2. Touch the sky

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H/N= horse name


Some say our destiny is tied to the land

A snowy mountain is shown

As much a part of us as we are of it

The lake calmly pushed
against the rocks, creating a nice sound

Others say, fate is vowen together like a cloth

A rock with a significant symbol

So that one's destiny interwines with many others

Pans over dry land

It's the one thing we search for or fight to change

A group is stones are shown which are positioned in a circle

Some never find it

But there are some who are lead

The kingdom of DunBroch comes into view

The story of how my father lost his leg to the Demon bear Mor'do became a legend

King Fergus is finding with other men when one of them sticks his sword onto his wooden leg, Fergus looks up at him with rage before flinging them man onto the wall.

I became a brother to three new brothers the princes'  Hamish Herbert and Harris

One of the maids, Maudie, is walking down the corridors with a tray of sweets, the princes slyly stole from the tray as she passed, Hamish grabbed one with a sword and Herbert grabbed another with his hand from hiding within a cabinet.
Y/N walked by Maudie  and greeted her, Distracting Maudie as Harris smoothly took the tray of sweets from Maudie as Y/N had replaced her hands with a potted plant from behind, the princes ran off and Y/N continued to walk off as she turned around slyly, looking as if she had nothing to do with it.

Wee devils more like, expect for Y/N, she's just bored

The princes had jumped from the window and down into a catapult, they launched themselves over a towers and onto the other side, landing in a haystack as they munched on their sweets.

They'd get away with murder! I can never get away with anything!

The large doors opened for Maverick to walk through to sit in the throne room along with his family, however at the same time he took a large bite out of the apple he had in hand.
Y/N was standing by his mothers throne, she giggled at him behind her hand.

That's my best friend Y/N. She lives with us now that her parents died on a shipwreck when travelling to get more supplies for their weapon making.

Mavericks smirked sheepishly as he he threw the eaten apple behind his shoulder and walked smugly down towards his throne.

Her father had supplied all the weapons we have today, so my dad took her in as a way to pay her father back

Y/N curtsied Jokingly making Maverick roll his eyes playfully, Elinor raised her eyebrows in confusion and turned towards Y/N to see if she had done anything, But Y/N quickly straightened herself up.

I've got duties , responsibilities, expectations..
my whole life is planned out!

Maverick strutted even more unprofessionally just to get more giggles out of Y/N, he succeeded causing himself to feel prideful.

Preparing for the day I become, well my mother!

Maverick finally made it to his throne as sat done in it sluggishly, The queen looked revolted at his actions causing Maverick to frown and lean on his arm.

When two fates become one  (Male Merida x reader)Where stories live. Discover now