4. Sammanthas Point Of View

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We walked in silence back to Carmen's car, I was lost in my own thoughts. I was disappointed that Carmen did in fact like someone, just hearing that convinced me that I couldn't reveal my feelings for her.

As we got to the car I reached for the door handle and opened the door, before I knew what had happened the door had been shut again and Carmen had spun me around to face her. I pressed my back into the car as I got nervous under Carmen's intense gaze.

I avoided her deep, dark eyes while looking at the ground and fidgeting with my hands. I felt a gentle hand under my chin lifting my head up. Carmen's dark mysterious eyes studied me briefly before speaking.

"You're hiding something from me." She stated, her gaze never wavering, "I'm not going to force you to tell me, but, whenever you are ready to talk about it, I'm right here. Okay?"

My breath hitched at our closeness and her tender touch, I had trouble speaking so nodded in response. Carmen moved me to the side and opened the door for me to climb in before she got in beside me and started driving through the quiet streets.

"The girl you've got your eye on, does she know how you feel?" I asked quietly, glancing over at Carmen.

"No, I haven't told her." She replied quietly pulling into her parking space outside the pub.

"Why not?"

"Because, I've got her in my life as a friend and I'm happy with that. My life and career is with the Army and I don't want to ruin the friendship I have with her by admitting feelings that aren't reciprocated." She sighed looking down and picking at the steering wheel.

"Sounds to me like you're scared of being rejected by your friend."

"Pfft, yeah right. When have I ever been scared of shit!" Carmen brushed off my comment, "Anyway, it's not like you've told the girl you like either. You've just thrown yourself into work to avoid it." She accused.

"I've not told her because I'm scared of losing her, plus she's always away working." I replied avoiding her eyes, "We should get inside before they all think we got lost."

With that I climbed quickly out of the car, Carmen joining me as we entered the pub. I made my way over to the bar as Carmen got swept off by the regulars. I sat down at the bar next to Lucas and accepted the pint of cider that he slid over to me, my eyes following Carmen around the pub as she got pulled into conversations.

"Are you ever going to tell my sister how you feel?"

"W-wha....I...um..." I stuttered in response tearing my eyes away from Carmen.

"There's no point denying it, I've seen the way you look at her. It's the same way she looks at you, believe it or not. Look, I know you're both probably scared about ruining your friendship by telling each other, but, I can see that by not saying anything you're both hurting each other regardless."

I let Lucas' words sink in as I lifted my gaze over to where Carmen seemed to be having an intense conversation with my brother, Jay. Lucas left me alone to go and help Antonio set up the band instruments. I watched him leave before snapping my eyes back over to Carmen. I picked up my drink and slowly made my over to where Carmen was sat with Jay, Sophie and Sonja.

"So what are we talking about?" I asked as I slid into a seat next to Carmen.

"Well, Jay was just telling us that Carmen is a bit of a performer in her spare time. And Carmen here, was stubbornly trying to deny it." Sophie replied with a smirk as Carmen shot Jay a deadly glare.

"Thanks a bunch Jay." Carmen grumbled as she blushed.

"Come on, Carmen, you have to perform! Everyone's missed your singing and I've definitely missed performing with you dude!" Jay playfully nudged Carmen.

"I've missed your singing." I spoke shyly making eye contact with Carmen. "Come on, I'll sing with you if you want!" I spoke eagerly, grabbing Carmen's hand and interlacing our fingers.

I felt Carmen tense and saw her look down at our hands before looking back up to Jay who gave a (not so) subtle wink at Carmen.

"I know the perfect song for you guys to do! The Click Five - Just The Girl.... It's always a popular one with the regulars." Jay smirked as he ushered us both to the stage before jumping on the drum kit. "Sammie, you start off and Carmen can join in after."

Carmen picked up her electric guitar as we both took our places in front of our microphone stands. Jay counted Carmen in and they both started playing the familiar song as I started singing the lyrics .

She's cold and she's cruel, but, she knows what she's doin'
She pushed me in the pool at our last school reunion.
She laughs at my dreams, but, I dream about her laughter.
Strange as it seems she's the one I'm after.

I smirked at Carmen as I moved into the chorus, tapping my feet to the beat.

Cause she's bittersweet, she knocks me offa my feet,
And I can't help myself, I don't want anyone else.
She's a mystery, she's too much for me,
But I keep coming back for more,
She's just the girl I'm looking for.

I winked at her and watched the blush creep up onto her cheeks as she maintained eye contact with me. She kept her pace with her guitar as she sang through the next verse.

She can't keep a secret for more than an hour,
She runs on one hundred proof attitude power.
And the more she ignores me the more I adore her,
What can I do? I'd do anything for her.

My heart skipped a beat as I could see sincerity in her eyes following the last line she sang.

Cause she's bittersweet, she knocks me offa my feet,
And I can't help myself, I don't want anyone else.
She's a mystery, she's too much for me,
But I keep coming back for more, she's just the girl I'm looking for.

She gave me her usual cheeky grin as I sang my next piece.

And when she sees it's me on her caller ID
She won't pick up the phone, she'd rather be alone.

But I can't give up just yet, cause every word she's ever said
Is still ringing in my head, still ringing in my head.

She's cold and she's cruel but she knows what she's doin'

Knows just what to say so my whole day is ruined.

We went back to the chorus, singing at each other, wearing big smiles on our faces.

Cause she's bittersweet, she knocks me offa my feet,
And I can't help myself, I don't want anyone else.
She's a mystery, she's too much for me,
But I keep coming back for more...

Cause she's bittersweet, she knocks me offa my feet,
And I can't help myself, I don't want anyone else.
She's a mystery, she's too much for me,
But I keep coming back for more...

Oh, I keep coming back for more
She's just the girl I'm looking for.

Just the girl I'm looking for...

I'm looking for...
I'm looking for...
I'm looking for...

Just the girl I'm looking for.

The Army Girl (lesbian) completedWhere stories live. Discover now