18. Sammantha's Point Of View

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It had been three weeks since Carmen had been captured. Lucas and Sophie broke the news to us and it had destroyed us. Lucas, Sophie and Sonja had all stayed with us after the incident, but, they weren't really with us. They looked completely lost and broken, their minds elsewhere. It had affected all of us so much.

Then after three weeks Sergeant Smith appeared in the pub to let us know they had found Carmen. Lucas, Sophie and Sonja jumped straight into action gathering their stuff and putting on their uniforms before leaving to be part of the rescue team. Sergeant Smith told us a car would come for us the next day to take us to the military hospital before she left with the others.

Myself, Fatima and Antonio were taken to a military hospital the very next day and the drive took about four hours. Now, here we were, waiting. We didn't know if the rescue squad had succeeded, all we could do was wait.

After a couple more hours had passed since we had arrived I saw Lucas approaching us, Sophie, Sonja and Sergeant Smith right behind him looking tired.

"She's gone straight into surgery to fix a stab wound that was recently inflicted on her." He whispered as he slumped down into a chair.

We nodded in response and all of us took a seat in the waiting room. For hours no one said anything or even moved. Some medical personal brought round a trolley with food, fizzy drinks and coffee on and left it with us giving us all sympathetic looks. I sat staring off into space while running my fingers over Carmen's military tag around my neck.

"What actually happened to the other two members of your squad, y'know the two that landed Carmen in this mess?" I asked, turning to face Sophie.

"The military police arrested them when we got back to base here. They took all of our statements on the events that took place that day and they aren't releasing them until they've got a statement from Carmen." She replied.

A doctor walked over to us and Lucas jumped up.

"How is she?" Lucas asked quickly with worry etched onto his face. The doctor took a deep breath.

"She is stable but is currently in a medically induced coma at the moment. The surgery was a success and went smoothly with no complications, but, her mind and body have been through a very traumatic experience and she will need time to recover thoroughly." The doctor spoke softly.

"How bad are her injuries?" I asked as a tear slipped down my face.

"She is extremely dehydrated so, while she is in this coma, we are replenishing her fluids. We've removed the bullet from her calf and are treating the infection it caused aggressively with a high dose of antibiotics. Her more superficial wounds have been thoroughly cleaned and bandaged. Her left leg has been put in a cast as her knee and thigh have been broken and metal pins and plates have been attached to her bones to aid the healing. She also has five broken ribs that we have wrapped for her and need to keep an eye on. All internal bleeding has been stopped and the stab wound inflicted on her has also been dealt with, though we do have to keep a close eye on her as it punctured her lung."

Fatima started crying. Lucas and Antonio looked broken and angry. Sophie, Sonja and Sergeant Smith had tears in their eyes and I stood there speechless.

"What about her military career? When can we see her?" I asked as he turned to walk away.

"I cannot comment on her career until her injuries have properly healed. As for seeing her, you may see her two at a time, the nurse will take you to her room now." He gave us a small smiled and left.

We followed the nurse in silence and on arrival to Carmen's room Fatima and Antonio entered first. I looked at Carmen through the window and saw her hooked up to tubes and machines and it broke my heart. My legs gave out on me and Sergeant Smith caught me before I hit the floor.

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