1. Prolouge

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Maverick = Merida

Hope you enjoy this story! A few months back I went through a phase of Male Merida, it lasted like 5 days but still


"Where are you..?" The Queen cooed around the table, playing with her son and his friend.
"Come out! Come out!"

The two children laughed silently under the table as the older woman laughed still looking for them.

They were celebrating the young prince Mavericks birthday outdoors, a mini campsite they had set up for themselves.
They had invited the little girl due to Mavericks request of having her with him.

"I'm coming to get yous...!"

Maverick started to laugh even more, Y/N put her hand on his mouth to shush him which made Maverick gasp and raise his eyebrows playfully.

"Shh she'll hear you!" Y/N whispered with a small giggle.
Y/N paused feeling something wet on her hand.
Quickly she pulled back he hand off his mouth.
"Ew ew ew ew ew!!"
She started to wipe her hand on her dress, Maverick chuckled even more, but stopped once he saw his mother coming closer to where they sat under the table.

"Quickly!" Maverick gasped and grabbed his friends hand dragging her away from under the table, she was still wiping her hand along her dress, still disgusted.

"Where are you you little rascals I'm coming to get you!" The Queen played, ducking under the table, surprised to not see them under there she stood back up again.
"Hm" she chuckled.

"Where is my little birthday boy hm? And his cheeky little accomplice? I'm going to gobble them up when I find them-"

The two children who had snuck off into the tent and had slowly started to walk out to try and scare the Queen from behind, however she turned around just in time to catch them.

"Oh!" The queen shrieked as the two children laughed. They both screamed playfully as the queen lunged for Maverick and started to tickle him while pretending to eat him.

"Let him go!" Y/N giggled pulling on Mavericks arm to try and pry him from his mothers hold.

Fergus, the king, had walked over an approached the scene, he loudly placed his bow on the table, the three stopped laughing and turned to have a look.

"Fergus!" Queen Elinor scolded "no weapons on the table"

"Can I shoot an arrow?" Maverick exclaimed excitedly, running out from his mothers arms to hold his dads arrow.
"Can I can I can I please can I?"
The Bow was to heavy for Young Maverick to hold, causing him to fall on his bottom with a laugh.

"Not with that!" Laughed Fergus as he reached for something behind his back.
"Why not use your.. very own!"
He pulled out a smaller bow, the two children gasped.

"That looks like my one at home!" Y/N gasped walking over to Fergus to examine it.

"That's because your father made it" Fergus chuckled slapping the young girl on her back.
"Made by the best Bowyer in the kingdom"

"Maverick our bows match! Mine has the same design on it but my one is a darker brown.." Y/N laughed excitedly as Fergus handed the bow out to Maverick.

"Happy Birthday my wee lad!"

Fergus set up a Target for Maverick to practise on, however he struggled with stretching the Arrow back and had not why gotten a single hit.

Elinor had her hand over her heart in worry as Fergus gave tips to Maverick.
"Now, there's a good boy, draw all they back now to your cheeks, that's right!"

"Keep both eyes open!" Y/N piped up.

"And.... Loose!" Fergus instructed, Maverick let go, however the arrow went further off beyond the target and into the woods.

"I missed" he said Disappointedly.

"Go an fetch it then" Elinor said, crouching down to take the bow off Maverick.
Maverick laughed and ran towards the forest, nodding his head at Y/N to follow after him which she did.

Once the two were out of earshot, the Queen started to scold the king.
"A bow Fergus? He's only six! And Y/N is a lady does her mother know about-"

She shrieked when she felt her husbands hand on a place it wasn't supposed to be.
Fergus laughed as Elinor hit him on the chest playfully.

The two children ran through leaves as they tried to retrieve the lost Arrow. Maverick had to drag Y/N away by the hand as she had been memorised with the beauty of the forest.

Maverick gasped happily once he saw the arrow stuck in a tree, Y/N cupped her hands together allowing Maverick to step on them to retrieve the arrow.

One he got it, Y/N lowered him back down, the two heard a twig snap and looked around the forest with panic as they realised they didn't know the way back.

"Which way was the camp again?" Y/N asked
With a freaked out voice.

A bird squawked from afar scaring the two children who now huddled closer together.

From behind, the two head a mystical swoon they turned around to see a blue wisp, continuing to make the nostalgic sound.

Their jaws dropped.
"A willo the wisp!" Maverick gasped.

"They're so pretty" Y/N cooed, she laughed grabbing onto Mavericks hand and dragging him along as she chased after it.

As they came closer Y/N reached out to it but it disappeared.
"They are real" she sighed as more of them started to form, showing the pathway in which they should take to find there way back home.

"Come on!" Maverick laughed now starting to run after them as Y/N followed.

They jumped after the last one and heard Elinor calling for the two.
"Maverick! Come one sweetheart, Y/Ns parents are waiting for her back home"

"We're leaving now!"
They ran excitedly over to the Elinor and Fergus.

"We saw a wisp!" Maverick exclaimed out of breath, as did Y/N.

"A wisp?!" Elinor repeated crouching down to their levels.

"Wisps" Y/N corrected nudging Maverick on the shoulder with her own.
"They lead us back here"

"You know, some say that willo the wisps lead you to your fate" Elinor said mysteriously as she picked up the two.

"Oh, Aye or an arrow!" Fergus laughed disbelieving waving his hand.
"Come one let's be off before we see a dancing tattybogle or a giant having a jigger in the bluebells"
He continued as he walked off, dancing to his words mockingly.

"King Fergus-" Elinor stated facing Y/N before turning to Maverick, "-your father, doesn't believe in magic"
She started to walk off with the two in her arms.

"Well he should cause it's true!" Maverick replied as Y/N nodded.

"My mum also doesn't believe in-" but before Y/N could finish a blood curdling scream left her lips, she clung closer onto Elinor.

A large shadow had had covered the three, Elinor turned to see a bear who was loudly growling at her with his claws raised.

The king and some other men turned to see what was happening.
"Mor'du! Elinor run!" Fergus yelled.
Elinor quickly ran to the horses and started to hoist herself up on one.

One of the men there Fergus a spear, they approached the bear with each of their weapons pointed at the bear.

Mor'du however had easily destroyed the kings spear with on swing of his paw.
Fergus looked shocked before pulling out a
Sword from his side.

Maverick and Y/N looked back fearfully from the queens shoulders as they watched while fleeing the scene.

"Come on you!" Fergus screamed causing Mor'du to roar ferocious.

The kings foot was wiped clean.

When two fates become one  (Male Merida x reader)Where stories live. Discover now