9. Fate gone wrong

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Idk which triplet is who, so I am going to use whichever names okay?
Btw sorry this took soooo long ✌️ I'm gonna try to get this done now before writing anything else.

I lightly skimmed over this but have probably missed a lot of spelling mistakes. PLEASEEE point they out if you see the so I can fix it.


The two snuck back into the castle after leaving Angus and H/N back in the stables.

Fergus was entertaining everyone by singing a song about Mordu, the two could hear him from the kitchen as they started to plate up the cake.

Maverick place the cake on a small plate as he also collected a fork, some blueberries and a small purple slower rice sit beside it as Y/N went to boil som water for tea.

Once it was done, Y/N placed the teapot on the tray along with a cup.
She nodded at Maverick once she was done and he nodded back, carrying the tray off the table as the two started to walk for the stairs.

The queen and burst through the door behind them, they turned with a jolt upon hearing her.

"Mum!" Maverick said eagerly, turning around with the tray in hand.
Y/N stood behind him awkwardly.

"I've been worried sick!" The queen muttered, her hand over her heart and she approached Maverick, giving him a tight squeeze.
"For both of you!" She added, releasing Maverick and making her way towards Y/N, also giving her a hug and checking her for any injuries.

"Didn't know you were worried your majesty" Y/N said silently, still holding a grudge and not wanting to properly apologise.

"I didn't know where yous went or when you'd come back! I didn't know what to think I-"
The queen stopped rambling once she noticed how ripped the twos clothing were.
"Oh your clothes!"

"Uh, H/N and Angus through us but we're not hurt!" Maverick replied.

"Well, you're both home now" Elinor spoke, glancing at Y/N.
"So that's the end of it"

Y/N and Maverick shared a shocked look.
"Honestly?" Maverick asked, turning back towards his mother.

"I've pacified the lords for now, you're father's out there entertaining them" she laughed, bringing her hands to her mouth.
"Of course we both know a decision still has to be made" she then added hesitantly.

Both their  faces fell angrily and Y/N shoved passed Maverick to take the cake off the tray and presented it to the queen.
"For you, your majesty" she fake smiled,

"A peace offering!" Maverick explained, throwing an arm around Y/N as he used the other one to gesture towards the cake.
"Y/N and I made it"

"You-" Elinor took the plate from Y/Ns hands, "got Maverick into the kitchen, to help you make this, for me?"

Y/N nodded, smiling out of nervousness as the queen began to take a bite.
"Hm!" She hummed happily before she started to cringe.
"Interesting flavour" she tried not to gag.

"How do you feel?" Maverick questioned.

"I'm sure we followed the recipe correctly" Y/N still played along, picking up a random cooking book on the table and flicking to a random page.

"What is that?"

"Different?" Maverick continued.
Y/N now nudged him as the queen crouched over and tried not to vomit.

When two fates become one  (Male Merida x reader)Where stories live. Discover now