New Beginnings Part I

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New Beginnings Part I

Ester was twirling rather cheerily in the kitchens. Why? That was because she could finally do so! Her official 'confinement' stage of life has ended after giving birth to her twins and she could leave her room.

Between her room and nursery she had nearly walked a thousand paced miles leaving holes in the floor. She was finally able to go wherever she pleased. Well, okay almost everywhere.

Spring had finally sprung, birds and bees were abuzz in the late month of April and she was so happy! Nothing could bring her down today. Not even the puffy eyes from lack of sleep, her arms sore from holding two well fed babies. And her breasts leaked and were sore from producing so much milk.

Her belly bump had finally started disappearing (yes, something she learned was after pregnancy your belly took time to go back to normal and that was a rather odd time for her). Eloise called it 'post pregnancy pregnancy'.

Daphne called it 'educational for my own pregnancy'. So while Ester shrunk smaller, Daphne grew bigger. Ester thought it was nice to not be the mean pregnant lady for once.

So here she was twirling in the kitchen watching her favorite pastime, Anthony. Another delectable piece of information Eloise informed her of regarding post pregnancy was how hormonal women were. At first Ester didn't believe her but when Anthony came in one night two weeks ago to comfort Jacob from a fit of tears---she believed her then.

Anthony and Ester were a pair of old times again. In fact, Ester believed their marriage to be better than what it was when they were first together. They smiled, laughed, told deep stories and feelings. They were parents to their children and they loved being parents.

Anthony however was a little annoyed having to parent two families being that of his siblings and his actual children but with Benedict learning more things it was becoming quiet easier.

So here Ester was like a crazy lady of the ton watching her husband play a fun game of Pall Mall with Greg and Hyacinth. Franny was painting something in the corner with Benedict reading a book. Eloise and Ester were inside today, Violet was with Daphne while Simon was out for Duke-like events.

Anthony was brilliant at Pall Mall. He never lost and he looked oh so good playing it. His hair was darker, more pristine in its shape compared to it's roguish curls. His face was firmer than before and his body...

"Am I interrupting something?" Eloise called out behind Ester. Ester gave a soft squeal and turned to face her sister-in-law.

"No? Whatever gave you that impression?" Eloise looked to the window, smirked and then looked at Ester.

"Okay, glad we are lying to everyone again." A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she reached for the water bowl for a cool cup.

"How is Penelope?" Ester asked, putting away her own cup of water and finishing her apple. Eloise gave a deep sigh but then a nod.

"She finally wrote back to me and they are coming back to Grovoner's Square for the season, which is rather nice for me because I won't have to endure this terrible season alone." Ester smiled and hugged Eloise tight.

"I think you'll be perfectly fine! Besides Anthony and I will be there to help you the entire time. Mostly me, helping Anthony." Eloise smiled.

"It will be odd not having Mother around for everything but she's no longer in charge now that you are here, with all her Grandchildren. I can only imagine how many children Daphne and Simon will produce. We could make up a whole country as it is." Ester laughed and Eloise and her walked to the patio outside to watch the Pall Mall game.Mar was with her children during their (second) nap so she was able to enjoy some of her day.

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