12. Free man

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The queen had immediately ran for the wisp, trying to catch it.
"Mum! Stop it!"

Then the wisp sat right on tops of Y/Ns head, making her eyes go wide at the queen.

"Mum no!"

"Ahh!" Y/N screamed as she ran away so the queen wouldn't maul her.
She wouldn't have anyway, the queen has only grasped the air where the wisp once was.

Y/N then laughed at the situation before immediately shutting up as Maverick looked stressed. "Mum!" He yelled again as the queen ran off, chasing a wisp.

Until the wisp fall through a tree, making the queen run into in.

Y/N laughed into her hand as Maverick grabbed ahold of her wrist and dragged her over as he muttered under his breath.
"Jings, crivens, help ma boab!"

"Mum! I know you're scared, you're tired, you don't understand- but we've got to keep our heads!" Maverick said firmly as she staggered to stand back up.
"Just calm down. Listen."

They stood quiet as they listened for the wisps again. They stood for a good few seconds, listing to the wisps pretty whispers before turning and seeing one float between two rocks.

When they walked closer, more started to appear, creating a pathway for them to follow.
"...they'll show us the way."

And so they started to walk after them.
"When I die... I want to come back as a wisp." Y/N stated, earning herself a slap on the shoulder from Maverick.

"Don' talk like that'!"

"Ow- what?! That have such an enchanting beauty about them..."


"Mum... look!"

The wisps lead them to this foggy area, before then stood two pieces of stone with another lying on top, creating a sort of door way.
On the stone above, imprinted on it were two axes across eachother.

"This is weird." Y/N stated, looking around as they walked through.

"Why did the wisps bring us here?"

There was this large, broken away stone building that ascended.
they immediately went to investigate.

"Well whoever was living as been gone a very long time- AHHH"
Y/N fell through the floor.


Y/N slid down a pile of rocks before hitting the floor.
"I'm okay!"
Y/N yelled towards them from the opening, shrieking her eyes firm the bright light as they looked down into it.

"What's down there?"

"Uhh" Y/N said loudly and she turned around. "This looks like a throne room."

She suddenly turned around as she heard rocks moving, only to see the Maverick and slid down the pile of rocks to join her.
"Spooky." He teased as he walked towards her.
"You suppose this could've been the kingdom in that story you were telling us? The one with the princes'"

"One, two, three..." Y/N counted as they came across a piece of stone with three men on them. "Four... but this one is not attached to the others."

"He's the oldest." Maverick gasped lightly as he gazed down upon it. "Split! Like the tapestry!"

Y/N gasped as she realised, throwing her hands to her mouth.

Once Maverick touched the piece of stone, he had just as quickly gasped and backed away.

"What?" Y/N asked him with wide eyes. "What happened?!"

"The spell... It's happened before..."

"Okay, This... got a lot more eerie." Y/N backed away with Maverick, her hands held up in the air as she looked at the split away man.

When two fates become one  (Male Merida x reader)Where stories live. Discover now