annoy all of them.

I drank from my glass as I waited nervously for everyone to finish reading what was in the envelopes. One by one everyone turned to look at me wearing expressions of hurt and betrayal. I nervously tapped my foot as I looked down at the bar, picking at it with my nails as they all moved from their table and approached the bar.

"You extended your tour?" Lucas asked quietly.

"Yes." I whispered, not meeting his gaze.

"Why?" He asked his voice breaking slightly.

"They asked me, I said yes. There isn't much else to it, I just didn't know how to tell you guys. I'm sorry." I responded feeling a little guilty and emotional.

"Your next tour is going to be dangerous, isn't it?" My mum asked, quietly, eyebrows furrowed, "That's why you've both written wills and taken out life insurance?"

"It's just a precaution because we will be working closer to enemy lines on our next tour. All of our tours have some aspect of danger and we've still come back in one piece." Lucas replied quickly.

"Mostly in one piece." Sammantha stated, referring to my minor shrapnel injury, causing me to look up at her as she looked at me. "How much longer are you going to be away for Carmen?"

"Two months minimum, it could be more depending on the situation." I mumbled back feeling more guilty.

"Who are you going to be with if you're not with us?" Sophie asked, furrowing her brow.

"There's a squad like ours that has recently lost their Second in Command Lance Corporal, I'm going to be placed with them. The squad itself hasn't had much experience on tour and they wanted someone with plenty of experience there to assist their Sergeant." I explained.

"No!" Lucas shouted, slamming his fist down on the bar, "You are not doing it! You're not going! I'm not going to let you go off on your own to work with 'baby soldiers'! Not when I can't be there to protect you!"

"Lucas! I am perfectly capable of looking after myself! You all treat me like I'm going to break! You're always there, shadowing me! If it's not 'bodyguard' Lucas, it's 'bodyguard' Sophie! I might be the 'baby' sister and I may be the youngest in our squad but I can look after myself!" I shouted back, I was seriously angry at this point.

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