The Choice Part I

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The Choice Part I

Kate's heart beat in her chest as she looked out the window to the ground below her. The Queen. In all her pacing about the gardens, servants and butlers prancing about following the demanding orders of none other than the Queen.

Trying to trap Lady Whistledown, while planning her wedding....her wedding. When the Queen mentioned that she would be honored to host the wedding of Kate and Lawrence, it touched her heart. Apparently the season's diamond's family holds an importance she had not thought of before.

Kate however worrying over trivial things such as weddings, gossip and servants knew the biggest thing over her thoughts was just merely a week ago. A memory she would never forget.

"There must be something wrong for them to request me, I must go!" He whispered, trying to release Kate's strong grip. She would not budge. Her hands grew tighter around his arm.

"Let go." He asked, his eyes pleading, but Kate did not.

"I will not chase you. Where is the man who vowed to learn to love me just hours ago? Already gone from your mind once Ester Bridgerton calls you?" He paused. Right again, Kate.

"You make your choice now—will you honor your duty to me. Or to Ester."

There was a pause in his steps but he knew his choice. What his mind was screaming to do, thrashing in his thoughts as if they were all but clear.

Lawrence Bane knew that he had an unthinkable fate awaiting him as he made his choice.

He grabbed his top hat and placed it in the pageboy's hands.

"Sir?" the pageboy asked, hesitantly. Holding the hat as if he had never held one before as his left foot held the door open for an escape.

Bane turned back to Kate and firmly gripped Kate's arms, pulling her close. Kate looked around at who was around to witness his display of affection. A slight...very slight but still there fit of butterflies filled her stomach.

"Katherine Sharma, I made a vow to you. A vow I intend to keep. I will choose you. I will always choose you. Come rain or shine you will be my bride. Ester Bridgerton....Anthony Bridgerton...we will soon forget them. Forget our feelings....But I will never forget the feeling of security, warmth and familiarity I felt when I asked you to marry me."

"I may be a man of simplicity but I am not a man of stupidity. My decision to marry you is not a whim. It is not rash and nothing I ever do with you will be. So please, understand that I will stay, here. With you. I will do whatever it takes to prove to you of my feelings. I will."

With that, he tilted his head down to hers. Brown eyes closing over pale lids. Brown lids closing over brown eyes. With the softest touch, the softest kiss their lips met. It was not flames and sugar cubes on her tongue but it was warming.

It was a kiss of truth. She believed his words, once again. Her doubts and insecurities had almost gotten the better of her. Not this time. Not this day. Not now.

Her gloved hands touched her lips to feel the reminder of Lawrence's lips on hers. To remember that moment that defined their relationship. Forever, they would start their together.


Benedict sat besides Ester, along with Eloise as they waited in the hall. Hyacinth and Greggory were running around chasing one another for a ribbon. Eloise was currently reading a book written by a Thomas Braidwood.

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