Victory Part II

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Victory Part II

It was early in the day for the Hearts and Flowers Ball and Ester, Daphne and Violet all sat amongst the voyay finishing final touches to the decorations for the festivities.

"How was your conversation with Miss. Edwina yesterday?" Violet asked Daphne, who was discovering new things to clean for more servants. Ester sat reviewing the invitations...she did not sleep well last night and needed to rest.

"She is certainly a diamond." The group chuckled at the thought. From one diamond to another, a complimentary review.

"So she would be a great fit for Viscount Bane, then?" Ester asked, handing the menus to Mar who took them away to place them in the dining rooms.

"Perfect for Viscount Bane...knows when to smile, comment, be polite and is rather educated." Ester smiled and went to stand up, but a quick bout of lightheaded sat her back down quickly.

"Ester are you alright?" Violet asked, walking over and helping Ester sit back down. She didn't need the help but when it was offered, she took it.

"I'm fine, just tired is all. I haven't been sleeping well." Violet nodded but Ester still saw the concern in her eyes.

"Why would you be unable to sleep? Is it hosting? I felt the same last year." Ester watched Daphne but ignored her question. Ester didn't really want this being a family argument once again. She didn't even know what was happening. There was a large pause, but Daphne filled the silence.

"You know, every time I think my marriage has become simple, Simon and I find some new stone to uncover, a new foible that one of us needs the other to test out and inspect. It is decidedly irritating." Violet let out a huff of air, as well as Ester.

Wasn't that the truth.

"What all is left?" Daphne called between her mother and Ester, as they had nearly approached the time of the ball. Looking at the list Ester sighed.

"That appears to be it, other than the event. Anything that may stump us, I can handle." Only when Ester stood and went to find her own husband, Violet stopped her.

"Ester, why don't you let me handle it. A last..hoorah before I officially discontinue being a hostess...please?" Ester thought for a moment and smiled. "Sure." Violet smiling wrapped Ester in a hug and whispered into her ear.

"Don't let him do this to us again." Ester tried not to frown that yet again, Violet noticed the obscurity of Anthony's recent exchanges with the Sharma's but nodded as if nothing was amiss.

"I wont." She whispered back and went off to the study once more. Only this time, there wasn't a Kate Sharma hiding in the darkness of night. Holding a hand over her stomach, she was brought back to reality--and knocked three times on the door.

"Come in." Anthony said on the other side. When Ester walked in, he was quick to stand and provide her a kiss on the cheek before sitting back down and continuing ledgers.

"The ball is all complete in its set up and your mother has requested to take over from here so I'd say we--well, Daph, your mother and I--have done so in success." Anthony smiled and continued his paperwork.

Ester paced the room, which she knew bothered him but continued to do so. Randomly reading book titles, touching some and no others. Her hands reaching a studying a book with the title;

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